
Jul 17, 2008

of china sex blogger reveals his identity. chinabounder revealed.

China sex blogger reveals his identity: 2 years ago, a British English teacher calling himself 'Chinabounder' was writing a blog called "Sex and Shanghai 欲望上海" about his sexual exploits with young Chinese women in Shanghai. During then a psychology professor named Zhang Jiehai launched an Internet manhunt for Chinabounder, who soon stopped blogging. Now 2 years on, David Marriott has revealed his identity as Chinabounder to the Guardian as he publishes a provocative new book called 'FAULT LINES ON THE FACE OF CHINA: 50 REASONS WHY CHINA WILL NEVER BE GREAT (by David Marriott and Karl Lacroix).
David Marriott, who claims to be a graduate of Cambridge University, sparked an online campaign to out him after he set up a blog where, using the name ChinaBounder, he posted entries with graphic descriptions of his attempts to charm the women of Shanghai into bed.

The campaign drew thousands of people to ChinaBounder's blog but despite endless speculation in the media and online, Marriot's cover was never completely blown. Now he has decided to emerge in an effort to promote a new book, Fault Lines on the Face of China: 50 Reasons Why China May Never Be Great.

Speaking exclusively to the Guardian from an undisclosed "third country" in south-east Asia, Marriott confirmed for the first time that his alter ego was ChinaBounder.
Read more at Chinabounder blog ("Chinabounder Revealed") and the post written by Jeremy Goldkorn at Danwei ("Chinabounder is back, with a name and a book").

Click here for the 2006 story about Chinabounder.


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