
Feb 26, 2009

of wife dies, husband survives after lost 10 days near ski resort

Montrealer dies, husband survives after lost 10 days near B.C. ski resort: A Montreal man has been rescued but his spouse is dead after their ski trip turned into a 10-day battle to survive in the snowy backcountry near B.C.'s Kicking Horse Mountain Resort.
Gilles Blackburn, 51, and Marie Jose Fortin, 44, were apparently lost for 10 days in the mountains near Golden, B.C., with only two granola bars for food after they skied out of bounds at the resort on Feb. 15. But despite two reports from a local heli-ski company that SOS symbols had been spotted carved in the snow, neither police nor search-and-rescue teams began ground searches until Tuesday. By the time help finally arrived, the woman was dead and the man suffered frostbite, hunger and exposure to cold, police say.
Read the rest of the news here.


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