
Sep 23, 2005

of arrested for nothing

[via Digg]

Suspicious Behaviour On The Tube

This guy got arrested when taking the tube to work because the police were acting under the authority of the Terrorism Act.
I am told that I am being stopped and searched because:
- they found my behaviour suspicious from direct observation and then from watching me on the CCTV system;
- I went into the station without looking at the police officers at the entrance or by the gates;
- two other men entered the station at about the same time as me;
- I am wearing a jacket "too warm for the season";
- I am carrying a bulky rucksack, and kept my rucksack with me at all times;
- I looked at people coming on the platform;
- I played with my phone and then took a paper from inside my jacket.


  1. Kind of sad, especially when the first thought that came into my mind was: at least he didn't get shot.

  2. the facetious cap'n intrepid: Good thing that did not happen. Think they have got rules of engagement also.


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