
Oct 5, 2013

of three girls crush wailing puppy to death (video)

A new “crush video” is making the rounds on social media showing three girls in shorts stomping on a wailing puppy until it died. The barefoot women, whose faces were shown on the video, are allegedly Filipinas. It caught the attention of the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), which has launched a search for the women and other people involved in the production of the video.

Read more (3 girls crush wailing puppy to death)

Warning: Graphic Content


  1. 3 girls crush wailing puppy to death CRUSH VIDEO
    VIDEO ONLINE Streaming :

    1. That's so sexy !! I wish nothing more to be crushed under her feet

    2. i wish and want it to be me, trample me ladies, also trample, walk, jump on my balls and dick full weight, when they lay helpless on a cockbox , do hurt my nuts and dick, how much do you ladies weigh? i wanna feel your weight. and also lick your barefeet.

    3. Anonymous30 July, 2019

      Wtf is wrong with u that puppy is dead and u are Incoraging them to do it again u are sick

    4. Anonymous31 July, 2019

      I know I was thinking the same thing what the hell is wrong with people the only reason i watched this is becuase j couldn't believe it was true but now that I'm here and reading these comments it makes me sick to my stomach

    5. Anonymous31 July, 2019

      I was thinking the same thing too people are fucking sick. This is the reason were all going to die someday I'm surprised nobody has tracked the IP of the original upload

  2. this is a fucking scam... every time i take a survey or download an offer, it never submits the completion so it never downloads the file i want. eat shit and die or get a legit offer, or here's an idea, just put a direct download link without all the bullshit.

  3. vuestras putas madres desgraciadas como os pille os juro k os mato maltratadoras de animales como os atreveis a tanto ..a matar a un minino tan mono un ser vivo tiene sentimientos y respira como vosotra estupidas no teneis alma ni corazon lo teneis de piedra ojala os ensieren hijas puta ....ojala os murais como ese perrito indefenso..hasta eso seria poco para vosotras con k derecho le kitais la vida ehh..os maldigo.

  4. I hope that you will find these girls and put away, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

  5. Wtf you dumb hoes

  6. All three girls are bitches and if i saw these three I gone shoot all such devils. How they kill such innocent little puppy.

  7. Just no words for this. They should all be tied down and have a 60 pound bag of concrete dropped on there chest till they die. God will judge these women.

  8. I mean this is sexy:):):)

    1. Anonymous28 May, 2018

      Love the screams of him~ He should be happy to be trampled alive under those sexy, sweaty feet :p

    2. Fuck you what the fuck is wrong with you bitch

    3. I hope your dick is cut off and you get castrated so you can't get an erection anymore so you could probably jerk off to this sick shit and also so that you can't have children and pollute the earth with your semen

    4. Sexy will be when I put a 100 ft long iron rod in your ass and keep on pushing it until it passes from every of your organs and comes from mouth and again passes from. Your brain.. die and suck the dick of Satan bitch


  9. Anonymous21 May, 2018

    Delete this video immediately

  10. Anonymous26 June, 2018

    Lo mejor es que las ratas bastardas que hicieron el video ya estan en prision y ojala los maten ahi dentro.

  11. I pray God that these funking girlssare raped like.... This. ...God listening....

  12. This is amazing... fucking puppies have the most annoying screams and yelps.. I've wanted to do this to one for so long.. nice to see it actually happen for once! 10/10!

    1. I agree with you, nothing hotter than a pathetic animal understanding its place in the world

    2. This would be amazing when I crush you with an hammer.. bones, ribs, skull, organs.. I'll blend them in grinder and present it to the same puppy was been crushed.. you and those bitches would be dying in hell and never wanted to rebirth...

    3. Anonymous31 July, 2019

      You're amazing thank you. People are so sick for thinking this is hot. I cant wait till the white hat hackers find them and destroy them but first make them suffer by taking all there money then killing them slowly by seeping CO2 into there homes little by little

  13. dumb ass mother fucker how could you say dat dat puppy is so cute yea she has great feet but those bitch need to go to hell or get crushed bye someone else see how
    they like it

  14. I want to get crushed by these sexy long legs 😍😘😘

    1. Bro get me a pistol bro... I'll burst your head right now ... Fucking souless bitch

  15. Replies
    1. Can I help you with that.. just get me a shotgun a d I'll blast your dirty mind right off..

  16. I wish i could do this

    1. I wish i can get a gun and shoot you and those 3 girls

  17. I want to feel the soft fur beneath my feet, the crunching off bones and the wailing of the dog/puppy. I want to feel the blood between my toes.

