Jul 30, 2008

of harry potter and the half-blood prince movie trailer released!

Official Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Trailer: The first trailer for the 6th installment of Harry Potter.
This official trailer of Harry Potter's sixth edition came out today and it was an instant hit on the internet as expected. Set during Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince explores Lord Voldemort's past, and Harry's preparations for the final battle amidst emerging romantic relationships and the emotional confusions of mid-adolescence.
harry potter half-blood prince tailer
Click on image to watch the trailer

Other links for the trailer:
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Trailer
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Trailer

[via Read My Mind and Pop Crunch and Scrutiny Hooligans]


  1. Anonymous30 July, 2008

    I really like this new trailer! I hope the film will be just as good!

  2. mbuckingham: I hope so too. Every sequel needs to be better than the previous.


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