
Jan 20, 2009

of meteor hits sweden (video)

Swedish Meteorball: Meteor over south of Sweden, 17th of January 2009. Filmed by Roger Svensson.

I’m getting reports (here (with pictures) and here (translated through Google) and here (also translated)) that a pretty big fireball was seen over Sweden last night. A video showed up on YouTube and it’s impressive.

This meteor may have actually dropped debris all the way to the ground (I doubt it hit intact, but instead disintegrated high in the atmosphere). Despite how bright these events are, tracing just where a meteorite impacted can be difficult, so the more observers the better. If you saw this event, report it to the International Meteor Organization! You might help scientists understand this object better, and it might even lead to finding meteorites, as it did in Canada in November.

Click on image to watch the video

Other links:
- Roger fångade meteoren på film (Roger caught the meteor on film)
- Ljusfenomen över NV-Skåne (Light Phenomena of NV-Skåne)

[via medvetenskap]


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