Jul 21, 2005

of speechless

You steal from her, also means you are stealing from us.

Update: I am even more speechless. You stole from her too.

Update 2: Added this "no value" Wanted Sign.


  1. being famous has its pros and cons...

    maybe its the works of the XLX?

  2. i think wonkytong was the most innocent, stab in the dark and she kena....cruel! *waves fist*

  3. kukukucinta: ya. Hey what is the XLX. Reveal one more letter leh. I very goondu one.

    ah 9: not *waves finger* huh?

  4. the blogger, xialanxue???

  5. Sh*t...blog also want to hack..this people. It's like missing your diary, nothing valuable materially but its priceless....F#@k these people..KNNCCB!

  6. Wow! Really really shock!

    I only found out after my husband told me that XX's blog is wiped clean. He visits her blog everyday. We are all very very sad this happened. The NUS Comp Sci school should work on this case as their next research project. A*STAR will fund the project.

  7. kukukucinta: Orh...I thot wat.

    agent x: To them assheads, hack anything also 'song'. "They lovin' it".

    the diva: Ya ya. Think there's a group that manages all these. But hacking into blogs maybe they not interested.


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