Weird Al, without facial hair or long hair is .... weird.
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Mar 7, 2009
of weird al, without facial hair or long hair is .... weird.
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pray4me-Jesus told me persecution is him trying to make you loose your salvation, pray for me, Holy Ghost baptizm feels like Body your perfect size coming in, electricity caressing penus, spiking, hair loss, itching in scalp, face bags and sags cause muscles tithen at instant you wink, turn, head, in vision Jesus came down and pointed like lighted needle thru heart, felt hole, all desire to live for Jesus drained out, this is teasing by God to persecute, gum desease, dreams of family in hell , loose hair, wrinkle, I love putting people in hell to talk about it thru out eternity, they would not do one thing but cry and plead and beg but I would torture them, the Lord told me something like that he is laughing and tried to make me loose my salvation since I got saved and and told me he will do it to everybody, and in vision I saw Jesus and he said something like, "i have mercy", and he laughed like maniac, on 11-2008-God said: pray for me, God said-I the Lord toture to abase, causing my slaves to hate me by manifold temptations, teasing, caressing dick, making it harden, soften, make face, crease, bag, tithening muscles, when used, stripping heart, of all desire to live for me, laughing at them, teasing, night and day, to make them offended all the time, causing most to loose their souls, perish, said, Jesus, after you served, to abase, in hell, saith the LOrd, I hate people cause the tortured me, saith God, Im the LOrd, who saves, then destroys, ha ha, saith God, make me your Lord, and I will destroy, you, till you perish, saith God: if you steal the name saith the Lord, I will ruin you, with sickness, desease, cut you off instantly, and embarrass you, these all have stole the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, Laurie Behncke steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, Duncan Rouleau, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min u.u. m.a. ph.d. steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, Alexander Micevski stole ministry of dreams and at one time held to try to ruin Gods servant, Brad Loubser steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, ed wood steals God spoken protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams thats edward wood jr. who is utubia1party, Alexander Micevski was the first one to steal the God spoken created name ministry of dreams, antonia vladimirova steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, dee finney steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, Randy Sukhai steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, Tomar Levine mfa mps cc steals God spoken created christians ministry name ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant like peter appleseed who ed wood who is edward wood jr. is utubia1party, utubiaparty1, and his sis, sistermoonshine13 who is joel tao, john mark pool steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, randy haxor steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, douglas heller steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, ron tompkins steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, frank evans steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, Antonia Vladimirova, LLM Director of Dreams Foundation Abba's Kids Director steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams after christian signs her guestbook, elizabeth shea steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, jose alvarez steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, tom beland steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, matt brady steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, wole soyinka steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, dave karlotski steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, dana tillusz steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, quinling harlequin steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, andy shaw steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, christina marie sanford steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, jean patrick charrey steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, brian, bill of the massive bri steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, lawrence forman steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, david shapiro steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, katie bazor, janetmck who is janet mcknight steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, arron shutt steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, micheru mathys' steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, Senyum Sayang steals and alters God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams to ministry dreams like dr. mike murdock, nick field steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, jonah weiland steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, ismail kadare steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, robert gillen steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, lawrence forman of funarchy, cluracan of furnarchy steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, cluracan of dreamnova steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, diana hughey holds, utubia1party steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, duncan rouleau's children jonah weiland, FunkyGreenJerusalem steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, FunkyGreenJerusalem is Ben Lipman steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, CKYT Radio13 steals the God spoken name ministry of dreams, CKYT Radio 13 steals the God spoken name ministry of dreams, this is joel tao, Dalarsco steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, sandy brophy steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, Thomas Rickert steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, utubiaparty1, sistermoonshine13 steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, joel tao steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams , robert gillen, ginny hill, john e. carey steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, wesley pruden steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, furnarchy, krayzier, merc, amfortas steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, kragamore steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, jag, khaless steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, furcadia and katie bazor steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, john scott alters steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, s.m. scott alters steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, sue scott is the ministry of Spirit and she alters steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams larry clow steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, michael doran steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, henry wynn steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, andrew bosch steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, diana hughey of as one heart photography and artdizon holds, Brandon Adamson, Damadar is cluracan, dchandler, Thomas Rickert the last-fm, wole soyinka, eric lindberg, Lauren Artres of Veriditas alters ministry of dreams to exalt her Lord doctor rev jeremy taylor unitarian universalist minister who did steal ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant, todd callender steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, alex ness steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, kenley darling steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, , and more, like jeff dee steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, manda dee steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, amanda dee, most claim to be christians saith the Lord, im ruining them right now, I will not save any for wanting elijah to fall, and they will loose health, jobs, talks, spouses, more, saith the Lord, for this evil wickedness, which, bob, reached out to most like david shapiro and dee finney, kathy taylor owns and ministry of dreams is stolen on it, micheru mathys, and they stole his God spoken ministry name like cluracan who is little, mustie and cecil pennyton, when he prayed for them, like john mark pool, and jose alvarez, he signed jose alvarez's guestbook, and jose, alvarez, stole the name ministry of dreams for doing, wicked, pastor, like antonia vladimirova of the, dreams foundation, he signed her guest book, and she stole the name ministry of dreams, when he witnessed to her, she is witch, lost forever, like wole soyinka steals God spoken created protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams, amanda dee, jeff dee, and duncan rouleau, bob reached out to all, and they all stole the name ministry of dreams, God spoke for this only, and Im ruining them all, watch, saith the Lord, they all release when times get hard. do not copy in any way or modify the name Ministry of Dreams, ministryofdreams, or I the Lord will ruin you, it did not exist till prophet prayed, and brought it to the internet, for this work only. I will make you run to remove the name ministry of dreams like all listed here will, saith the Lord, (-13)hollie-vision received 3-23-2009-in this vision I saw hollies hands and in between there was light.
ReplyDelete(-12)tell-vision recieved 3-23-2009-in this vision hollie said, "please tell".
(-11)SUBMARINE WARFARE-vision received 2-17-2009-in vision I saw captain hollie surface, appear in sub, many light shafts fired out of, darkness, shaking, dark smoke, clouds, DAY OF THE LORD, appeared, words said hollie.
(-10)the mark of the beast is tattood-visions recieved 2-17-2009-in visions and the were quick, I belive I saw 666 tattood on forehead, and maybe on arm, and I saw little beast like angel of lite, hes pope, and I saw maybe the Fathers image, very similar, like little angel man.
(-9)dreams-vision received 2-17-2009-I heard hollie say, "it was uh dream", and I may have saw all the words and heard possibly many read, "night vision".
(-9-)dream with dr. horace smith-dream receieved 3-29-2009-in this dream im on top of a car, and taking pictures of maybe a woman, I see horace smith going to car, wearing suit, he says something like, wheres my friend, and I said, something like, thats what I saw him say in a vision, and I jump off car and I sing part of the song, joy to the world, The Lord is come, let earth receive her king, and go and try to hug horace smith but he grabs me and wont let me, horace says something like, how can I help ya, and I responed I believe, but, he cant, and horace says something like, can I pray for ya, and I may have showed no, or said, and then he said, something like, why dont we pray for each other, memory, hi horace smith from pentecostal assemblies of the world , but this man didnt quite look like horace, smith.
(-8)nuclear submarines hit each-vision received 2-17-2009-in vision I saw HMS Vanguard submarine and Le Triomphant submarine bump each other.
(-7)judgment to u.s.a.-vision recieved 2-2009-in vision I saw hollie in her submarine and it fired missiles and I saw many explosions, fireballs in america.
(-6)the ram-visions recieved 2-15-2009-in vision I saw two ram horns and vladimir putin and hu hintao came out of them. I saw hegoat, attack, and I saw pope rise, hu hintao, emporer of japan, and the slashed in face pope.
(-5)what was best smartest car ever made-vision recieved 2-2009-I asked JEsus that question and in vision I saw brown haired JEsus holding a vw bug up, looking at it.
(-4)hollie appears-vision recieved 2-2009-in vision hollie appears in front of me and lifts arm with lighted bear paw, like bloxing glove, shows to my right, then turns, shows, left, then, showed, no, shook, yes, another, clap, put on white bandana, walked, "get exercise", she said, that aint right hollie said, thats, people thinking, visions wrong, said, Jesus, and he appears, shakes, no.
(-3)nuclear explosion-visions received 2-4-2009-in vision I saw white ministering spirit point and large nuclear explosion and alaska was being mentioned.
(-2-)the arch angel gabriel-vision received 2-202009-in this vision I saw gabriel, dressed in pure white robe, maybe Light white robe, and gabriel had yellow hair.
(-2)horse pulling empty cart dream-in this dream recieved about 1-31-2009-Im going by memory, I saw horse pulling empty cart, I got maybe to try to stop horse, horse going fast, and goes around car and maybe on side walk, there was like stick in cart, that went to wheel, and was brake, and I pulled stick, but didnt stop, so I think I wanted to get on horse and try another, it was old wagon like spoke wheel.
(-1-)start a hand of help dream-dream recieved 2-21-2009-in this dream, I see an old woman and she has colored hair, and she says, to me, "start a hand of helP", and I dont remember what I said, and maybe didnt want to, and we talked and I told her God came inside me like a body my perfect size and that is she touched me she would get shocked, or probably would and she may have...More was said, going by memory, and I saw that old woman raising hands and praising Jesus loudly. It would be ok to have hoh, but, needed?
(-1)make up your mind-visions recieved 1-3-2009-in visions hollie said, "no", but shook yes, then lighted like hands showed, 'im thru with it".
(-0)grace apostolic church in indianapolis-vision received 3-1-2009-at church the words, trump of God, appeared on screen and or the pastor mentioned and I saw the arch angel gabriel like a white angel with horn in his mouth.