    1. And I want you to come to my home... I'll drop you from 100th floor.. I would like to hear the sound of your bones crushing while you drop.. I want your skill to be broken and want you to die and go to hell.. heaven is closed.. sorry

    2. Anonymous10 May, 2019

      I'd never have the heart to do something like this myself, but it is interesting to think about. Being able to do only the sexiest things you like from videos. Take your time to rub your (dirty) feet on the puppy to humiliate him a bit, maybe make him lick the same feet that are going to be tormenting him soon. Slowly start introducing some pain when you're done teasing him. Step on his little paws, drill his eyesocket with your heel while he's still lively enough to enjoy it. Then once you've loosened him up enough, make him cum his brains out of his nose for the finish :)

    3. Anonymous31 July, 2019

      What the fuck is wrong with. Hackers will find you and torture you someday. You will regret these words

  18. Hi Which lady can trampling my balls?

  19. I would finish these 3 bitches the same way they did the dog

  20. Anyone who thinks this kind of cruel, inhumane and disgusting behavior towards an innocent defenseless puppy is okay..then you need to seek professional mental help ASAP. I am disturbed by some of the comments on here and the people who actually like this video then do the world a favor and kill yourselves. By the way... I read up on this video and it turns out that the 3 girls were arrested and charged, and the sick man and woman who paid these girls to do this got LIFE in prison and in countries like the in prison means life in prison. Justice was served for the puppy and all the other animals that they tortured and killed, those scumbags will spend the rest of their miserable lives rotting in a shitty jail cell. To all you sick and twisted pieces of shit who like this video... I seriously hope you drop dead.

    1. Why but why only jail?? That doesn't take their lives?? That don't tortured them??.. they must be punished and critical tortured that they will never want to live in earth... That should have been happened.. jailing is normal... People just don't get tortured they just cut their lives that's it.. this is not the real justice for the puppy..

  21. Please somebody give me their address plzz guys... If anybody knows plzz I'll book my flight right now to that place or whatever I'll torture those bitches like their soul has been given to hello.. I'll also make a video on these bitches getting tortured till death... Srsly guys I'm so serious plzz give me the address

    1. Calm the fuck out,you dicksucker piece of shit. It was just a fucking puppy

    2. Anonymous18 July, 2019

      fuck you! just a puppy? I hope someone kills you and hear someone say "it was just a fucking moron" Go kill yourself!

    3. Anonymous18 July, 2019

      @ZHODES So you condone the torture and killing of innocent, defenseless animals? WTF is wrong with you? You must be one of those wannabe serial killers. I hope you don't have any kids or never have any because you would probably stomp on them to death if they made you mad. Seek professional help buddy because you are clearly mentally disturbed.

    4. " just a fucking Morón ", shut the fuck up, you asshole, that was just a pathetic fucking puppy, you cry like a bitch

    5. Anonymous26 July, 2019

      Go kill yourself you sick fuck! Someone needs to put you out of your misery. You probably jerk off to shit like this and that is why people like you have no place in society. No one wants a peice of shit like you around. I'm sure you are lonely in your life, but that's what happens when you act like a sick and twisted psychopath.

    6. I'm not gonna kill myself only cause you ask for it, so go suck a dick and shut the fuck up, that fucking dog dererved to die, like you asshole, period

    7. Anonymous31 July, 2019

      Then I will ask some hackers to find you for me

    8. If you come to my house, I will fucking kill you

    9. Anonymous31 July, 2019

      Someone needs to kill you. How in the hell would an innocent puppy "deserved" to die? Did a dog attack you and that's why you have something against dogs? If anyone deserves to die it's YOU! Because you are a fucking mental case. Maybe someday someone will murder someone who you care about and then someone might say "they deserved to die anyway" Something is seriously wrong with you. You need a straight jacket and shock treatments.

    10. I'm gonna fucking kill anybody who tries to do something to me, you dicksucker, It's so exciting how those 3 beautiful girls killed that fucking pathetic dog piece of shit, I post whatever I want on the internet, so stop crying like a bitch

    11. You won't be able to stop us from coming after you. Find a good place to hide because you are going to suffer a worse death than that puppy

    12. Why don't you come here alone ? you coward asshole, I'm gonna kill all of you

    13. You'll get yours, you will get exactly what's coming to you. By the way you also admitted that you are sexually attracted to those girls and guess what those girls are under 18 which would make you a pedophile. Nobody is going to miss someone like you.

    14. I only said they're beautiful, you asshole, now the reality is that you are not only a coward bitch, but also a fucking liar, you're gonna die

    15. LIAR!!! You get off on under age girls stomping on an animal. YOU ARE A PEDOPHILE AND YOU WILL BE TAKEN OUT WITH THE TRASH!

    16. stop distorting the reality by saying I'm a pedophile you coward dicksucker, you are a fucking liar who got butthurt only cause I insulted that fucking dog

    17. PEDOPHILE!!!!!

    18. if anyone wants to track him, i can kill zhodes if you provide transportation. Ive always wanted the chance to use my crossbow on a pedophile sociopath.

