For years I've been fascinated by the country and the people. Whenever I linger through the boom town Shanghai, I carry my snap shot camera with me. Because at every corner you can discover people that either are napping in the strangest positions and situations, or are even snoring, while in a deep sleep. The missing mattresses and pillows are noteworthy!
The calmness, the flexibility and the adaptability of those, who are jointly responsible for the revival of China fascinate me. I would be happy, if I could bring over some of these feelings to you.
Now, enjoy a selection from my collection of over 700 photos SLEEPINGCHINESE.
Dec 6, 2008
of sleeping chinese
Sleeping Chinese: A site containing photos of Chinese people sleeping, taken in China. German Bernd has lives in Shanghai since 2003 and he is fascinated not only in China's "boom, speed and culture", he is also fascinated of how the people can be "napping in the strangest positions and situations".
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