(0)hollie shows explosion-vision received 2-28-2009-while driving i saw a lighted hollie and he may have pointed and I saw a light explosion while driving on highway. Light was fire colored.
(01)hollie snaps fingers-vision received 3-15-2009-in vision I saw hollie snap fingers.
(1)nuclear judgments coming-vision recieved 1-28-2009-in vision I saw hollie and the the sign of like nuclear fireball s, on like yellow ground.
1-26-2009-let me post, said, hollie, showed, shut up, people see, they are, hollie, looks, angry, cause, Jesus, gets, you, tortured, all day, and night, scares, and he saw, said, casey, Jesus, laugh, hollie rode the rocket, it was to, she said, mos, cow, boom, landed, and, vladimir, said, Jesus, this is warning, said, hollie, hollie showed, let me record, she said, and, I showed you that, she said, showed, swallowing, be quiet, said, hollie, no, she said, but, she, shook, yes, turned, behind, she said, back, showed, tada, im thru with, it, clap, horny, said, hollie, everybody is, said, woman, put it under, thats why america is the whore, said, hollie, seered concious, hollie said, and everybody wants, youth, sex, said Jesus, its Thomas Barnhouse, for taking, said, cecil tingley, the name, hollie said, world prophecy center, claims, thats Thomas Barnhouse showing, i own, he, steals, and, is lost, will, perish, sees, when ya look, said, hollie, and he saw, pointed, casey, Thomas Barnhouse looking at visions, trembling, release world prophecy center, said hollie and Jesus, now or ruint, thats Thomas Barnhouse removing, both, ruint, Thomas Barnhouse altered world prophecy center to world prophecy centre, said Jesus, ruint, he said, I knew said Thomas Barnhouse, hes rev. jeremy taylor u.u., said, hollie, who steals, both, and he saw, dee finney, grunt, bobby, we got your name, we take, she said, let me record, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, said cecil tingley, what happened to me, said, hollie, praise the Lord, she said, git, said sandy, pool, but john mark pool, why whats he done, said, hollie, its ministry of dreams, she said, steals, thats john pool, smiling, hurting, deep inside, said, hollie, bobby, wont you go on, he said, but when you stole, said, hollie, its my name now said reverend john mark pool, thats, him, pointed, hollie, your laughin, she said, thats, john mark pool, let me see, said, sandy, pool, them, said, hollie, in, lava, sandy knee deep, I aint gonna read it said sandy pool, my beloved said her dady, john mark pool, in waist high, said, hollie, lava, both, cut off said sandy pool, when you see, said, hollie, they will, remove, said sandy pool, bob puts in guest books, but, when they had ministry of dreams, ruin him said sandy pool, yes shakes john, mark, pool, its dirty, said sandy pool, movies, she said, but, the still, act like it said hollie, stand in pulpit, let me see, shrugged, her dady, said, hollie, john mark pool, hollie, how can we git uh-hold of you said sandy pool, I wont write him, said, john pool, we dont need him, he said, wants, his sandy pool, lost, said the Lord, its the g8, said, vladimir, said medvedev, putin, pointed, and medvedev, wipes, lips, together, its cause, im the beast, said, putin, pointed at self, hes, the, hes not the antichrist, said, sandy, pool, its, medvedev, appears, putin, smiles, pope, showed, im the one you want, he said, with director, said, Jesus, jim garrisons voice, hes, the, beast, said, the Lord, antichrist said pontiff, its cause me said hu hintao, hes, the, false prophets, and putin-pope man smiles, thats, nuclear explosions in china, russia, then, hu, and japan, rise, thats, hollie, pointing, like, lamb, with two horns, the higher one came up last, said, sandy, pool, its, you know who it is, said, hollie, wiped lips, china, they signed, the mark treaty, said, antichrist, pontiff, with, mans voice, thats, them, rising, them, drive out, git outta here, said, pontiff, they, hollie wipes lips, claim most of russias land, then, pope, ride, casey, points, black horse, into, flatter, he said, them, gets, arsenal, thats, putin, wiping, lips, you know why I let him, he said, points, at me said dmitry medvedev, putin, smiles, wipes, lips, I like his smile, vladimir, said, dmitry, said, Jesus, put putin, out, thats, dmitry wiping lips, you know said, Jesus, medvedev, wipes, lips, yeah, i do, he said, shoots, ill kill, does, presses, the nuke, button, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, hollie, russia, many missiles, striking, leaving, moscow, hitting, usa, france, said, hollie, it, putin, smiles, exploded, thats, pointed, hollie, let me see, she said, had, stick, thats, the bear, she said, showed, on, its uh board, she said, showed, with, stick, russia, strike, thats, the bear rise, with 3 ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, thats, hollie wipes lips, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, they are, she said, plucked, up, then, attack, hollie showed, record, said, cecil tingley, and he saw, said, casey, bobby, that, said, hollie, pointed, its, hollie wiped lips, kim jong, pressing, the nuke button, strikine, hollie wipes lips, bobby, you know who they are said the steven stargardter-jim garrison man with john mark pools voice, uto, said, rev. john mark pool, north korea strikes, russia, china, south korea, let me take this said john pool, does, calls, 911, git outta here said sandy pool, does said john mark pool, thats, russia, putin, smiling, pressing, the nuclear, button, russia, destroys, north korea, and usa, sub, strikes, north korea, hollie watches, no, said, medvedev, hollie shows, record, Jesus appears, hollie appears, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im, thru, with, it, shook, yes, spun, from behind, she said, clap, showed, lighted, bear, paws, tear up, she said, and, fix it, spin, from behind, she said, bobby, let me said, the Lord, showed, hands, with nails, I did, this for you, what have you done for me, and smiling john mark pool, close ministry of dreams, he said, dr. rev. jeremy taylor says, yes, mine shows dee finney, they ran to remove, after i ruint them, said, Jesus, 1-27-2009-china is magog, said, hollie, that is, my, main, she said, its, im, moody, she said, bob its cause, china will not, hollie said, accept, Jesus, said, taiwan, under, our rule said the false prophet hu, thats, chinese missile, hollie said, flying, streaking thru the sky, striking, taiwan, exploded, bobby, what are you doin, said, hollie, they say, let me record, said, hollie, and I showed, you that, she said, laughed, its the beast, said, pontiff, with seven heads and ten horns, thats, seven lighted, heads, and, who are they, said, hollie, who did he see, thats, she said, pointed, the president of mexico, poping, out, theres cuba, said, hollie, hugo, lula, putin, smiling, out of yeltsins, boris, hes, the one, she said, that signed for the ram, thats, putin, with two horns, hollie, showed, they are, russia, china, coming, out, thats, pope, like, hegoat, smiting, thats, russia, china, nuking, each, when they, see, said, hollie, no, said, man, you mean im lost, said, man, im, thru, he, said, now I dont want it, he said, now, old, said, hollie, shushan, said, man, hollie pointed, hollie rings bell, thats smiting, said, hollie, hegoat, hit the ram, she said, thats, Jesus, wiping lips, pope, appears, thats, putin, hu, coming out of the horns, said, hollie, china, the, higher grew up last, hollie, said, its, magog, thats, pope, with, horns, striking, killing, destroying, stomping, hollie shows, fighting, thats, pontiff, watching, nuclear fires in russia, china, then, they, rise, like a lamb, said, hollie, thats, lamb, hu, poping, hollie said, out, with, japan, lets sign, the, mark, treaty, said, beast, thats, 666, being born, and, hollie wipes, lips, thats, pope, gitty up, he, said, riding, the black horse, said, hollie, into russia, thats, hu hintao riding red horse, thats, hand, pointing, china, strikes, thats, missile, streaking, taiwan exploded, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing, in, 3 ohio class subs, missiles striking, showering, said, hollie, china, hollie, saw, it, explode, tada, she, said, in circle, round, she said, thats, gog, the beast, pope, on, bobby, git cell phone, hollie, said, or buy uh laptop, she said, thats, hollie, points, subs, all, around, from, high in the sky, said, hollie, missiles, from, subs, strike, america, explode, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, sang, happy, hollie, had hands in pockets, alright bobby, lets, git, back, said, horace, smith, with, dr. michael, mitchells voice, shut up, said, joyce meyer with angie rays voice, you, knew it, she, said, shook, yes, and, he, saw, said, hollie, joyce meyer show cut off, thats what I want, she, said, when, you look at it, said, angie ray, trembled, she, said, hollie showed, record, that, she said, thats, hollie, leopard, smiling, thats, hu hintao, poping out, hes, false prophet, north and south korea, emporer of japan, bobby, then, they, separated said, hollie, thats, nuclear explosion coming out magog, said cecil tingley, thats, pope, drive them out, he said, thats, call it sanome saneem, said, hollie, thats, it, she, said, hollie showed, record, clapped, hollie, and hollie spins, its uh new behind, she, said, clap, showed, gog, said cecil tingley, both beasts she said, gog, magog, thats, false prophet, antichrist, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie, in, the fire, that, he, said, hollie, showed, its, uh, yamaha, she said, cr-820, said, cecil tingley, it, said, hollie, jamms, that, said, hollie, it, she said, was, gabriel, checking, wires, in van, hot, means, dont fool with it, said, gabriel, theres trouble, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, pope, rise, theres, hu hintao, hollie said, showed, rolled up sleeves, come on, she said, lets fight, they, sign, the mark treaty, said, hollie, you know who it is, she said, showed, tada, smiled, its, YAMAHA RECIEVER NATURAL SOUND CR-820, its, hollie said, buy, unbeatable, but, low, end, power, only, hollie shrugged, its, only, about 55 watts per channel, 1-28-2009-hollie showed, record, hey you, she said, and he saw, said, casey, Billy Powell point at self, thats Billy Powell praying asking Jesus to save, but, I wanted tour, he said, put it under, said, hollie, watch what you do said sam neill, bob, let, record, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you, that, the