
Jul 18, 2008

of maughan wellham, 10, youngest female bodybuilder

Concern over youngest bodybuilder

Maughan Wellham, from Thornton, near Newcastle in the Lower Hunter, took part in the Ms Fitness Australia category of the annual International Natural Bodybuilding Association's All Female Classic competition held in Victoria on Saturday.
A TEN-year-old girl's decision to enter a bodybuilding competition has attracted support from her parents but criticism from health and sport experts who say it is inappropriate.

Maughan Wellham, from Thornton, near Newcastle in the Lower Hunter, took part in the Ms Fitness Australia category of the annual International Natural Bodybuilding Association's All Female Classic competition held in Victoria on Saturday.

Photo via Australia Bodybuilding

[via No-Name247]


  1. Anonymous20 July, 2008

    Maughan Wellham is a terrific little athlete, not at all a bodybuilder as wrongly reported in the media. Her parent do not allow Maughan to lift weights, because it would harm her developing body, instead they encourage all their children to exercise, eat the right food and stay fit instead of eating rubbish in front of a TV or computer. Isn't that what we all want our kids to do? Maughan simply wants to pursue her dream of becoming a top 800-meter runner, not a body builder. The media with its sleazy irresponsible reporting has destroyed an innocent little girls dream of becoming an athlete and made her loving caring parents out to be exploitative and irresponsible. This wonderful family deserves to be treated with respect and admiration for encouraging their children to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle not being dragged to the dirt by the media

  2. Anonymous20 July, 2008

    Maughan Wellham is a terrific little athlete, not at all a bodybuilder as wrongly reported in the media. Her parent do not allow Maughan to lift weights, because it would harm her developing body, instead they encourage all their children to exercise, eat the right food and stay fit instead of eating rubbish in front of a TV or computer. Isn't that what we all want our kids to do? Maughan simply wants to pursue her dream of becoming a top 800-meter runner, not a body builder. The media with its sleazy irresponsible reporting has destroyed an innocent little girls dream of becoming an athlete and made her loving caring parents out to be exploitative and irresponsible. This wonderful family deserves to be treated with respect and admiration for encouraging their children to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle not being dragged to the dirt by the media

  3. Anonymous22 July, 2008

    Wow! She is a bona-fide hottie. Yowsers!

  4. Anonymous25 July, 2008

    I agree Maughan Wellham is a terrific athletic, to see her run her favourite race the 800metre, she is amazing, especially since she has only been going to little athletics since Septemper last year. Is this the way to treat our future athletes? do they expect our champions to pop out from no where at age 18 fit enough for the AIS? Would they prefer her to be sitting down on the couch eating chips and tim tams. Shame on the critics.

  5. If she doesn't lift weights, how does she have those biceps and that hard stomach at such a young age? If she were a boy, I could understand. But she's a girl, for God's sake.

  6. Okay 'Jabur', HOW did this little girl get her muscles? I can answer that one...

    she is simply very fit and healthy and follows the intructions of her athletics coach...what, don't tell me you don't know the benifits of occasional push ups?

    Get your facts straight before you cast your judgements, she is a wonderful kid, and what is with your sexist rubbish about boys being fit and strong, but not girls?

    It's year 2008, girls have to learn to respect their bodies, not try to fit some stereotypical male-prefered form... with so many kids with obesity problems and parents dressing little girls in padded bras I would think you'd have more important things to worry about.

    This girl is turning out to be a great emerging athlete. If she was on weights she wouldn't run so fast.

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