    19. you'll kill me ? did you know I could make a complaint against your death threat right ? but in order to defend myself I'm gonna say that if you come here I'm gonna rip your fucking head off, you dicksucker piece of shit, so you better calm the fuck down, you coward asshole that threatens behind a PC... fuck you and fuck that shitty puppy

    20. It wasn't a threat, it was a promise. If anyone is willing to send your location and transport me, I will. Botched abortions like yourself don't belong in this world. And I sincerely doubt you have the strength to rip my head off, let alone get close enough to try. Why don't you save us both the trouble and just slit your wrists and do push-ups in salt water ok?

    21. I'll be waiting, you dicksucker, try to do something to me if you can, you promise then I swear that if you come here I'm gonna rip your fucking head off, you and that fucking puppy are the same: coward and pathetic shits

    22. Not really, im not cowardly at all. You on the other hand show that you are a major pussy. If you feel so confident in yourself that you will be able to beat me, send your address. Unless your a fucking pussy, you should have nothing to be concerned about.

    23. you are a dicksucker piece of disgusting shit who threatens others behind a pc and behind an " Annonymous ", and now I'm the " coward ", how funny. do you think I'm gonna do what a coward cunt that I don't even know órders to me ? why don't you post yours ? and post your names and last names if you dare. you deserve to die like that fucking puppy

    24. Prove me wrong then,if your not a pussy then send your info. You seem confident enough in your own abilities to take me on, so what are you afraid of? Perhaps your scared that if you do, one of the many others in here will finish you off? Sounds like a pussy move to me

    25. afraid of what ? you are the dicksucker who began to threat so fucking cowardly behind a pc, and who the shit are the others ? a bunch of
      coward bitches like you ? that sounds so logic, threatening only cause I insulted a fucking dead dog, wow you are such a sensitive cunt

    26. Not really, I just dont like pedophile sociopaths. And i find it pretty fucking hilarious that you have such a limited vocabulary and proceede to call me a coward and judge me for the same thing that you are doing. Not only are you a botched abortion swine, your are a hypocrite as well.

    27. pedophile sociopaths ? now result that not only you are a dicksucker who cowardly threatens with death behind a pc ( which is a crime ), but also you are a fucking mythomaniac by calling me a pedophile... why I'm a supposed pedophile, you semen swallower ? cause I I'm glad that fucking dog is dead? coward shits like you shouldn't exist, seriously

    28. This is getting tiresome. Typically I don't converse with dimwitted dropouts like yourself, but I've humored you this far. This will be the last time that I waste energy talking to you. I'll just leave it with another offer for anyone that reads this that I will end you. Maybe I'll see you in the future, though yours will be all used up at that point. So go ahead, type your last pathetic response, and make it count. I won't be talking to you any longer.

    29. I knew it, you are a dicksucker who is hidden so cowardly behind an anonymous nickname, and threatened me with death only cause I made fun about that fucking puppy... you better don't mess with me or I'm gonna murder you, son of a bitch , you don't know that there are people stronger and rougher than you, so long you coward cunt

    30. You really do deserve to die, no joke. You don't belong on this earth. You are nothing but a sick and sad walking disaster. Please don't reproduce because you will be infesting the world. Just go die already!

    31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    32. you deserve to die, fuck you, that fucking dog deserved to die tortured deliciously by those hot girls, deal with it

    33. No, you are the one who deserves to die and most people would agree with me. I will tie you to a tree and use you for target practice. Deal with it you sick mother fucker!

    34. I don't care, fuck you, son of a bitch and I loved the way that dead puppy piece of shit died

    35. Explain why an innocent puppy deserves to die like that? You probably think that human babies deserve to die like that too. That is exactly why you are a sick, mentally disturbed individual. You probably have no friends, your family probably wants nothing to do with you. You are a miserable cock sucker. End of story.

    36. I don't have anything to explain to you, you dicksucker, I just love how that fucking dog screamed, it was so exciting so stop yelling like a bitch

    37. LOL so you admit to being sexually aroused by hearing a puppy cry in pain. You are a disgusting, worthless, mentally unstable peice of shit and I'm willing to bet anything that you have no woman in your life and you probably haven't gotten laid in several years, but what woman would want to be with a retard who jerks off to animals being tortured and killed, no woman wants to be with a sick mother fucking psycho!

    38. I don't give a single fuck about all that shit you posted, you dicksucker, I don't need a fucking relationship, I really enjoyed how those hot girls tortured that shit puppy, I'd personally crushed that little shit, so fuck off

    39. Thanks for admitting that you are one lonely, miserable scumbag. You are not in a relationship because no one wants to be with someone like you. You will die alone and nobody will give a flying fuck. You have absolutely nothing to live for. Kill yourself.

    40. wow your words hurt me so bad, lol...
      and you think I'm gonna kill myself only cause a fuckface like you asks for it ? go suck a huge dick and stop yelling like a bitch, you and that fucking puppy can go straight to hell

    41. Hes still alive? Bummer, i was hoping one of you would have got him by now, or hacked and posted his info so i could find him at least.

