Apr 1, 2006

of kena infected

My notebook was infected by a trojan.

I had used my notebook at one of the Wifi hotspots few days back. It was my first time surfing the net in the 'open'. After spending an hour reading news over the net, I received a pop up message from the System Administrator warning me that my notebook would be shutting down. Then my "cannot-make-it" notebook went on to shutdown. After the notebook started, the AVG Anti Virus detected a trojan and continued to remove the virus.

However, AVG still complained the presence of a trojan. So out came the toolbox and I spent the last 2 days fixing the problem.

During those days, my notebook was sluggish. I kept experiencing "Server Not Found" messages when connecting to various websites. My USB mouse also went crazy. It kept disconnecting and connecting itself. Everytime it does that, the "Hardware Insert/Remove" sound could be heard. I decided to unplug the USB mouse and resorted to using the touchpad mouse on the notebook.

My notebook seems to be functioning alright now. These are the damage incurred during this episode:
- Wasted my time
- My index finger is now cramped. Long time I had not used the touchpad mouse.
- My head is still hearing the sound. "ding ding"...(1 second later)..."ding dong"...."ding ding"...."ding dong"....

Ugly monster. Pui!


  1. Damn trojan. If all else fails then I guess you have to reformat, which is quite a sucky thing to do.

  2. jasper chen: Good thing about reformat is that system will boot up faster. Remove all the rubbish inside the harddisk. :)


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