beast rising said hollie, hollie, said, cecil tingley, hollie showed, pontiff, hes, anti, said, hollie, Christ, put it under, said, hollie, showed, watch what you do, she said, thats, the, alome, said, cecil tingley, saleavin, hollie said, shushan, said, prophet, hollie watches, thats hegoat smiting, ram, thats, beast, false prophet, said, cecil tingley, coming against, each other, said, cecil tingley, thats, four kings rising, pointed, cecil tingley, bobby, shes free, said, Jesus, hollie points, bob, said, Jesus, south america, he, said, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear, explosion, huge, said, hollie, in brazil, hollie showed, south america, with, many nuclear fireballs, and, the scene folded, up, hollie, said, bob, said, hollie, showed, record, thats it, hollie, showed, fighting, hollie said, thats, hu, hintao, hollie said, tap dancing, its, mine, he, said, looking at pope, pontiff, shows, no way, rides black horse to russia, thats, italy, exploding, and, hollie like angry bear, in, submarines, Jesus sprinkles, whispers, and he saw, said, holie, no, that, was kristina, hollie said, bear, rise, Jesus, throw, like, powder, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o., destroyed, and missiles, coming back, many nations, exploded, arise, devour much flesh, thats, bear, growing, and nuclear explosions in italy, france, great britain, australia, america, exploded, said cecil tingley, look at that, pointed, hollie, the woman, arising out of the fire, you know who it is, said, hollie and Jesus, its, the woman, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, hollie points, its our dear, she said, statue of liberty, and with, bush, has, sword, put in hand, Jesus, looks, thats, missiles, from, all, exploding, in, russia, world, shakes, prophesy, said, hollie, douglas heller appears, whatta you want, hollie, said, steal, douglas heller said, and, ron tompkins wipes lips, its ministry of dreams, said, hollie, its, right here, she, showed, on, douglas hellers website, ron tompkins letter, copyrighted in 1993 with ministry of dreams included, ron tompkins wrote letter and placed false copyright, thats, ron tompkins looking at, I made you look, said, hollie, ron tompkins works for harvard university, for harvard medical school, now I dont want it said ron tompkins, he stole said hollie, to ruin GOds servant, now hear the word of the Lord, run and hide douglas heller and his ron tompkins, but I the LOrd will destroy you both, out in public, just watch, you will both loose your positions, thats the reason I didnt want it said ron tompkins, points at the website, being ruint, thats ron tompkins showing cut off, its the letter, said, hollie, you fool said doug heller, both, ruint, over, taking the name said dee finney, ministry of dreams, and he saw, said casey, the website ministryofdreams, hollie showed, record, drink, beast rising, theres hu, she, said, hollie showed, putem up, she, said, fight, they hate but cling, thats, hegoat, getting ready, to, charge, and, nuclear explosion in russia, hollie showed, much destruction, showed, world with many countries burning, hollie showed, the ram, with putin and hu coming out of horns, medvedev comes out of putins, then beast, the one whom they will not, honor, but, flatter, said, pope, china is magog, bobby, said, hollie, appeared, with, four kings, hollie leopard, laughs, showed, hu hintao, hes the leader, she, said, false prophet, emporer of japan, rises, like a lamb, thats, hu, japan coming out of horns, hollie summed it up, showed, north and south korea, kings, thats the leopard, and he saw, said, casey, wiped lips, hollie points, at, nuclear fire, ball, in south, korea said the hu hintao-kim jong man, like said Jesus, hollie sums, you dont want no more visions said, hollie, he told me, she said, hollie appears, hollie showed, p.a.w. usher, detail, thats, it, hollie said, showed, where to hold your arms, hollie, said, hand on back, pointed, hollie, and, horace smith, let me look at it, he, said, laughs, take it off, hollie laughs, doing the usher, said, Jesus, and, hollie, appears dressed nice as usher for grace apostolic church, showing people to seat, then, standing, up, looking, serious, woman from horace smiths church, laughs, when you see, said, hollie, and she looks at, trembles, hollie seat people with white gloves on, then, stands, waits, you dont hear the preachin, hollie said, he said, hollie shows changing address, at post office, with a different coat on, showed, write the vision, come, on, says, pastor Jerald Freeman, bob says, no, Jerald Freeman saddens, I dont want to break down on the way, its not worth, Id love the fellowship, hollie shows, different churches in indianapolis, Jerald thinks let me pastor, but, wont, he was wanting to pastor bob, thats, Jerald Freeman looking at bobs picture, thinks, im, above, he said, but, lost, that was cymbol beating, hollie plays drums, both beasts appeared, hollie shows, theres hu, pope, gog, magog, hollie like a silhouette, its jeremy, she said, showed, hes, cut off, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, how much money has he made, said, the prophet, over, and reverend jeremy taylor, let me look at it, he said, shows, over, 10 million, but, thats d.min jeremy taylor u.u. showing cut off, im jung, he said, thats, dreams worker, thats, said rev. jeremy taylor, soothsayer, said dr. jeremy taylor, he, pockets said his kathy taylor, tax free, thats, the reason said kathryn taylor, i live off of it, she said, devils, said Jesus, witch, showed, the, car, its, excellent, 300, 000 miles, if you take care of, hollie showed, record, china, said, Jesus, and, hollie, beats cymbol, hu appears, thats, what, I, want, he, said, taiwan, thats, missile streaking, pointed, hand, taiwan, explodes, thats, three ohio class subs, surfacing, showering china with trident missiles, many fireballs, in, china, that was pope rising, from, sea, you didnt want it, said, hollie, playing music, you didnt want it said, hollie, playing music, saddam hussein, but, five minutes before hanging, wow a fool ive been said saddam hussein, now in lava, we need him, said, president george bush jr., to lobby, hes just, thats, nuclear explosions in gaza, iraq, its, cause, bush, george bush sr., invaded, iraq, saddam invaded kuwait cause, its, said saddam hussein, kuwaits got money, we, need, he, said, that was judgment on kuwait, its right there, said, Jesus, invade kuwait city, saddam does, thats Jesus whispering to george bush, lets hit iraq, bush, does, thats saddam hussein laugh with george bushs voice, that was hollie, out of wilma martins ring, said, hollie, that, and, I saw, the, beast, rising, hollie said, that, theres hu hintao, said cecil tingley, hollie, and, I summed it up, hollie showed, fighting, thats, beast with seven heads and ten horns, its, said, Jesus, new world order, mexico pops out of lighted head, theres lula said hollie, thats hintao, putin, pope comes out of his, and medvedev, castrol, kim jong, hugo chavez, nicaragua, there you have it, showed, hollie, put back, I summed it up, she said, tear, spin, I showed reeling, turned, tada, smiled, more, tada, its, uh, smoke, screen, said, angel, hollie points, like, uh, she said, silhouette, gabriel, appears, hu, hintao, hes magog, pope, hes, gog, theres, presidents of mexico, kim jong, nicaragua, castrol, lula, hugo chavez, said cecil tingley, thats, hollie showed, new world order, thats, dragon rising, said cecil tingley, MOKSE, said, hollie, high in the air, she said, showed, the dome, on, me, pointed willie duncan, on top, of, his church, dont believe it said r.h. duncan with jim garrisons voice, and that o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, thats, horse standing in snow, I dont get cold, horse said, just give me feed, thats horse eating hay, they dont like it said, hollie, but, hollie tore up, clap, spun, kept, oil, said, Jesus, that, is, leading, to armageddon, said, hollie and cecil tingley, and he saw, said, hollie, nuclear explosion, thats, israeli prime minister pressing the nuke button, egypt, jordan, syria, exploded, thats, beast being slashed by hu hintao in israel, with thier armies, and, many die, thats, horse, in blood, up, high, its the horses bridal, said kathy taylor m.a., with, the, crowd simb, thats many people, voices, its iran, said, cecil tingley, exploded, its, she said, wiped lips, turkey, thats, pointed, hollie, nuclear explosion, its, from, she said, us, pointed, medvedev and putin, you know why I smile, said vladimir, said medvedev, hes, fool, vlad, thinks, put back, tear, from, new behind, said, hollie, looked, turned, bob dreams, said, hollie, comes, out of place, glass, doors, sees, larry, hunt, standing, there, hollie and Jesus, said, hes, going, with, its cuba, said, woman, and he saw, pointed, casey, cuba, covered, by, said cecil tingley, smoke, its from us said medvedev, he, and, vladimir, said, Jesus, do it, he said, its uh dream, said, hollie, night vision, said, happy hollie, 1-29-2009-let me record, said, hollie, and I showed turn, with the alarie, sign, said, hollie, thats, the, beast rising, said, hollie, with the alome, said, JEsus, tell Jesus, said, hollie, wiped lips, its, said, sandy, hollie showed, record, thats, the alome, salome, said, hollie, and Jesus, its, said, sandy, wiped lips, simb, the marine corp. out in the streets, said, Jesus, tell, the vision, sang, kelly, thats angel marine corp., last sign u.s.a., thats nuclear explosion in middle of america, you dont want no more visions, thats, what you show me, said, two hollies, with, uhnome, saneem, soum, b, thats, hollie, to the rescue, said, hollie, riding uh horse, with uh blue sweatshirt on, thats the pionner steam engine, said, hollie, at the bottom of the ocean, theres to said, hollie, they fell off of barge, back in, thats, Jesus, watching, 1861, git ready for shushan, said, Jesus, thats hegoat ready to charge, gitty up, said, hollie, and, thats, the, ram, hollie, said, theres putin, hollie smiles, hu, coming, out, of horns, hollie tapped the stick, thats it, u.s.a. economic collapse soon said, hollie, with u.s.a. emergency, sandy, shows, simb, tear up, put back, rip, thats, the, Father in pioneer locomotive, said, hollie and Jesus, thats got uh 12 inch woofer, hollie measured, and he, saw, white Spirit come out of audiocoustics laboratory