
Nov 24, 2005

of run for funds

This is my part to spread the word and create awareness of the Run For Funds Project after reading JayWalk's posts.

The Run For Funds Project was started in 2002 by Adrian Lee. It is non profit and its aim is to raise funds for the needy in the Geylang community. I applaud what Adrian and his Superfriends are doing. As of 2004, over S$28,000.00 was raised. The money was put into good use. The Run For Funds website gives a breakdown on how the funds were spent.

This year the target is to raise S$40,000.00. In 2 weeks time, the Run For Funds Superfriends will don their running shoes and run in the Stanchart Marathon. To contribute, simply pledge an amount for every kilometre Adrian and his friends run. If $1 is pledged and if Adrian completes 42 kilometres, $42 will be contributed into the fund.

Visit Run For Funds. (Also go to the old site at for more background information).

If you are interested to contribute to the project or join in the run or have any queries, kindly email Adrian at

Spread the word. Spread the cause.


  1. Dear Mr Lancerlord,
    I have written a short article about the Australian leaders. Can I trouble you to submit it for me to

    Sorry I am very sua-ku and don't know how to insert links and stuff like that.

    Thank you. My blog address

  2. At first I thought it was some kind of a joke..."for the needy in Geylang community" but then, I only realise its for the Tai Pei Old People's Home, off Balestier Road... :)

    Good cause, indeed, good cause ...


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