Aug 22, 2005

of icerocket is a blast

Because of the comments I left at Cowboy Caleb's post, Blake Rhodes (the CEO and founder of emailed me to explain why I was experiencing problems when I tried IceRocket on Saturday.
I wanted to take a second and email you to let you know we have been adding some servers this weekend and that is probably why you might have had problems.
I tried IceRocket yesterday and it rawks. From now on, I'll be using their tags.

Give IceRocket a try.


  1. i feel so outdated! i donch even know how to "tag" or "blogroll" or watever....

  2. cheahchuwen: Kudos to Jason Kottke

    kukukucinta: See this. Look under "If your blog software does not support categories or you are not sure".

  3. did some quick queries on my own blog, but cant find any... even the images search didnt return anything good... perhaps my blog is way off its radar being not read by people at all 8)...

    but searching for all other blogs.. it rawks!

  4. cheahchuwen: Difficult to give crash course over here leh. I explain very lor sor one.

    jonathan: I searched offpoint. Can see your blog leh.


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