
Aug 3, 2013

of bloodhound gang desecrates russian flag

During a concert in Odessa, bass player Jared Hasselhoff desecrated a Russian flag by shoving it inside his pants and then threw it into the crowd.

A concert that was supposed to be given by the American rock band Bloodhound Gang at a festival in the Kuban Region will not be taking place after an incident involving the Russian flag in Odessa, wrote Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medina on his Twitter microblog.
Read more:
Read more (Group Bloodhound Gang desecrates Russian flag, banned from Kuban)

Jared Hasselhoff russian flag
Watch Bloodhound Gang, Odessa, 'Ibiza' 31/07/13. So sorry, Russia - флагом России подтерлись

Bloodhound Gang не пустили на Кубань. ВИДЕО


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