    42. I see you are still butthurt for that fucking shitty puppy, you aren't gonna be able to put a single fucking finger on me anyway, so be very careful with threatening someone on internet you dicksucker,I said clearly I'm gonna murder you if you come here

    43. Call the cops on me then lol and I will make sure to tell them that you have a fetish for animala being tortured and killed and then they will know how much of a sick, disturbed individual you are and maybe they will throw you in a padded room somewhere in a psychiatric hospital where you belong. People like you deserve to be killed and no cop is going to have any sympathy for you.

    44. Zhodes is so clueless that he doesn't even know that those three ugly ho's actually got arrested for what they did and that the people who were running this illegal operation got a life sentence in prison. That's demented he is

    45. first of all learn to differentiate between a fact and a comment on internet you dumbfuck...
      I can post whatever I want on the web, but you are a sick and coward cunt,that threatens other peolple with death, only cause they said something you didn't like lol, and that's a crime... I'm gonna keep saying that puppy piece of shit deserves to die, and you too, you dicksucker

    46. and I know sadly those hot girls are in prison, you dumbass,so you, coward cunt

    47. LMFAO! Someone is angry right now, did I strike a cord with you? You can try to defend yourself all you want, there is a right and a wrong and you are in the wrong, there is nothing okay about tourting and killing animals, normal people are not okay with this, you are mentally ill and it doesn't take a psychiatric doctor to see it, jerking off to animals getting killed is far from normal. Someone needs to pink slip you and send you to the funny farm. You are fucking nuts.

    48. yes, you are angry cause you are a fucking cunt that yells only cause I love the fact that dog piece of shit was tortured to death... and who the shit are you to give moral lessons ?
      also there's nothing okay with threatening somebody with death just cause somebody said something you didn't like, fuck you

    49. It's a lot worse to condone the torture and killing of innocent animals than someone hurting your feelings online. You brought this on yourself, if you had just kept your mouth shut then you wouldn't have people threatening you. If you are going to dish something out then don't be surprised when someone dishes something back to you. Now go take your thorazine and shut the fuck up you mental case.

    50. Don't listen to zhodes...he is a child molester who watches kiddie porn and gets a hard on over watching puppies be tortured. He is a sick person. He probably watches the video shown above several times a day, every day. There is no help for people like that, someone should round people like him up and shoot them one by one and video tape it, now that would be a video that I would love to see. No hope in the world for disturbed schizophrenics like zhodes.

    51. you are distorting the reality you dicksucker... you can't compare a fact from a comment you saw on internet, I made fun about that fucking dead dog leaving you so butthurt, it's not my fault if you yell like a cunt after that

    52. saying that I'm a " child molester ", and I watch " cp " is a defamation, and that's a crime too, you asshole, so be careful with that you dumbfuck, cause you can't do shit without any proofs, there are many coward dicksuckers like you that think they are pseudo heroes and make shit up about other people, just cause those people made something you didn't like... you and that puppy piece of shit can suck a donkey's dick

    53. Apparently you need some anger management classes. Look at you spinning like a top. You are bitter at the world, you obviously hate your life and you want to drag other people down with you in your misery. Keep yelling and screaming because every post you make just proves my point that you are mentally ill and a useless peice of shit, no wonder everyone hates you. You are pathetic

    54. If Zhodes condones a puppy being stomped to death then he probably condones a human baby being stomped to death.

    55. I'm still waiting for that crazy mother fucker to call the cops on me. He probably won't because he knows that it will backfire on him. Torturing and killing animals like a puppy is a felony. I already took a screen shot of all the crazy shit this retard posted. I actually hope this sick, crazy person calls the cops on me. What is he waiting for? Maybe because the cops will throw him in a insane asylum.

    56. and now the asshole is a pseudo psychologist... It's so fucking funny how you assume I have a mental illnes, when you are a yelling bitch that threatens other people just cause someone said something you didn't like leaving you so butthurt lol... you are so fucking desperate that now you are yelling like a fucking cunt x3

    57. " then he PROBABLY condones a baby human stomped to death"... you are making assumptions you coward asshole, I could say you are a serial killer that threatens with death only cause someone left you butthurt by saying a comment, you do what the fucking pseudo heroes of internet of today do: making shit up to support their fucking and emotional point

    58. read carefully you dicksucker piece of nauseating shit... I also took a screenshot of all the fucking shit you posted, and you are clearly making a defamation, and threatening with death and that's punished with jail... why don't you call the cops then uh ? do you really think the fucking cops will answer a false alarm call ( which is a crime too ), just cause an offended bitch like you felt butthurt by a simplecomment on internet ? lol I'm gonna keep saying that fucking pathetic puppy piece of shit deserved to die deliciously crushed and also the coward dicksuckers like you

    59. Keep ranting you pedophile. No one would piss on you if you were on fire. No puppy deserves to die, you deserve to die, nobody cares about you. You probably don't even have a job and collect disability because you are mentally ill. Now carry on jerking off to tourted animals and little girls. That is what you do.

