Jul 24, 2009

of bike lock fight

New York City - Street fight on corner: Cyclist and another guy caught on camera fighting. Cyclist hit the guy with the bike lock. See video below.
I made a pit stop in a starbucks somewhere on the lower east side and i saw this guy who appeared to be a bike messenger (maybe not) and an older asian guy (for sure he was an older asian guy) getting into a fight because they ran into each other at the intersection. the older guy could have walked away but WOULDN'T LEAVE THE BIKE DUDE ALONE, the bike guy even said 'stop following me man', then the bike dude totally let him have it, POW! KRYPTONITE LOCK TO THE FACE LIKE 3 OR 4 TIMES! Dude's face was actually bleeding hard core for like the next 10 minutes, but i had to bounce soon after. People from inside the starbucks did come to his aid, but it all happened pretty fast. Crazy, and oddly enough, the very next day i saw another fight in the street between two women and titties were flyin in that one, high heels bangin on car windows... unfortunately i did not have the camera, bummer. Enjoy.

Click on image to watch the video.

[via The Come Up / BMX]


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