
Dec 17, 2011

of korea singer ali gets criticized for lyrics in song “na young”. reveals she was also a victim of rape

"Na Young" (나영이) is a song written and composed by Korean singer ALi (울컥) about a young girl who was violently raped and assaulted in 2008. The release of the song caused controversy. Netizens criticised that it was disrespectful to Na Young (the victim’s pseudonym) to bring up the issue again.

Korean singer ALi released a statement and held an emergency press conference to address the controversy surrounding her song, "Na Young".

The lyrics in "Na Young" that got criticized the most were
You threw away your youth, selling your body, selling your soul, your entire helpless life has been stolen from you
English lyrics are at the bottom of this post.

Read more (ALi gets criticized for lyrics in her song, "Na Young")

ALi revealed that she too was a victim of rape.
I will now tell you the secret I have kept in my heart for three years, a secret that no one other than my father, mother, and sibling knew of. I apologize again for telling you so late.

I am a victim of rape.....In June of 2008, I was raped by a hoobae I knew from a group I was a part of. I was cruelly abused. I was hit in the face with a fist and suffered a broken cheekbone, needing four weeks of rest to recover. I was taken somewhere in a cab while unconscious, and I was raped. That hoobae, that criminal was arrested and taken to court. During the 1st round, he received a prison sentence of two years (suspended for four years) along with 200 hours of community service. However, due to the fact that there were no witnesses and evidence, he was deemed not guilty on the charges.
Read more (ALi reveals she is a victim of rape)
See more photos taken during the press conference (나영이-곡-논란-알리-아버지와-함께-참석-사죄드린다)

Watch and listen to Na Young ALi - Na Young

"Na Young" English Lyrics
The sound of the light and wind, falling from the sky
It rides the leaves and it rides the snowstorm

The deep sounds of the ocean from the ends of the earth
It shines on the sun, it shines on the sky

It's hard even to be alive and to breath
So she waits for the sun to set
She doesn't try to run away anymore
She stands there and waits for the moon to rise

The gray light that seeps out of a young girl's wet eyes
You threw away your youth, selling your body, selling your soul
Your pitiful life has been taken away from you

In this dizzy world, when you hope for a warm and brilliant love
Can you feel - can you feel it?
In the soiled heart, when you want a true and pure love
Can you do that - can you do that?

Looking here and there but you still can't believe in this world
Even if the world flows by so quickly, even if time leaves us
Trust your mind, trust your mind

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