    60. you keep yelling for a fucking dead dog, you dicksucker, and keep making defamation and threatening with death without giving your name behind a PC you criminal son of a bitch, I'm so glad that puppy piece of disgusting shit dead tortured and the fucking cowards who pretend to be false heroes like you deserve to die in hell

    61. Awwww poor baby, you are such a whiney little bitch. You may be glad that dog is dead, but I'm glad that those sick bastards who were involved got a life sentence in prison and the day you die nobody will care. You have absolutely nothing to live for. You are a useless, sick son of a bitch. Your mother should have aborted you.

    62. There's a special place in hell for people like zhodes! He is a pedophile. If he isn't then he wouldn't get so defensive about it. Notice how he foams at the mouth whenever someone calls him that? That's because it's true.

    63. lol you are the cunt who cries for a fucking dead dog and now I'm the " poor baby ", your mom is a fucking slut who has to collect semen of several gangsta dudes for you to born, keep yelling you asshole, besides I'd personally kill that shitty puppy so fuck off

    64. what a retarded logic I must say, you are a dicksucker who isn't even capable to post with a nickname and hides behind an " anonymous ", you are a criminal by making defamation and threatening with death, so be very careful, you must be so fucked up to think you are the " good " here, this is real life, not a movie you dumbfuck

    65. and the coward whore deleted a comment lol, you're so " brave ", keep making assumptions like a coward cunt, you are doing it very well

    66. Someone is furious. LOL!!!

    67. Zhodes, we have found you.
      Your time is limited.

    68. dare to come here if you can, you son of a bitch, that fucking puppy deserved to die anyways

    69. I hope you get the Corona virus and die. I hope they won't put you on a ventilator and you drown in your own lung fluids.

    70. wow I feel so bad, you son of a bitch, my dick turns so hard everytime I watch those 3 beautiful sexy girls killing that fucking dog, so fuck you and fuck that dog piece of shit

    71. Karma is a bitch and so are you. Don't worry you will get what's coming for you. You seem like a miserable person anyway. No one will miss you. Have a nice day and don't forget to rot in hell.

    72. This comment has been removed by the author.

    73. karma is a bitch, uh ? then karma is your mother,you asshole I'm so glad that fucking puppy is dead, I'd have crush that little shit personally, long live to those 3 beautiful and sexy girls who made an awesome job

    74. You seem to have way too much time on your hands. You have commented on here numerous times over and over again. Get a life loser! Your mom should have used a coat hanger on you and your mother is probably a whore anyway, but keep commenting on here, it just proves my point that you have nothing else better to do. Get a job and get a life you pathetic mother fucker

    75. you're nobody to tell me what to do, you dicksucker piece of shit, your mom is a bitch who should've aborted you,my dick gets so hard everytime I watch those 3 beautiful delicious girls killing that fucking dog, that puppy was so fucking pathetic, that shit deserved to die crushed and that's for sure

    76. You're the one who is pathetic. The Corona virus will get you and you will suffocate and die and that would be a thrill to watch a pathetic mother fucker like you die. You're mother sucks cocks in hell and so will you. You are nothing. You are scum and you deserve to be wiped off this earth. Keep ranting on here though, you are doing a great job being a whiney faggot. Bye cock sucker.

    77. you keep swallowing semen with shit, you dicksucker, your fucking mom had to collect semen to have you cause she's a disgusting cunt, it's so awesome to see how those 3 delicious girls kill that fucking puppy piece of shit, I wish those type of videos kept being made seriously, fuck you asshole

    78. Keep dreaming retard. These types of videos are illegal dumbass and that's why they are not continued being made. You are one sick mother fucker to like shit like this. I am willing to bet anything that if those 3 cunt rags were stomping on a human baby and it was crying you would probably say "that baby was pathetic anyway". You have serious issues that need to be addressed. If someone were to set you on fire and burn you alive you would be screaming out in pain, anyone would and maybe someone will call you pathetic for screaming out in pain. I'm done talking to a low IQ retard like you. Carry on being a pathetic piece of shit. Bye bitch boy.

    79. yes, you keep screaming like a fucking bitch, you dicksucker, there are so many people that keep making those kind of videos and the fucking police haven't found them yet which is so cool, that fucking dog deserved to die, I love the way that shit screamed killed by those 3 sexy fuckable angels, and the sjw like you can't do shit about it so fuck off

    80. You retard. The police DID arrest those ugly cunts and other people involved. Some of those people got a life sentence in prison, so your claim that the police didn't do shit about it is false. You seem like an angry person who hates life in general. Your family probably has nothing to do with you, you probably don't have a woman, you probably don't have any friends and I can see why. No one wants anything to do with a useless, demented, psychotic retard like you, but keep ranting on here. You are only proving my point that you have no life and that you're unhappy with your life. You obviously have nothing to live for. Drop dead you fucking retarded bitch.

