
Jul 29, 2009

of the 'al-qaeda' blog which claimed jakarta hotel bombings

'Al-Qaeda' blog claims bombing as Indonesia hotels reopen: "Al-Qaeda Organisation Indonesia" blog has claimed responsiblity for the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton bomb attack in Jakarta. The message in Indonesian and Arabic is signed by "Abu Muawwidz Nur Din bin Muhammad Top". See snapshot of the blog below.

Two luxury hotels struck by suicide bombers less than two weeks ago re-opened Wednesday in Jakarta, as an Internet blog from "Al-Qaeda Organisation Indonesia" claimed responsibility for the attacks.

Police said they could not tell if the claim was authentic but it was being investigated as part of the massive probe into the July 17 twin suicide blasts, which killed seven people including six foreigners.

The message in Indonesian and Arabic is signed by "Abu Muawwidz Nur Din bin Muhammad Top" and praises two "holy warrior brothers" who blew themselves up at the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in central Jakarta.

The statement said the attacks were a "martyrdom operation for jihad" intended as "retribution for the deeds of America and its agents against our Muslim brothers and holy warriors in all corners of the world".
Click here to see the blog (

[via tidak menarik]


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