
Aug 19, 2008

of singtel plan offers free iphone

Singtel plan offers free iPhone: Eye-catching headlines, but then again nothing comes free.
Singtel is offering customers a free Apple iPhone if they sign-up for a two-year, $205 monthly SingTel subscription plan.

The much sought-after phone will be available in Singapore come Friday August 22. When the new 3G iPhone was released earlier this year in Hong Kong, Japan and New Zealand, fans braved the cold weather and queued up for days to ensure they could get their hands on one.

SingTel is the first telco to bring the iPhone into Singpore. Other mobile providers Starhub and MobileOne should be offering the iPhone here by year's end.

Existing SingTel customers can also get the iPhone if they sign up for a 24-month, that will run concurrently with their existing plans.
VR forum has worked out the sums here.
MCF also warned of the iPhone drop call problem.

1 comment:

  1. Singtel just released their iPhone plans for Singapore, and no doubt it’s causing a stir. The data plans are MEASLY.With all the different plans and discounts available for the different plans, the actual cost is confusing.

    SingTel already has the first-mover advantage for the iPhone 3G in Singapore and the service provider looks bent on maintaining the lead over its competitors. In an email to customers who had earlier made reservations for the iPhone 3G but have yet to purchase the handset, the operator is now dangling a carrot to match its competitors' (namely M1 and StarHub) bundled plans should they be cheaper (or better). In a nutshell, SingTel is assuring customers that its iFlexi plans are the best deals in town. Below is an excerpt of the price plan guarantee.

    With the little bundled data transfer on the new service plans, the good news is subscribers can still buy the iPhone 3G with current available calling plan and add an unlimited 3G data plan on it. This would be cheaper than subscribing the new iFlexi plans if you are going to use more than 3GB a month. Tthe iPhone 3G in Singapore will be unlocked by default as the local policy do not allow locking of handsets.

    Jack roberts


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