    81. you who are screamimg like a fucking bitch not me, lol, now you are a pseudo psychologist to tell me how I'm feeling, you asshole dickface, the fucking cops not always get the people who kill little shits like that fucking dog killed by those 3 sexy fuckable girls, I really hope many more videos like that keep being made, I just wanna watch many more puppies pieces of shit being killed, crushed and wrecked to death cause It's so funny and exciting to watch, and you and nobody can't do shit about that so go fuck yourself

    82. Calling 14 and 15 year old girls "fuckable"? Wow! You fucking pedophile! All pedophiles deserve to die, not dog. Rot in hell you piece of shit child molester! I should report you to the authorities. Bye you sick fuck. Enjoy prison.

    83. a comment isn't enough proof to call someone a pedophile, you dicksucker piece of shit, call the fucking cops if you want, those assholes won't do shit against me, that fucking puppy in the video deserved to die by those 3 fuckable girls, and also the fucking sjws like you should be killed, so go suck many cops dicks and keep swallowing shit you son of a disgusting bitch, I'll keep enjoying watching videos of fucking puppies being killed and deliciously wrecked, now die you semen swallower

    84. Okay you fucking child molester. You watch shit like this and I will bet anything that you watch kiddie porn as well. You are fucking sick in the head. I am pretty sure that most people would agree with me that child molesters deserve to die way more than a defenseless animal. Someone should take you out back and put a bullet in your head and someone should film it and it would get millions of likes since everyone in the world hates child predators. You are the one who deserves to die. You will get what you deserve someday. Bye you fucking child molester!

    85. you have no brain, you son of a fucking bitch, calling someone a " child molester " just for a comment isn't enough proof, so you are a coward cunt who makes defamation behind a pc, you don't even have a name, you dicksucker, your double moral is so funny, wishing the death behind a pc and believing you are a fucking hero or smtng, I'm gonna say wathever I want on the web, I'd fuck those 3 sexy and delicious girls who killed that fucking dog, and I'd totally rip that fucking pathetic puppy piece of shit in half, many more puppies deserve to be crushed to death very slowly in a very painful death, and you can't do any shit about it, you asshole who's a true sjw pussy

    86. Lol you say you're not a pedophile but yet you say you want to fuck those girls who are 14, 15 years old. That makes you a pedophile and you can deny it all you want, but it's the truth, maybe you like underage girls because you can't find a woman your age , but can't say I blame them, no woman in her right mind would want to be with a sick, twisted, psychotic, drooling retard like you. All pedophiles deserve to be executed. I would love to torture scumbags like you to death and watch you scream out in pain. Die child molester! Die!

    87. yeah, I'm gonna keep saying I'd love to fuck those 3 sexy angels who tortured and killed that fucking dog piece of fucking shit, so what ? a comment isn't enough proof, you dicksucker only know to make defamations behind an Annonymous label, that's a crime too, so don't believe you're the good one here you dumbfuck, I'd rip your fucking head off if I faced you, so be careful with threatening like a coward pussy behind a pc, I hope many more puppies die ripped to shreds

    88. Then call the cops on me you fucking pedophile. Please do so. Because it's going to backfire on you and I will show the authorities all the comments you made on here and there is a ton of sick comments from you on here and the cops will think that you are sick in the head and disturbed. So go right ahead. You say that you will keep saying what you want on here and I will continue to call you a pedophile scumbag. The cops will not have any sympathy for you, trust that!

    89. " a lot of pedophile comments ", lol, you defamator bitch, are you really so fucking stupid to think that's enough proof to acuse someone ? you are who likes to suck cop's dick, not me, so I'm gonna keep wishing the death of many more fucking puppies like that shit of the video, killed by 3 sexy fuckable angels, and you're gonna keep yelling as the coward cunt you are

    90. Ok pedophile

    91. This comment has been removed by the author.

    92. keep calling others " pedophile ", you defamatory cunt

    93. Ok pedophile

    94. you defamatory cunt

    95. Ok pedophile

    96. you defamatory bitch

    97. Ok pedophile

    98. you defamatory bitch

    99. Ok pedophile. Carry on jerking off to underage girls you sick fuck. Why don't you sue me lol.

    100. keep making defamations like a coward cunt you dicksucker, I don't give a single fuck about that fucking dog tortured to death and crushed by those 3 fuckable angels, so keep screaming all you want you dumbfuck

    101. You need to go talk to a shrink and get on some anti psychotic medication. You are a mental case with a ton of issues. Get some help psycho.

