Creator of the infamous Body Worlds exhibitions, anatomist Gunther “Doctor Death” von Hagens, is the shock jock of dead peeps. While much controversy surrounded his displays with skinned corpses riding bikes and playing chess, his new show has an even more scandalous, ahem, position. In his most recent exhibit in Berlin, “Life Cycle,” there is a scene of two people having sex, reverse cowgirl style. But has he finally pushed things too far?
A group of German MP’s, across party lines, have called for the sexy cadavers to be removed. Kai Wegner, a rep for the Christian Democratic Union said, “I am firmly convinced that he just breaks taboos again and again in order to make money. It is not about medicine or scientific progress. It is marketing and money-making pure and simple.”
Jun 27, 2009
of body worlds statues cause controversy in berlin
Body Worlds Sex Statues Cause Controversy In Berlin: Gunther “Doctor Death” von Hagens, creator of the Body Worlds, is drawing more controversy over his recent exhibit in Berin of two people having sex, reverse cowgirl style.
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