Aug 25, 2007

of fidel castro dead?

fidel castro deadThe biggest question floating round the net is whether Fidel Castro is alive.

On 13th August, Fidel Castro's health took a plunge. Since then many blogs have speculated that the communist dictator is dead. But thus far, Bubalu Blog and Perez Hilton has proclaimed Fidel Castro dead. -

From Bubalu Blog,
BREAKING: FIDEL CASTRO IS DEAD. Again, I am loathe to publish the title as I did in this post, but I would be remiss in not telling you all what I know, right now. All of my sources are good but the Cuban government, as we all know, is masterful at controlling media and information and we should not rule out that this and last Friday's "news" have been and are feelers to see what the reactions are here, as well as who reacts within the island. If we've been duped we've been duped. If not, then bust out the champagne. Once again, these may all be rumor to discredit us and other media sources. All we can do is exactly what we've been doing for quite some time now: wait and see. More from Killcastro, with sources from within Cuba.

Bubalu Blog may be having some downtime due to high traffic. Visit Cuban American Pundits for updates.

From Perez Hilton,
Is Castro Dead??? We are hearing very loud rumblings that Cuban dictator Fidel Castro has died, though it could be just a flare-up of the health rumors that have dogged the tyrant recently. No official confirmation yet, but we will be following this story closely.

In another separate post in Perez Hilton,
The Truth Will Come Out. We stand by our story 100%. Fidel Castro is dead! The only way the Cuban government can settle this once and for all, though, is to parade him (alive) around Havana this weekend. No pictures or video!

However, the Cuban Foreign Minister indicated that these rumors are untrue. From the news report at NBC6,
On Thursday, Cuba's foreign minister, Felipe Perez Roque, said rumors about Fidel Castro's deteriorating health are untrue. Roque told reporters in Brazil that the 81-year-old was still in charge of Cuban affairs. He said Castro is "being informed and consulted constantly." Roque made the comments to reporters while attending the Forum for East Asia-Latin American Cooperation in Brazil.

[via Andy World]


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