
Sep 22, 2005

of seven here and there

Long overdue se7en meme from Emo-zions, Ang Ku Kueh and Averil. (Who else have I missed out? My memory is quite bad lately)

7 things that scare me...
Drowning in water
Nothing else to laugh
Be limelight in front of big crowds
Losing loved ones
No $$$
No House

7 things that I like most...
Family outings
Have lots of $$$
Stress-free day
No boss
Less work, more pay

7 important things in my room...
Wife, Bed, Pillow No 1, Pillow No 2, Curtain, Door, Fan

7 random facts about me...
Take 5 minutes to shower
Take 5 minutes to do big business
Need to sleep face up, else drool
I am someone who finds $$$ important
I can eat chocolate but not grow fat, get soar throat nia.
I like bah gwa
I can finish 1 tub of choc ice-cream at 1 go

7 things I plan to do before I die...
Earn lots of $$$ for family
Take whole family go long long holiday
Make sure Lancerlady can be housewife and be work-free
Make sure Chewren get good education
Get a Will done
Plan how to die

7 things I can do...
Pang sai and Pang jio simultaneously (who started this?)
Surf internet for hours
Sleep late and wake up the usual time
Watch a movie on TV and most of the time dunno what the movie is all about
Lie down on the bed and doze off in seconds
Able to drive with alot of noise from 2 adults and 2 kids

7 things I can't do...
Remember dates
Be patient
Finish reading a book
Satisfy everybody
Be punctual

7 things I say the most...
Simi sai, Piangz, Fwah, Huh, I dunno, What, Hor

7 celeb crushes...
No have leh.

7 people I'll love to see doing this...
Whoever likes to do this just do then I'll add your name here. :)


  1. Wahaha....5 min to do big business very long already Uncle...I take 3 min to finish up. Clean, Smell, Look, Flush, Wash Hands and Close Door. Enough said.

    Woo...You can't whistle? That's surprising for a guy. No no. Man.

    And ghosts?!

  2. Haha........ I am here to scare you!

    Enjoy reading your blog!


  3. averilchan: You champion. I got lobang in my teeth so whistle become lao hong one. :)

    ghost: I am very afraid. kekeke...


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