Apr 17, 2008

of man arguing with comfort taxi driver. very drama

SHC3694S comfort taxi driverCab Driver and Civilian Scolding *fuck* off: This video is very drama. It was captured by the man arguing with a Comfort taxi driver for what the man termed "Involuntarily causing hurt" (Penal code 323). Both men in the video got into a heated exchange, with CISCO guys being called in to help. [photo link]

andrewteo face andrewteo777
The video was allegedly created by the person with YouTube moniker "andrewteo777" who later removed the video.

Click here for the conversation between andrewteo777 and the cab driver.

Alternative sites to watch and download the video here, here and here.

[via HWZ and Singapore Seen]


  1. cap 224 (penal code) sec 323 is voluntarily causing hurt. unless the taxi driver had hit this guy, this section doesn't stand. i'm pretty sure he doesn't know most of what he's saying in the first place.

    can still mention SM Goh summore. Hai...

    i'd avoid people like him who talk of things they don't actually understand, and insist on things going their way. sure find trouble.

  2. hafiz: I sure avoid because I don't understand a word he's saying. :)

  3. http://eoknet.wordpress.com/2008/04/17/social-media-case-study-andrew-teo-vs-taxi-driver/#comments including his picture and mobile number if he is indeed the same Andrew Teo

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