
Nov 30, 2008

of the world's most hardcore pikachu fan

The World's Most Hardcore Pikachu Fan: Meet pikabellechu, world's most hardcore Pikachu fan.
IT'S 100% OFFICIAL I AM IN THE GUINESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS DATABASE!!!!!!!I have been waiting for this email for months now since April when I sent in everything. Just got the email like 5 minutes ago and they are sending me my certificate and it's not 100% but they are considereing me to also be in the Book in 2009...But OMG it's been so worth it to now officialy say I am the world's record holder for having the biggest Pokemon collection in the world.....(o~_^o)

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It's even more official now after another email I just recieved, I have been told I will be in the Gamers Edition of Guinness in 2009 and a professional photographer from Guinness in London is flying all the way to Florida in August to meet me and take pics of me and my collection for the Book, they are also bringing a film crew to also capture everything on video to appear in an upcomming show they are producing...

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