- Twelve Moons on Gichigami: Video showing the moods and seasons of Lake Superior using several images that were gathered over a year's time. [via MetaFilter]
- Cutting Tree: Video showing how not to cut a tree. [via Abroath]
- Hello: iPhone "Hello" Ad. [via MetaFilter]
- Veniamin's Human Slinky: Video. Very creative performance. [via SikClips]
- Weird Driver: Video showing how not to exit a garage. [via A Welsh View]
- Feeding The Homeless: Video. Tom Mabe calls a fast food chain to deliver food. [via CodeWolf]
- Ketchup Art: Photo gallery of plates decorated with ketchup. [via J-Walk Blog]
- Kitten Cannon: Game. See who can shoot the kitten the furthest. [via Cetin]

Merlion Incognito [via Small]
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