While we're waiting until tonight to see NBC's delayed rebroadcast of the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games, we can show you some of the most beautiful images from the event. An incredible full-field scroll, projection sphere and LED suits transcend to create what looks to have been one of the, if not the, most stunning mass displays of lighting technology in history. Read on for the full jaw-dropping gallery.

More photos here.
The Big Picture at Boston.com also posted spectacular photos.

I like this photo.

Children of migrant workers from outlying provinces look at themselves in the mirror as they use their hands to form the Olympic Rings after watching the TV live broadcast of the Olympic Games opening ceremony at their quarters August 8, 2008 on the outskirts of Beijing. (Andrew Wong/Getty Images)
Photos also posted at NBC ("First Look: Opening Ceremony") and FunEnclave ("Spectacular Beijing Olympics opening ceremony pictures")
[via The Daily Dairy]
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