    102. " with a ton of problems ", lol, you don't even know me, so go fuck yourself and don't act like a pseudo-therapist just cause I said that fucking dog killed by those 3 fuckable girls was so exciting

    103. Anonymous02 May, 2020

      I don't need to know you to see that you are mentally ill. You're comments speak for itself. Anyone who thinks that torturing and killing an innocent puppy is okay is not normal. Get some help.

    104. ok pseudo-tharspist, now go fuck yourself cause I'gonna keep watching these exciting videos like, this where a fucking puppy is killed by 3 sexy fuckable girls

    105. Anonymous03 May, 2020

      Good because I contacted the authorities about you yesterday. I even e mailed them all of your sick comments about you watching illegal videos and also of you admitting that you like to fuck children and the authorities were deeply disturbed by your claim that you are into little girls and yes they said that you could face time in jail so have fun in jail. I'm sure the other inmates will have a field day with you since a lot of inmates hate child molesters, maybe they will run a train on you. Have a good one you sick psychotic freak.

    106. well, I have to say you are a dicksucker piece of shit... first of fall those cops will realize all the death threats that I have received, and that is clearly a crime, second: the defamation is a crime too, and you, bunch of social justice warriors pieces of a fucking shit, have made a lot of them against me, and that's a crime too... do you really think those fucking cops couldn't send you to jail for giving a false alarm and making false accusations ? the comments AREN'T ENOUGH PROOF, SO YOU FUCKED YOURSELF... third, you are such a hypocritical son of a bitch, I mean first you, with the other pseudo-heroes dicksuckers, call those " little girls. ", a bunch of killer bitches,wanting them to get raped to die and burned alive and ripped off in jail, and now you " defend " them ?... seriously ? go fuck yourself you asshole,learn to be brave, you are a coward pussy and a hypocritical pussy even behind a pc... an fourth, I CAN POST WHATEVER IN WANT ON INTERNET, THOSE COPS DICKSUCKERS AREN'T GONNA DO SHIT TO ME... did I make that clear ? I'm gonna keep saying I'd fuck those 3 little girls who killed that fucking dog piece of a fucking shit, and I'm gonna keep watching videos of fucking puppies being tortured and killed and little girls getting fucked, so fuck and throw your fucking self to the subway

    107. Anonymous04 May, 2020

      Have fun in jail:)

    108. fuck you, I'm not gonna go to jail only cause I posted that I'm so glad that those 3 fuckable girls killed that dog piece of shit, well I know many more of those videos exist so I wish they kept being made

    109. Anonymous05 May, 2020

      Thos videos are illegal you simpleton and that's why they are not being made these videos are just as illegal as child porn and I'm sure you probably look at that too. The authorities will seize your computer and when they find all these disgusting illegal videos you will be brought up on charges and you will probably have to register as a sex offender. Someone should post pictures of you all over your neighborhood warning people to keep their children away from you since you are a sick son of a bitch and you will get arrested, it's just a matter of time. Have a good one and remember not to drop the soap.

    110. who do you want to fool or scare, you dicksucker piece of a fucking shit, there are a lot of sites like this one that upload gore videos like this one, you are a defamatory cunt cause the only " proof" you have are my comments and that's not enough, the fucking cops aren't gonna do shit to me, I'm in all my right to post whatever I want on the internet, and I'm gonna keep saying I love to see how those 3 sexy fuckable angels killed and crushed that fucking puppy piece of a disgusting shit, you know, the more those kind of videos are released, the more happy I am

    111. Anonymous07 May, 2020

      It doesn't matter. Your comments are enough. The authorities will deal with you. Have fun.

    112. my comments aren't enough proof, you defamatory dumbfuck, the authorities can suck a dick, they aren't gonna do shit to me, I'm gonna keep wishing many more videos of dogs killed and wrecked to shreds, like that of the video where those 3 fuckable little girls killed that fucking dog

    113. Anonymous13 May, 2020

      Nah,instead there should be videos of pedophiles getting tortured and killed, people like you! I am pretty sure most people would rather see a child predator getting tortured and killed instead of an innocent animal that did absolutely nothing to deserve that. You admitted that you like to fuck children and yes that is enough for the authorities to investigate you.


  23. The world is an strange weird place sometimes i wish i don't want to live here.

  24. I would love to pour gasoline all over those counts and set them on fire and watch them scream in pain.

  25. Wtf how can anyone think that this is ok? I hope those three douche bags suffer for the rest of their lives and burn in hell. No animal deserves this, especially a puppy. If I was there at the time I would of murdered those girls and would of grabbed the puppy and ran off with it and keep it for myself.

  26. These 3 evil cunts deserve to fucking die and rot in hell

  27. Fuck!!! I like crushing too, but not with animals, with my slaves. Fuck u three bitches. You have to die in the worst way

  28. If these monsters were ever up for execution then I would want a front row seat. They deserve to die in the worst way.

