Lindsay Lohan said Friday that police have no business getting involved in her personal life, a day after the police chief explained that the paparazzi were no longer an issue — in part because the 22-year-old actress had evidently "gone gay."Lindsay said,
Police chiefs shouldn't get involved in everyone else's business when it comes to their personal life. It's inappropriate.She said this in response to Police Chief William Bratton comments. Bratton said,
If you notice, since Britney started wearing clothes and behaving; Paris is out of town not bothering anybody anymore, thank God, and evidently, Lindsay Lohan has gone gay, we don't seem to have much of an issue.Even Samantha Ronson said in her Facebook that Bratton should 'talk less and do more.'
The actress's publicist insists Lindsay and constant companion Sam Ronson, 30, are simply 'close friends'.
Read more at Now Magazine ("'Lindsay Lohan's gone gay' remark angers Hollywood star") and at Gawker ("Lindsay Lohan Tells L.A. Police Chief to Shut His Face").
On top of the Bratton's 'gay' remark, News of the World has posted an article with the title "Lindsay Lohan & Sam Ronson to 'wed'".
In the article, NOTW said,
LOOKS like romance for movie babe LINDSAY LOHAN really does Mean Girls—she’s about to “tie-the-knot” with her lover.
I can reveal that Lindsay will come out and declare her eternal love for sweetheart SAM RONSON at a private ceremony in LA later this year.
I'm told the smitten pair will exchange vows to stay together for LIFE.
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