xr-210d stereo speaker, back, looked, hollie, flyed, the old m.i.g. jet said, hollie, with, its simb, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, thats hollie firing, missiles, thats many nuclear fires in nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, hollie sang like ashley, there aint no visions in pentecostal apostolic cause there aint no visions in pentecost said hollie, with simb, hollie showed, record, whoever gots the vision, said, hollie, and, he saw, said, casey, Father in pioneer steam locomotive, let me record, said, hollie, and, I shut up, she, said, licked prophet, hollie showed, saudi, said, singer, and, he, saw, said, casey, saudi arabia explode, thats, hollie watching missile from u.s.a. sub, 1-30-2009-here, said, hollie, douglas heller, said, Jesus, hey bobby ill pay you, he said, but, to late, 60 minutes, after, like illinios governor, hes, guilty, but, thats him, shrugging, did nothing wrong, said, Jesus, here, said, doug heller, hollie spoke, for, take, 60 bucks, that stands for 60 minutes, live on 60 minutes douglas heller removes ministry of dreams, hey bob, he says, I gotya, he said, but, smiles, hurts, in heart, here, said, hollie, take money, go, but, bob, says, remove, then, Ill go, and to his kevin j. shaw, said, Jesus, here, said, hollie, pay, but, thats kevin shaw showing cut off, hes doug heller, you didnt want it, said, hollie, leave me alone, said, car, we dont feel no temperature, he said, and, dodge aries k showed the beast, its, gabriel, wipes, lips, pontiff, theres hu hintao, said, car, the whole united states, said, Jesus, hollie, closes, it, up, write the vision, said, hollie, thats ron tompkins stealing ministry of dreams, I saw it on his site, said ron tompkins, and ron tompkins places ministry of dreams on letter copyrighted in 1993, ron tompkins placed ministry of dreams on letter in 2007, and sent to springfield commisioner douglas heller, thats it, said, hollie, another, hollie, screams, leave me alone, she, said, im, a screaming spirit, she, said, why am I screaming for, she, said, that, is hollie, like a copter, he, said, letting out dmitry medvedev, putin, pope, these are the three kings that rise in persia, pope said, medvedev said, im the beast, pointed, at self, more kings appeared, and I summed it up, said, hollie, and I closed, it up, she said, opened, saw, theres hu hintao, said, hollie, hes the second beast, hollie said, closed, opened, showed, fighting, website said post, said, hollie showed, sh, shut up, when douglas, she said, heller writes, be nice, to him, hes, and he saw, said casey, doug heller showing cut off, hes wanted, said, angel, by f.b.i., left, showed, raul castrol, hollie showed, fighting, will you let us use your land, said, medvedev, raul castrol, if you will agree, put it right here, said, raul castrol, aid, said, Jesus, medvedev signs, castrol leaves, hollie showed, fighting, and I opened up, she said, showed, kim jong, hes, the, reason, for, war, said, medvedev, thats, pointed, hollie, with glove on hand, nuclear missiles leaving north korea striking russia, putin wipes lips, hurry git in here, he said, medvedev, alright, ill shoot, ill handle it, they both said, thats, medvedev, troubled, firing, two, nuclear topol-m missiles, north korea exploded, and south korea and china, explode, from, its from the north, said, hollie, hes, dead, now, chavez appears, hollie showed, fighting, lets do, said, chavez, ill give you, he said, then, showed, no way, thats, big nuclear explosion in venezuela, thats brazil, exploding, lula, shakes, yes, if you agree, he, said, we, do, said, medvedev, signs, thats, nicaragua, president shaking yes, dreading, hollie, showed, nicaragua exploding, missiles from thier waters striking america, thats usa on fire, crucify said Jesus, crucify, sang, hollie, that, said, hollie, car, says, keep it running, explained, start it up, every, few, days, said, car, vladimir, car said, hes, the, antichrist, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, its, putin, hes eighth, and of the seven, its, thats, putin, wiping lips, points, the pope, putin, says, thats the antichrist said hollie, its the pope, coming out of the beast said putin, they, give, thier power and strength, thats, pontiff, hes, idol shepherd, behold, said, putin, lets rule, said, putin, pointed, the world, showed, nuclear fires, in, countries, hollie, appears, with, the world, tear up, put back, clap, spun, clap, more, showed, hands, taiwan, said, Jesus, casey, points, burning, thats, hu, hintao, riding red horse, hand, points, missile from china strikes taiwan, exploded, hollie waves, surfacing in three ohio class subs, fire missiles, china exploded, thats, hollie showing china burning, alaska said hollies, casey, points, nuclear explosion in alaska, many more missiles heading for america, alright, said, president clinton, with advisors, presses nuclear button, thats Father pulling whistle on old pioneer steam locomotive, it went like this said, hollies, whew, you lost your eye, you lost your arm, your the idol pope said Jesus, idol shepherd said hollie, he has his tea like everybody else said hollie, clap, from behind, she spun, thats, hollie, playing the music, hollie said, you did not want no more visions, he said, thats, people worshipping the pope, china, bob, that is magog, said, the screaming spirit, and, hollie, leopard laughs, right here, she said, showed, four kings, hu, emporer of japan, north and south korea, hollie sums it up, hollie showed, record, and, I summed it up, she showed, hollie screamed, you know she said, Im uh, she wiped lips, uh screaming spirit, hollie showed, record, hollie appears, fired, its, from, m.i.g., she said, missiles, hollie showed, record, thats, all, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, hollie wipes lips, and the bear, putin, arises, 2-1-2009-that, said, hollie, was, writing, hand, she said, on, the wall, in, cloud, she said, hand, wrote, lairs, they, are, witchs, not saved, but, pretend, hollie showed, record, showed, the beast, theres, hu, said, hollie, and, I summed it, up, she, said, I dont want you to do that, said pastor, dont tell me what to do, said, hollie, it scares said pastor, closed, let me record, said, hollie, thats, the alome saleem, said hollie and cecil tingley, thats, hollie, acting like, pope, laughed, with the emergency sound, she said, its, the, economy, said, hollie, with, hollie, thought, alome, sanome, she said, thats, pastor, thomas reed, bobby, show me said Jesus, and he saw, said, hollies, thomas reed pocketing tithes, lucre, said, Jesus, thats what I want said thomas reed with mrs. reeds voice, and hollie plays music, thats the reason, he said, bankrupt u.s.a., appears, hollie shows record, hollie, shows record, just leave me alone said the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, leave him alone, sang ministering spirits, you dont want no more visions, thats what your showin me, said, hollie, that what God said, she said, what are you waiting for, said, hollie, post, showed, fist, thats, the, Father in old steam locomotive, said, many, whew, pulled whistle, left, bobby, while thiers mercy, said, angel, that woman is young, will die tonight, cause, somebody will anger, no sex, in hell, no, thats hollie with that o loose belt some, said, many, submarine, right here, said, hollie, showed, putin, in, its akula, fired, missiles, thats, australia exploding, great britain, france, italy, then america, exploded, thats, world, shaking, and, almost, 800 missiles heading for russia, exploded, thats, pope, beast, rising, thats Father like soldier, in, steam locomotive, pulls, whistle, whew, hollie shows pioneer steal locomotives falling off barge, 1861, and Father, in pioneer, its, uh, great, said, hollie, now resting in atlantic ocean, hollie showed, record, hollie, showed, record, showed, beast rising, hollie laughs, you know who it is, said, hollie, pope, theres hu, hintao, emporer of japan, slash, pope, iraq agin, said, Jesus, casey, points, two nuclear explosions, hollie, leans, on, one, thats barack obama pressing the nuclear button, hollie played the music, said hollie, jordan, agin, said, hollie, casey, points, nuclear explosion, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, syria, egypt explode, thats, hu, and, his armies, and, pope, and his armies, hu slashes pope, then, thats, putin, pressing, nuclear button, israel explodes, Christ places beast, false prophet in fire, thats it, said, hollie, and, hollie, showed, appears, hollie showed, record, hollie plays pipe organ, we are the pipes from the pipe organ, said, whew, that, was, hollie, pipe, organ, blowing, that was, yellow lights, said, hollie, in the dark, room, its, two, late, for, carl jung, said, hollie, carl jung is in lava, thats carl jung burning, china is magog, said, hollie, and, hu, she, said, appeared, theres, emporer, right there, she said, japan, north, south, korea, thats, hollie Seraphim, flying, cherub, said, Jesus, thats cherub, not uuh, said, hollie, its, uh, Seraphim, flying, with heads, turning, thats, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns said, pope, and who are they said, hollie, thats him on dragon with mexico, cuba, nicaragua, china, venezuela, brazil, north korea, popping out of lighted heads, thats hollie to the rescue, tear up, with lighted bear paws, rip, spin, thats, it, said, hollie, wrestle, with, spun, tore, clap, raised hands, thats, it, she, said, spun, pope riding black horse, mashed, back, tear, that is, the beast, like an, angel, of, light, i am God, he said, tahts the alome, sanome, said cecil tingley, and hollie, its simb, said, sandy, no, said, hollie, showed, om thru with it, but, shook, yes, shoved, from behind, spun, showed, bear, paws, from the back, turned, hands, raised, to the front, tore, 1-2-2009-this is warning, said, hollie, its, Gloria Coelho, shes uh witch, said, hollie, shes, thats, pointed, hollie Gloria Coelho protecting dr. rev. jeremy taylor, lets speak, said, hollie and reverend jeremy taylor steals ministry of dreams like his politician douglas heller and his friend ron tompkins, they are the children of diana hughey who steals ministry of dreams from christian to ruin him, said, hollie, thats, the pope, growing out of dragon, im the beast, he said, whats that, said, hollie, wiped lips, you know, she said, MOKSE, its on top, she said, willie, duncans, church, we