  29. Matherchodo tumhari ma ki chut tum 3 randiyon ko esii mout honi chiye chinallll sali randii

  30. It's so relaxing yet satisfying about watching this.

    1. You sick mother tucker. You should die.

    2. I hope you don't have any children and I hope you never have any.You are mentally disturbed and you should kill yourself

  31. It's so funny seeing and hearing this pathetic animal slowly dying.

    1. I would like to see and hear you die slowly

  32. I am so glad that this very disturbing video was deleted, now those sick pieces of shit that get off on this video won't get to "enjoy" this video again. Whoever likes those type of video's then you deserve to die!


  34. Ебанат08 April, 2019

    если бы я там был, я бы блюванул им на ебло, и ебанул батиной двухстволкай им по их ебучих ногах, и кинул их в подвал, закрыть на ключ, а ключ расплавить нахуй

  35. Пидорас08 April, 2019

    если бы я там был, я бы блюванул им на ебло, и ебанул батиной двухстволкай им по их ебучих ногах, и кинул их в подвал, закрыть на ключ, а ключ расплавить нахуй

  36. I would lay the 3 of them on their backs and laying huge concrete blocks on them and stacking them until their internal organs are crushed and they lay there screaming in pain till they die and I would laugh my ass off watching them suffer!

  37. I wonder where they got that puppy from. Is it a stray? Did they steal it?or did they bought it?

  38. Anonymous04 May, 2019

    this is almost as bad as them stomping on a human baby, hopefully those evil women will never have children of their own. They deserve a brutal, painful death. I hope they rot in hell!

  39. Anonymous11 May, 2019

    Those evil women should be locked in a cage with a bunch of hungry, massive wolves and have the wolves maul them to death. Have them get ripped apart limb by limb

  40. Anonymous15 May, 2019

    Really makes me sad that people hope those who are aroused by this die. Not my fault, I was born like this, but I would never hurt any animal for pleasure. For what these sick woman did, they should be punished but not those who were born liking this corrupted shit in this corrupted world. Should you kill yourself for eating meat?

  41. Anonymous26 May, 2019

    I believe that I've seen the lowest that this world has to offer.

    This is beyond sick.

  42. Anonymous28 May, 2019

    How can something like this be considered a fetish? People actually get off on this? Disgusting! Only serial killers could get off on this. I hope those people rot in hell!

  43. Anonymous04 June, 2019

    I couldn't watch it, had to stop the video right away because it's way too disturbing, those girls should be shot in the head for doing that to an innocent puppy.

  44. Anonymous04 June, 2019

    That is terrible! I hate humanity! burn in hell bitches!

  45. Anonymous17 June, 2019

    People make me so fucking sick these days. How dare they do that to a puppy that can't defend itself. What's next? Them stomping on a toddler? They should die!

  46. I'm crying right now it couldn't even run away and and they were just it was just IT WAS JUST A PUPPY HOW COULD THEY DO THAT THEY ARE MONSTERS

    1. Anonymous31 July, 2019

      I agree with you! They were stepping on that poor thing as if it was a cockroach and what's also shocking is that teenage girls are doing that. The comments on here from some people on here are also shocking and they are sick people. This video needs to be taken down before a child comes across this and will traumatize the child for the rest of their life. If this traumatized then this would definitely traumatized a child. Those girls will rot in hell for sure!

  47. Its asia, they needed the food

  48. WTF... That's a puppy.what is wrong with this girls... They must be mentally affected.. That's a innocent puppy...mother fuckers🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

  49. This girls needs some serious medical treatment for their mind. They are mentally affected. 3 stupid Asian girls. 🖕🖕🖕🖕 Fuck you girls britches.

  50. Lucky puppy~

  51. I hope those bitches die an agonizing, brutal death and then go straight to hell.

  52. How dare they do that to an innocent puppy! WTF is wrong with this world these days? How could someone get off on animals being tortured to death? That is just straight up mental illness. No normal person would be ok with this. I hope those 3 evil pieces of shit get crushed to death by being run over with an 18 wheeler truck over and over again till the 3 of them die.

  53. Fucking sick!!! Since when did stepping on animals became a "fetish"? This shit is illegal! Please take this video down from this website before a child accidentally comes across this and will be traumatize for life. Just keep the still photos instead. This horrible video is going to give people nightmares and shame on those women for doing that to a puppy. I hope they rot in hell!

  54. I Hope that the 3 girls... Death Crushed under tank!
    .. But slowleeeeee!!!

    1. After... down..... In the hell!!!!!!

  55. That Zhodes person is obviously mentally disturbed. Mental illness is a serious problem world wide, he needs medication and a padded room or maybe he should be euthanized, that would do everybody a favor.

    1. go suck a dick and kill yourself, you pseudo-therapist

  56. Anonymous08 May, 2020

    Hope those chicks get raped and brutally murdered!

  57. Anonymous13 May, 2020

    what are you trying to say do you like videos like this


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