The line dividing work and leisure time is blurring right before our eyes, says one expert, and it's creating a phenomenon called "weisure time." Many who haven't already abandoned the 9-to-5 workday for the 24-7 life of weisure probably will do so soon, according to New York University sociologist Dalton Conley, who coined the word. It's the next step in the evolving work-life culture. "Increasingly, it's not clear what constitutes work and what constitutes fun," be it "in an office or at home or out in the street," Conley said. Activities and social spaces are becoming work-play ambiguous, he says, as "all of these worlds that were once very distinct are now blurring together."
May 16, 2009
of work + leisure = 'weisure'
Welcome to the 'weisure' lifestyle: "Weisure" is the blurring of work and play.
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