Aug 24, 2005

of bullshit protector

Working in different projects and being under different bosses, I always get instructions from them that are ridiculous.

Boss A: Can help me do this? It's urgent.

Then Boss B comes along and says,
Boss B: I need this. It's urgent.

Then Boss C emails to me and asks,
Boss C: I need this. When can you finish it? It's urgent.

So many urgent. I also urgent, need to go toilet to pang jio. Don't even have the time to relieve myself.

How I wish I have the bullshit protector.

Update 1: IZ has cleverly created a DIY bullshit protector. Cool!

Update 2: Amaranth also suggests using these stamps for urgent documents.


  1. Next time ask them whether it's an urgent request, urgent but not much impact, or urgent and will jump off the building if you don't do it for him now.

  2. woah, bullshit protector? solid. just what i need. i shall go make one now.

  3. Lancerlord, go make one yourself. Looks pretty easy to make.

  4. hey you might want these stamps as well.

    best used on all urgent documents.

  5. Holding your pee in for too long can lead to several urinary complications in the future. :) hee.


  6. umm u can be the yes man, just say "yes i will work on it" or keep nodding ur head, but continue the work according to ur own priority queue...

  7. muahahaha... wear tt to office, next day no need to come. lol

  8. Ok Lancerlord you can print the Bullshit Protector over at my blog and then wear them when you get to the office tomorrow.

  9. i get this all the time too... =( oh well.

  10. bullshyt protector? hahahaha....

    i think wearing ear plugs less obvious...

  11. beng: Most of the time is same same priority one. Sianz!

    melissa: IZ just made one. Can make ownself.

    iz reloaded: Very cool. I am going to print out one now and show to the rest of my colleagues.

    amaranth: Ha. Thanks for the link.

    lisie: Ya I know. Very bad for health.

    bahgae: Or an 'orh' man. "Orh ok I work on it". 'orh' here and 'orh' there.

    lexus: You go try and let me know if it works :)

    claris: confirm one. kekeke...

    mercuranium: I think alot of us also get these crap.

    kukukucinta: Ya hor. Also can.

  12. Whenever I get an "urgent" request, I quote the following disclaimer haiku

    Time is Relative...
    Your deadline is not really
    my priority

  13. the diva: In other words "wait long long" isit? :)

  14. Grardmorabini
    [url=]negative effects of garcinia[/url]


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