Jul 1, 2006

of with efffect from 1st july

I think companies like to make changes on 1st July.

- It is two times faster but I don't feel it. [link, test]
- I want to redeem my points but I could not. [link]
- Use more, spend more. [link]
- Drive longer [link]
- Promoted to higher ranks [link]


  1. ya .. maybe because 1st July is the "second half" of the year. They wish they could do better ...

  2. suhu: That's why first half must slack a bit so that no need work so hard to show improvement in second half. kekeke...

  3. I think 2MBps is already fast enough. Maybe 4MBps is just a digit, that's all? No biggie.

  4. jasper chen: Ya understand. Shouldn't complain so much. Unless they up from 2 to 30MBps then it'll be big deal if the speed feels the same. :)


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