know, he said, thats the beast rising, said, hollie, theres hu, leave it alarie, said, hollie, showed, sleep, said, hollie, to go to heaven you have to have a path carved, said, sarah, it was uh dream, said, hollie, that was Jesus, first, then, bobby, its the rapture, said, hollie, graves open, people, walk outside, said, hollie, then, them, which, are alive, caught up, hollie, showed, fly, many, thats it, said, hollie, bankrupt u.s.a. economy, thats barack obama, collapse it, he, said, thats, laughed, hollie, Gods eyes, like uh Light man, she said, let me tell you uh vision, said, hollie, showed, brush teeth, hollie showed, record, and, I summed it up, she said, iraq, said, Jesus, and he saw, pointed, casey, two nuclear explosions, bush, you made me wipe my lips, he, said, hollie shows the globe, many nuclear fires in iraq, gaza, hollie grunts, she did it agin, she said, 2-4-2009-hollie, sang, like, steve, perry, and blackie lawless, danced, tina turner, still cookin, she said, looks, fifty, almost, 70, shes, working out, like, cher, plastic surgery, thats both in, the lake, said, Jesus, hell fire, how do I git outta here, tina turner said, thats, the reason, said, Jesus, its ike turner, thats, him slapping, this aint gonna git it, ike turner, said, just like the show, tina, gets, cut off, showed, tina turner, making, records, this is vision number 500,000 on ministry of dreams, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor stealing ministry of dreams, taking many with, he removes ministry of dreams ruint like douglas heller, ron tompkins included ministry of dreams in his letter copyrighted falsely in 1993, like, bill hamon rewrites old book, like dee finney puts ministry of dreams in old dream, diana hughey tries to lie, prophet you knew it all along said, Jesus, thats, diana hughey reading, tearing up vision, how do I git outta here said diana hughey, let me record, said, hollie, yep, said cecil tingley, hollie showed, turn, go, she said, showed, that way, drive, thats, prophet, in car, its, subaru svx, said, hollie, makes, she said, almost 230 horsepower, smokes, tires, diana hughey is now 59, knows, and he saw, said, casey, diana hughey show cut off, Lord you got me trembling, said weeping diana hughey, thats, her lowered into lava, thats heather laughing at her, its, cause, you are a witch, said heather, both said Jesus, pretended to be, im saved said diana hughey, theres cart full of thieves of ministry of dreams gabriel pulls into fire like dr. bill hamon, john mark pool, thats, hollie showing turn, hollie showed, record, said cecil tingley, hollie shows cell phone with popes image made alive, im the beast, said, pontiff, with steven stargardter-jim garrisons voice, hollie showed, record, said, Jesus, this economy slipping, said, hollie, whats, barack doing, she, said, thats, barack obama looking at email, taiwan destroyed by china, us said hu hintao, im the beast, he said, two, he, said, the second beast, thats missile from china destroying taiwan, hu hintao rides red horse, thats, putin, dont, bother, me, he, said, thats hollie surfacing in 3 ohio class subs, firing missiles, china exploded, putin, medvedev, ill shoot, said, medvedev, if you do, said, vladimir said medvedev, shoots putin, then, presses nuclear button, thats, alaska, exploding, and, many more missiles, heading for u.s.a., thats subs in thier waters, said, Jesus, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, fired missiles, u.s.a., thats bill clinton pressing nuclear button, hollie showed, record, showed, shut up, be quiet, said, cecil tingley, after alaska, exploded, thats medvedev, ill order, it, he, said, strikes, all, nuclear, n.a.t.o., thats, france, exploding, there goes britain, australia, italy, and, missiles from all, russia exploded, thats, pope riding black horse, goes to russia, look, bob, said, hollie, and, another, hollie, said, hollie, shakes, no, then, yes, then, showed, thru with, them, shook, yes, yeah, mabye, said, Jean Campbell, MA, she, hollie, showed, sh, uh witch, she said, when Jean Campbell look, said, hollie, I made you tremble, said, hollie, Jean Campbell shakes, yes, they, offer, gets, arsenal, thats, china, claiming, some of russia, thats, hegoat smiting ram, thats nuclear explosions in china, russia, thats, the reason, said, hollie, ill drive you out said pope, hes, antichrist, said, Jesus, Christ, thats, hu, japan, rising like lamb, they, all, sit, at, table, sign, 666, its, uh, treaty, this economy slipping, said, putin, u.s.a., pointed, france, said, hollie, its the nuclear g8, said, hollie, showed, red dragon, with, pope, coming said cecil tingley, out, thats, the beast, seven heads are, raul castrol, shakes, yeah, maybe, yes, shakes, yes, hugo, lula, both, thats, the, reason, I, want, it, they, said, thats hu hintao, nicaragua, kim jong, said, cecil tingley, thats, putin, with, beast, coming out of, medvedev, thats seven heads, its kings that rise against america, thats, lighted head, pope inside, ten lighted heads, appear, horns, said, hollie, they are uh ruling party, said, hollie, thats pope popping out of one, thats, medvedev, then, putin, bobby, we are the ten, said, russian ruling party, politburo, they, get, crowns, as, rulers, they, are, alive, in russia, now, called duma, hollie showed record uh vision, he, said, thats the alome sireen, said, hollie, 2-5-2009-hollie showed, talks, its bro. steve, hollie showed said, Steven Harris shows cut off, pretends, bobby someone otta thank me he said, lies, so he can, said, Jesus, pockets, money, lucre, give me some shakes greedy Steven Harris, hollie showed, turn, thats, pope riding black horse, goes to, hollie wipes lips, showed, rotate tires, lifted, makes them last, longer, hollie showed, big nuclear explosion, wiped lips, whats this, said, hollie, hollie showed, p.a.w., its, hollie, and, I wiped lips, she, said, hollie showed, pray, wait, record, showed, hollie, pointed, explosion, hollie, thought, showed, turn, lighted, hands, tear up, from, new behind, spun, hollie, clap, spun, fingers, spun, tada, tore, put back, rip, spun, spun, showed, stomp, again, spun, stomp, hollie showed, record, close ministry of dreams said hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, hollie, wipes, lips, showed, throw out waste food, feed animals, thats, the, reason, said, hollie, its, jeremy, dr. rev. u.u. jeremy taylor d.min steals ministry of dreams to keep, but, God exposed, now reverend amy brucker is being fired for assissting aol the dreams shows jeremy taylor jung, hes, being, hey why do you hate me, said, one man, to, jeremy taylor, ordained unitarian universalist minister, lying, claiming, thats, dr. jeremy taylor showing keep it low, he, said, no, yells man, alright, says rev. jeremy taylor, he will call police for exposing, do saith the Lord and I will openly bless, all the thieves of ministry of dreams, thats website two, and, both, said, hollie, ministryofdreams and ministry of dreams websites firing, thats, massive explosion, and, all the thieves of ministry of dreams in fire, call it Ministry Of Dreams said Jesus, write the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, whats that, she, said, hollie rips off MOSKE from willie duncans church and places on church of God in Christ apostolic, its the dome, said Jesus, and hollie, thats reverend, willie, duncan, yeah I know, he said, bob loves willie and r.h. duncan, rita, duncan smiles, you laughed, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, bob, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, captain smith, she, said, edward, thats titanic hitting iceberg, knocking out two plates, gashing, many, places, thats, plates, grooved, hollie, rivets, this is how, she said, heat, red hot, take with tongs, thats, hollie, riveting on titanic, hammering, four carpenters, are in the world, titanic, sank, then know cause, thats, submersible, said, hollie, in, its, the, section, she, said, saw, have pictures, they want movie, deal, will get, hollie showed, record, new united states, said, hollie, bankrupt, its, cause, barack sold, she, said, pay for iraq, said, barack obama, with, youths voice, many dying cause, thats, president bush, lockem, he, said, alright, said barack, oil contracts, thats, hollie, leaning on two nuclear explosions, and, I summed it up, she, said, thats, from high in the world, many fireballs, pointed, finger, in iraq, gaza, bush, grunts, eats, while children die, this, Jesus, looks, sprinkles, arise and awaken, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, bear grow, thats all nuclear n.a.t.o. burning, and missiles from all strike russia, exploded, world shakes, up rises, im the beast said pope, shows italy, the little horn, thats, pope, coming, to, russia, on, black, horse, signs, flatter me, said, pope, gets arsenal, hegaot smites ram, thats, nuclear explosions, in russia, china, then, thats, putin, hu, coming out of hegoat, horns, then, hu, japan, hollie, points, rise like lamb, sign, 666, its the mark treaty, thats, 666 on forehead, beasts face tattood on finger, bye, sell, said, Jesus, thats, people showing, at check out line, thats, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, ribs, in, bears, mouth, plucked up, thats, russian, subs, firing from thier waters, and missiles striking brazil, Jesus, points, with lighted finger, its right here said Jesus, jeremy taylor wants to trademark ministry of dreams to strip prophet of his God spoken name, fear me said dr. rev. jeremy taylor, wipes lips, thats sickness being place on dr. jeremy taylor, he dies, has a stroke, kathryn taylor removes ministry of dreams from jeremy taylors website said amy brucker, soothsaying is ph.d., d.min, m.a., its, all dream workers said hollie and Jesus, i am God said the beast, in rome, sits in temple, hollie watches, goes to israel, thats, hu, and, his armies, russia, and, he, saw, pointed, casey, nuclear explosion in russia, china, invades, forces, thats, chinese army with many other nations forcing russia to invade israel like cloud of people, casey watches hu hintao slash beast, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, egypt, jordan, syria, exploded, thats, fire, thats, putin, pressing, nuclear button, two, massive explosions in israel, thats, Christ placing beast, the false prophet in fire, standing on mountain, whats that, said, hollie, wounds in Gods hands, it was them, said, angry, Jesus, my