【今日强打】17岁少年疑“玩”脚踏车时,从4楼的楼梯间,不慎连人带车飞坠而下,车毁人亡。 本报记者在现场发现,楼梯间旁有大约半米高的围栏。死者叫林恩伟,(译音,洋名Sean)坠楼后陷入昏迷,嘴角流血,身上多处骨折。男生被送院途中,救护人员一直不放弃帮他抢救,可惜仍返魂乏术,少年送到医院后伤重身亡。意外发生在昨晚9时23分,地点在武吉班让信佳路(Senja Road)第625座旁多层停车场的4楼楼梯间。Bicycle stunt went wrong at Bukit Panjang multi-storey carpark
Tech Whye's Principal wrote on Facebook,
Just received the sad news that one of our former students, Sean Lim En Wei (5B, 2012), has passed away due to an unfortunate accident. My condolences to Sean's family and loved ones.
I chose to post this photo of him as I remember him for being one who lived life to the fullest, was a responsible leader who cared for people around him and went out of his way to serve. He impressed me with his initiative to participate in the Youth Volunteer Involvement Programme to serve the community even though he was in his graduating year preparing for the national exams.
Sean will live on in our hearts, a reminder to all Teck Whyeans of the need to make full use of our lives to make a difference.
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