friends, everything dissolves, in lava, and the kings will wail loudly, said, hollie, when, you, remember, said, hollie, what, you, done, thats the alarie sorry, same, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, its, cause, you hit isreal, said, hollie, saddam hussein, captured, hanged, thats u.s.a. sub surfacing, firing, gaza, many fire balls, saw, casey, israeli, prime minister, presses nuclear button, iraq explodes, Jesus, uses, thats bear, growing, angry, destroying, thats, subs, from, high in the air, said hollie, firing, all, around, america, exploded, and, up, rose, the woman, said, hollie, put it on, she said, sub, surfaced, fired, you know who it is, she said, its, casey, wipes lips, statue of liberty, out of fire, and washington d.c. is that great city, said, hollie, that reigneth, thats fanners, spoilers in america, people, from, mexico, working, sending money to mexico, to, family, hollie shows, MYSTERY, BABYLON, said cecil, tingley, its america, appeared, thats, hollie, leopard, laughing, and, I showed, she, said, magog, its, kim jong, hu hintao, emporer of japan, south korea, hollie showed, sign, with fingers, thats hollie doing sign teem, laughing, thats, putin, pope, anti, Christ, hollie showed, record, hollie, shows, tape, record, im, the, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, hollie said, its you, she said, pontiff, thats, mexico, lula, castrol, chavez, putin, thats, pope, coming out of putins head, hintao, nicaragua, president, pops out of lighted head, thats, ten horns, pope, inside one, said, hollie, putin walks out of one, medvedev, comes out of one, thats, ruling, party, in, russia, thats the beast, said, hollie, with, ten toes, faces, appear, on, toes, its, the, toenail, said, hollie, we'll give, said, iran, president, yes, shakes, hugo chavez, then, shows, no way, yes, shakes, lula, give me, he, said, aid, said, raul castrol, putin, signs, thats, boris yeltsin and hu hintao, hey ill give the land, he, said, alright, thats russia attacking america, right after china strikes taiwan, hollie surfaces, shows picture, its, submarine, said, hollie, plane flies, drops bombs, china, exploded, russia, launches, thats, pointed, you better up, said, hollie, missiles flying, striking alaska, exploded, clinton presses nuclear button, u.s.a., russia, explode, up, rises beast, theres hu, hintao, emporer of japan, slash, idol, pope, hollie sums it up, and enthusiastic hollie, appears, cat, said, hollie, thats, him, said, hollie, with alarie salome, simb, false prophet hu, said, hollie, thats, hu, hintao, riding, red, horse, thats hand pointing, china, thats missile streaking, taiwan, exploded, pope, rides, black, horse, to, russia, gets kingdom, white horses follow, what are these my LOrd, said, hollie, appeared, its, Gods two witness, elijah, and moses, thats grim reaper riding, its, pale, hollie, said, horse, laughing, many nations burning, smoke, rises, hollie, coughs, sun, moon, darkened, they are astonished, said, Jesus, hollie, put back, spun, from, new, behind, she, said, clap, spun, kind of, clap, turned, marching, more, fought, front, rip, then, zig, zag, that was one of the four carpenters, tear up, put back, rip, turn, tada, from, hollie, you know where, she, said, behind, thats, them, said, hollie, its, the, two ministry of dreams websites, its, hollie wipes lips, home pages, two, thats the sixth seal, broke, said, hollie, thats sub, captain, firing, america, exploded, angel, like silhouette, in heavens with casey, then, partial, then, silhouette, from, behind, said, hollie, what, can, this stench, be, said, angel, casey, rolled up scene, hollie showed, record, new, behind, said, hollie, clap, tear, turn, put back, spin, tear up, more, fought, Jesus, blew horn, out, hollie, put back, tear, turn, submarine, sorrow, said, hollie, now, look, she said, many, subs, in, oceans, thats, its, uh, double blader, said, hollie, let out hollie, walked, from, behind, said, hollie, clap, turn, hollie, went, back, then, turned, again, let me give uh speech, he said, showed, hollie, showed, 2-6-2009-blessed precious, showed, thats, kristina, said, hollie, showed, the, popes, picture, on, cell phone, hollie showed record, showed, eat, sleep, thats, beast rising, laughed, hollie, showed, you wouldnt let me record, said, hollie, thats, she, pointed, that, o, red, and, black, chariot, with, the pope and hu, pope looks thru scope, out hollie, tore up, showed, fight, back, thats, the, two beasts, false prophet hu, and, the pope who is anti, Christ, hes the beast, with seven heads, ten horns, and, who are they, said, hollie, showed, mexico, popping out, theres lula, chavez, nicaragua, castrol, kim jong, hintao, putin, medvedev, pope, out of same head, thats ten horns, pope, in, one, theres, medvedev, putin, yeltsin, out of ruling party, its duma, ten kings, thats Father in old steam locomotive, said, hollie, whew, pulled the whistle, pioneer steam engine, thats captain edward smith on r.m.s. titanic, thats, it scraping iceberg, knocking two plates out, it, cause, plates to bend in, they, were, one, inch thick, but, iceberg like, mount, Jesus, looked, the top part of mount everest, now look, said, hollie, showed, uh picture, its, submarine with putin, fired missiles, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. nations burning, missiles from them coming, striking russia, and, russia exploded, that, was, big, massive nuclear explosion, and the world shook, up rises the pope, he rides black horse, to, russia, flatteries, he said, gets arsenal, thats, nuclear, get outta here, he said, china, invades, some, of russia, thats, nuclear explosions, in, both nations, then, hollie, I summed it up, she, said, clap, hu, japan, rise, like, lamb, hollie appears, thats them signing 666, its, the, beasts iamge tattood, 666 on forehead, thats, little, pope on finger, people shopping with the mark, on, whew, said, hollie, Father in pioneer steam locomotive, pulls whistle, whew, thats hollie funnel on locomotive, blowing steam, thats the alome sanime, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, thats another, sanime, its uhlimb, said, hollie, its, wiped lips sandy, simb, Father, appears, tear up, put back, spun, showed, art work, kathryn taylor m.a. steals ministry of dreams like her dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., both, are, ruint, over, taking the name said, dee finney, ministry of dreams, call it ministry of dreams said Jesus, over 1200 have stolen and altered to like the ministry of dreams, ministry dreams, a ministry of dreams, ill ruin you and make you run to remove ministry of dreams, put him on, said, Jesus, thats the anome, uhlime, said, hollie, and, another, showed, fighting, wait for me, said, hollie, pope, hu, on, that o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, thats, hollie, in, back, saw, putin, planning, with stick, showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, ill pluck, bear rises, with, those three ribs in mouth, Jesus, sprinkles, arise, and devour, hu hintao, shakes yes, thats, yeltsin and hintao planning, china, strikes, taiwan, exploded, thats, hollie, surfacing, in, 3 ohio class subs, shower china with nukes, exploded, thats, medvedev, pressing nuclear button, thats, alaska, exploding, missiles streaking for america, casey, watches in sky, with, angel, like, silhouette, face, then partial, face appears, both, bill clinton, pressed, nuclear button, with his advisors, israeli prime minister, one, hollie showed, record, thats lighted head, president of mexico, pops out, theres, cuba, said, hollie, and, she, said, lula, castrol, hintao, putin, jong, geyer, nicaragua, thats, raul castrol, hes, visiting, russia, the land, said, putin, give me, he, said, alright, ill take it, said, castrol, signs, put me in said president of ukraine, hey russia, ill give you my wells, said, president of iran, and he saw, said, hollie Anton Szandor LaVey showed, record, im satan, he said, like, his, new, whats that, pointed, hollie, it was, ear up, put back, turn, tada, smiled, then, around, marching, stomp, to the back, front, tear, then, like on guard, its war, said, president hu hintao, thats washington d.c. under seige said hintao, coming out, im uh lighted head, other, kings, pop, out, new president of nicaragua, right here, said, Daniel Ortega, put it right there, putin, smiles, ill stage subs, he said, wiped lips, thats, missiles heading for america from russian subs and missiles from u.s.a. striking, and he saw, said, casey, nicaragua explode, thats the reason I dont want it, said, Daniel Ortega, but shakes, yes, putin, ill offer you deal, he said, Daniel Ortega shakes yes, alright put it right here, its, said, putin, aid, yes, shakes, castrol, raul, said, vladimir, said, medvedev, im in control, he pointed, but, they, are, both, equal, thats uh horn, pointed, hu hintao, pope inside, and, 9 more appear, thats, kings, popping, out, said, hollie, and, Jesus, its, uh ruling party, russias, prophet hickman, thats, what is it, said, hollie, submarine, sorry, thats, and theres, putin, she, said, in, its, akula, america, exploded, thats, woman, in, the fire, that was hollie, its uh blader, said, hollie, two, letting out hollie, showing, statue of liberty, on yellow road, america is war, left, new king of grecia, said, hollie, thats, putin, hu, coming, out, of, ram, horn, and, putin, out of other, pope, comes out of his, thats, the, idol shepherd, said, hollie, that, was, Jesus, said, hollie, im the Light, he, said, it was alarie sorry, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, spun, clap, showed, thru with, then, palms, put back, tear, with lighted, bear paws, turn, more, clap, tear, hollie showed, record, dont let them mos, said, man, casey, points, nuclear explosion in alaska, missiles fly by, america, exploded, hollie shows, dream, it, was, james, perigrine, his, car, leaking, oil, but, gas, bob, looks, at, has, them, raise, on lift, hollie said, start, they do, sees, nothing, more gas, sees, gas, spew out of line, bob, looks for something to place over, then, radiator clamp, what he places over, hollie showed, work, submarine, somby, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, putin, surfaced, fired, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, that is said, hollie, horses coming from between the brass mountains, white, grizzled, black, red, tada, said, hollie, I closed it, up, thats, horse, with vesture, on, hollie showed, like, scarf, website said, post, said, hollie, both, 2-7-2009-horny, said, cecil tingley, when you see, said, hollie, it made me embarrased, she said, man, shakes, yes, give me some, he said, comeon said steven stargardter-jim garrison man, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed, record, corrected, he said, you know what, them, are, my bob, said, hollie, thems, hells bells, ringing said hollie, thats, ac/dc she said, aging, when they recorded hells bells, said, cecil tingley, young, thier lead singer died not long after hells bells, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, Bon Scott in fire, screaming, LOrd help me he said, thats angus young being showed vision, he doesnt want to look at it, it made me angry angus young said, no, said, hollie, turned, clap, shakes, yes, then, I showed no way, she said, after we hit irani, said, Jesus, u2, he said, thats Paul David Hewson, bono, now, old, but, dying, thinks, Godll, he said, showed cut off, hollie showed, fingers, hollie showed record, and, I showed, you that, she, said, tear up, put back, man, said, hollie, rip, turn, you know what way mister hickman said hollie, behind, man, looked, turn, tada, from the front, what did he do, said hollie, rubbed fingers, turned, rubbed, turned, rip it, he said, opened, hollie showed, record, turn, with, lighted, bear paw, tear up, put back, spin, arms, stretched out, turn, work toward the front, arms, put back, what does china want, said, angel, and, he, saw, said, hollie, china, thats, hu, hintao, riding red horse, china, taiwan, explodes, hollie showed, eat, walk, with different coat on, let, said, hollie, its, uh, double, blader, said, hollie, you know start one, said, gruver, hollie points, yellow road, hollie looks thru megaphone, its peace and safety, hollie said, in megaphone, left, what was hollie, doing, said, hollie, she, was, showing it, was, start one, that, weakened america, n.a.t.o., thats, appeared, thats pope with horn, out hollie, fingers in ears, bob, said, Jesus, theres your man, said, hollie, whats was mans look, said, hollie, looked at, was, angry, tear up, said, hollie, with, said, hollie, it, was, said sandy, simb, that is star wars sumb, said, hollie, its, cause, im the beast, said, pontiff, and hu, said, hollies, hes, the, second beast, thats vision over roan, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, loose belt sound, said, hollie, pointed, hollie showed, coat, put uh new one on, she said, Jesus looked at wind shield wipers, replace, or, hollie showed, scratch windshield, thats, hollie, paying, big bucks, for, replacement, this is warning, said, hollie, 2-8-2009-hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, showed, thru with, then, shook, yes, then, no, thru with agin, clapped, from, behind, clapped, hollie, showed, lighted bear paws, yellow, with, man inside, look, said, hollie, om thru with, it, she said, then, yes, then, thru, make up your mind, hollie, appeared, smiled, bigger, no, said, hollie, showed, what did hollie show, mine, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, im thru with, she, said, turned, clap, raised hands, showed, beast, pope, you know who he is, hollie, pontiff, and hu, hes second beast, theres emporer of japan, hollie showed, lamb, hu, japan, coming out, hollie showed, explosion, hollie showed, Pioneer SX-990, its excellent, has, hollie wiped lips, website said post, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed, technics sa-7300x, its uyh excellent, receiver, showed, hollie, it has four channels, hollie summed it up, turned, on, hollie showed, record, they tell me its uh double blader, said, hollie, copter, letting, out, hollie, on yellow, road, left, jeremy taylor. min, u.u., removes ministry of dreams, that was copship said, hollie, and hollie wipes lips, double blader, lets, out, das boot, its, and crew, world world two german submarine, sinks thousands of ships, left, man, shows, said, hollie, trashing, out, turn, from, new, behind, said, hollie, showed, hands, spun, more, kept, stomped, spun, hands, in air, again, tear, submarine sorrow, said, hollie, now, look, she said, showed, picture, of, akula, she said, fired, missiles, thats, australia, france, italy, america, britain exploding, missiles coming, from, striking russia, world shakes, up rises beast, said, hollie, 2-9-2009-that, said, hollie, was hu hintao, he was, riding, red, horse, china, struck, taiwan, boom, burns, and, hollie, waves, surfaces, in 3 ohio class, subs, strike, china, burns, whew, said, hollie, thats, Father, in, pioneer steam locomotive, pulling, whistle, whew, it, went, like, holie, thats, russia, medvedev, pressing, nuclear, button, thats, many missiles, heading for america, alaska, explodes, and, bill clinton, presses, nuclear button, thats, u.s.a. exploding, and rusia, burning, sun, moon, dark, bout, 16 hours, angel, in, heavens, atmosphere, smoke, comes, up, casey, rolls, up scene, hollie, showed, four, carpenters, what be these, she said, Jesus, rubbed, chin, these, scatter, israel, they are, he said, the beast, said, pope, hu hintao, hes, false prophet, emporer of japan, he, rises, with, hu, to, withstand, said, pontiff, and, they, the mark treaty, 666, said, Jesus, man, said, hollie, thats, slash, idol, shepherd, they are, the, four carpenters, that, was, man, showed, hollie, hes, the idol pope, like, natianiel urshan, hes, hollie, wipes lips, man, that, was, dream, bob tells woman, God has shown, him, in visions, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, magog, and more, shes, astonished, but, doesnt show it, let me, she thinks, record, then, pointed, let me tell, that, pointed, hollie, was, nuclear, explosions, in, the world, france, she said, boom, italy, exploded, thats, britain, america, australia, boom, exploded, and, all, returning, missiles, russia, exploded, and, heavens, filled, with, smoke, of thier burning, world, shakes, up rises, the beast, pope, said, hollie, hes, antichrist, she said, man, said, hollie, like, whew, whatta you want, he said, tears, put back, hollie turns, showed, hands, tada, smiled, turned, lifted, arms, showed, lighted bear paws, tear up, and restore again, she said, rip, yur fallen, said, hollie, its, me said reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u., said, hollies, hes stole ministry of dreams, to, strip, Gods prophet, ruin, and, wants, others, to, help, stop, the advancement, said d.min u.u. jeremy taylor, of him, bob, ruin, like, he said, yes, shakes, antonia vladimirova, yes shakes john mark pool, release, said, hollie, yes, shakes, m.a. jeremy taylor ph.d., hes ruint, said, hollie, claims to be a reverend, but, is, a witch, said, hollie, hes, all, that steal ministry of dreams like thier, satan, appears, thats, showed, hollie, Navy's USS Port Royal, it ran aground, she said, appears, o.k., but, underneath, she said, thats, captain, shrugging, put it in mothballs, hollie said, do, cause, ruint, they, knew, but, got to close, now, captain, retires, with, out, pension, cause, you fool, said president george w. bush, its, damaged, beyind repair, kosovo, said, man, and he saw, pointed, casey, thats, u.s.a., going to far, said, the LOrd, now, judge, he said, thats, ram, forming, thats, hu, and russia, coming out of ram, horns, they are, the, beast, said, pope, hes, in, the middle, thats, hegoat striking ram, then, china, u.s.a., nuke, then, up, rises, the beast, said, pontiff, hes, anti, look, said, hollie, its, tomar levine, she steals, said, hollie ministry of dreams like her peter appleseed, thats, hollie, showing nuclear fire ball in indianapolis, hollie leopard, laughs, thats, she said, north and south korea, china, japan, on magog, said, hollie, thats, china, appeared, and I closed, it, she said, war said hu hintao, on, yellow china, thats, dragon rising, its nations that make up new world order, its, thats, mexico, popping out of lighted head, lula, hugo, hintao, nicaragua, castrol, kim jong, putin, pope comes out of his, thats dragon with pope coming out, of, serpents, head, nicaragua, thats the reason, said, hollie, exploded, thats missiles going from, let us use thier waters, said, vladimir said medvedev, ill, shoot, does, presses nuclear button, thats, hollie, showing, world, thats nuclear explosion in, then many all over world, hollie showed, record, submarine, sorrow, said, hollie, possum, feed, she said, and possum licked the prophet, we need love to, possum said, that, said, hollie, was, hollie, like, stick, figure, showed, fighting, tearem up, turn, showed, fight, the economy, is, really slipping bob, said, hollie, its, said, hollie, simb, website said, post, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, visions from 2-9?-10-11-2009-this is uh warning, said, hollie, this is uh warning, said, hollie, freeze frame, said, hollie, sang it, hollie, points, hells bells ringing, thats music, people paying, to, hear singers, thats, that, o, red, and, black, chariot, said, hollie, pulled, by, angry, red, and, black, horses, thats, ministry of dreams showed up on tomar levines website, o I didnt steal said tomar levine, hollie shows, the Ministry of Dreams, ill take it, she said, fool said tomar levine, peter appleseed steals ministry of dreams like thier reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u., said, hollie, thats, spacecraft crashlanding, when they hit iraq, said, hollie, and Jesus, they brought america, into remembrance befor GOd, Jesus sprinkles, arise and awaken, said, hollie, bear grows with vladimir putin, in hands, its cause, bobby, said, hollie, russia is the beast, she said, with seven heads and then horns, thats, pope, she said, goes to, gets, control, she said, strikes nuclear n.a.t.o., thats australia exploding, theres france, great britain, italy, boom, exploded, america said george bush, exploded, said, cecil tingley, thats bill clinton pressing nuclear button, missiles from n.a.t.o. nations strike russia, thats russia exploding, world shaking, up rises, pointed, hollie, the beast, antichrist, hes pontiff, theres hu hintao, said Jesus, and hollie, and, he saw, pointed, said, cecil tingley, close, mouth, embarrased, she said, people, showing, trash it said cecil, tingley, emporer of japan, slash, pope, thats man showing, thats, nuclear explosions in russia, china, thats, hegoat smiting ram, write the vision, said, hollie, thats double, hollie, its uh, double blader, letting out hollie, thats, peace and safety, right there, he, said, bush, gorbachev, 1991, appeared, signed, start one, thats, hand, taking, nuclear, arms off surface ships, remember that, said, hollie, a american destroying hits rock in ocean, it ruins, its structurally, thats, captain, knowing, he, gets, ruint over, retire said Capt. Scott Gureck, wipes lips, I dont want to retire, he said, with childs voice, I didnt know that rock was out there, he, said, whole ship, there, it, is, said, hollie, drydocked, about 50 feet of its bottom, thats, hollie, two, repairing, sending, its back, out, they said, israel, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, israel, thats, hollie, putting, nuclear missile on, then, from, high in air, clapped, its uh nuclear battleground showed man, thats, many, fireballs in israel, thats vladimir putin pressing nuclear button, right after, egypt, jordan, syria, casey, showed, exploded, israeli prime minister, hits, thats, hu and his armies slashing beast in israel, nuclear fireball in russia, lets unite and force, said, hu, thats, people, like, cloud, going, marching to israel, beast, explodes, out, thats, aleem, uhsimb, said hollie, dont go outside, hollie, showed, nuclear fireball, growing, exploding, it takes out indianapolis, hollie said, casey, points, many nuclear, fireballs in america, thats, Jonathan Hansen showing come on, bring bob here, bob, thinks, love to, but, wont, its, the, drive, bob, says, van, its gettin to old, bob, said, hollie, thinks, could make, there, but, bob, thinks, he, wont, said Jonathan Hansen, go, to, california, sleep in car, said Jonathan Hansen, bob, showed no way, bob and reverend Jonathan Hansen stair at each other in indianapolis, bob, talked to man that, travels with Jonathan Hansen, thats looks like donald sutherland, bob, says, who do you think MYSTERY, BABYLON is, let me git reverend hansen, the man said, to bob, bob says, who do you think, do you beleive its america, yes, says, man, bob, trusts, thats, Jonathan Hansen reading visions, bob would go, come said Jonathan, but we need money Jonathan and man says, theres that submarine, said, hollie, with, hollie in, missiles fired, world shakes, up rises, the, pope, put it on, said, hollie, playing music, you dont want no more vision, uwhhuum whuum whuum whuum, sang, hollie, uwhhuum, she said, its, zztop, she said, pointed, leave me alone, said, hollie, pointed, submarine, somby, said, hollie, its, alome, she, said, simb, showed, sandy, thats pope on black horse, hu on red, grim reaper on pale, Jesus on white, what are those my Jesus, said, hollie, four carpenters scattering israel, they, and hu popped out, pope, emporer of japan, slash, pope, these are kings in persia, hollie blows horn, out hollie, points, turned, changed, hollie, like, a, fire, Father in steam locomotive, hollie funnel, thats meerkat showing popes picture, tear up, said, hollie, meerkat pointed, feed, said, hollie, possum, hollie pulled ship, four carpenters bust ship, dangerous, hollie pulled on land, write the vision, said, hollie, whats that said, hollie, angel, with, silhouette face, then, face appears, then, silhouette, turn, said, hollie, tada, angel, shows, both, beasts, theres hu, hollie, said, pope, thats the fourth carpenter, hes the idol shepherd, said hollie, taiwan, said, Jesus, thats taiwan burning, missile, pointed, casey, from, china, hu hintao, rides red horse, ministry of dreams spoken by Jesus, steal and he will ruin you said, hollie, out of copter, its uh double blader, said, hollie, Jesus appears, call it ministry of dreams he said, I spoke it, he said, hollie, showed, record, showed, work, hollie showed, record, and I showed you that, he said, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they said cecil tingley, thats hu, lula, chavez, castrol, jong, nicaragua, mexico, putin, thats, pope coming out of putins head, i am God, he said, hollie, showed, bright Light, bobby, said, hollie, showed, work, turned, tada, more, work, tada, hollie showed, record, what does the website say, said, hollie, post, said, hollie points, thats, was gabriels voice, hes arch, light, like, soldier, appeared, showed, work, hollie was complaining, hollie showed, Father, like uh white Spirit me he said, looking at record, hollie pointed, up, Jesus came, world shook, hollie showed nuclear explosion in many nations, this is uh warning, said, hollie, lets post, website, she, said, and ministryofdreams website, appeared, two, said, hollie, whats the name, she said, doin on there, she said, o said tomar levine, I didnt knew it, she lied, and ministry of dreams website, shows, arm, fires, thats, tomar levine running to, remove it said tomar levine, thats her reverend dr. jeremy taylor, come on he said, with tomar levines voice, both, dr. said Jesus, you are a, soothsayer, said hollie, and Jesus, cut off, showed, Christ Jesus, our Lord, said, hollie, put it under, hollie showed, cut off, go, quit, post, later, 2-12-2009-hollie, showed, make, up, your mind, this is uh warning, she said, hollie showed, record, leave me alone, said, hollie, dont call me again, said, steven stargardter-jim garrison, dude, said, hollie, whats that, she, said, its, uh, black chariot, with, pontiff, she said, theres, hu, in red, thats, grim reaper lauging in pale, Jesus on white, spoke thru megaphone, out hollie, thats the reason, hollie, said, the united states, will be, attacked, said, Jesus, post, said, hollie, uwhum hum whum whum whum, she, sang, pointed, up, thats, Jesus, coming, world, under, attack, hollie, looks, at, nuclear explosions, in, many contries, thats, vladimir putin, im the beast, he said, that, was, Gods hand with the two beasts, and who are they said, hollie, uwhum hum whum whum whum, sang, another, hollie, the beasts, said, playing music, pope, hu, get outta here, he, said, thats, hegoat, attacking ram, russia, china, hollie, shows, nuclear, explosions, in, both, lands, and, thats, comere, said, pope, them, signing, its the mark treaty, 666, they, laugh, lie, threaten, thats, lamb, rising, hu, japan, come out of horns, thats, pope, sitting in temple in rome, I am God, thats, hu, unite and force, he, said, with dragon watching, and nuclear explosion in russia, thats, cloud of people on land, moving to russia, forcing russians to invade israel, thats, hu, slashing, pope, and, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, jordan, egypt, syria explode, thats putin pressing nuclear button, israel, exploded, thats, was Jesus, placing, nuke, on israel, Christ, pointed, hollie, places, beast, false prophet, in fire, Jesus, stands on mount, look at my hands, he said, bobby, dont do it, said, hollie, hollie showed, chew gum, thats, the reason, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, alomb, sireen, she showed, hollie showed, record, the Ministry and Dreams is born, wanting to be changed to ministry of dreams, and ministryofdreams website appears, two, said, hollie, dont do, said the ministry of dreams website, call it the ministry of dreams, thats stealing said hollie, like world prophecy center, dont, call, the world prophecy center, or worldprophecycenter, I warned ya, said, Jesus, showed cut off, if you do, and I will make you remove ruint, Jesus appears angry, then laughs, ruin, he said, and ministryofdreams website fires, all run to remove, after, bobby, thats iraq, said, hollie, hollie leans on two nuclear explosions, give me, ill do it said barack, sleeping, presses, thats, hollie watching, dont, do, she said, iraq, gaza, exploded, and israeli prime minister, pressed nuke button, cause, u.s.a. nuked gaza, from sub, said, hollie, its from, thats, many fireballs showed hollie in iraq, Jesus, angers, sprinkles, russia, arise, devour, thats bear with 3 ribs, plucked up, and who are they said, hollie, russia uses thier waters, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hi bobby, said, hollie, post, right here, pointed dr. rev. jeremy taylor with red finger, thats u.u. reverend jeremy taylor m.a. stealing ministry of dreams like tomar levine, both run to remove what they stole said Jesus, bobby, said tomar levine, showed cut off, thats person showing tomar levine her theft of God spoken ministry of dreams, whew, she said, removes, thats, post, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, thats, it, she, showed, sleep, this is the website, said, hollie, do more, lighted, hands, put back, tear, hollie, shows, globe, nuclear explosions, in, many countries, thats, u.s.s. iowa, fired, those are starting to, rust, they, are, not, seaworthy, thats, why, mothballs, hollie, paddled uh boat, and titanic sinks, start one, pointed, hollie, thats, peace and safety, thats, ram, with, putin, hu, coming out of horns, thats, hegoat smiting ram, thats, pointed, hand, china, russia, nuking, hollie, look at that, she, said, then, they, sign, 666, I torture to make weak and me strong saith God, backslide, said, Jesus, bob, dreamed, was told, man, filing lawsuit, over claim, bob ends up with terminal manager, walking, talking, to office, went there with another man, to discuss with terminal manager, it was a pretty good size claim, bob may have sang, heard others playing instruments, one was tiny tim, playing, like, organ, bob tells terminal manager he could sing, couldnt play an instrument, 2-14-2009-that, was hollie showed, said, hollie, in the fire, hes, like, not, you need to read, said, hollie, this is vision, post, said, hollie, and, hollie, laughs, hollie shows beast with seven heads, ten horns, folds up scene she says, unfolds, those are heads, hollie said, kings popped out, like mexico, he wipes lips, yeah ill, give me, he said, alright, put it right, said, medvedev, with putin, signs, thats geyer said hollie, nicaragua, shakes yes, yeah, ill, give me, he, said, signs, putin, smiles, thats, castrol, raul, says, fidel, raul castrol, shakes, yes, ill, give me, said, medvedev, yes, shakes, raul, signs, thats, hugo chavez, lula, hintao, jong, all signing, putin, smiles, and, medvedev shoves, putin, ill, shoot, kills, putin, presses nuclear button, bobby, said, hollie, it was uh dream, she said, night vision, appears, hollie, record, shows, the beast with seven heads, ten horns, and, who are they, she, said, its, uh, ruling party, she, said, ten horns, thats, popes face in horn one, medvedev, putin, its, duma, said, hollie, sandy like cindy wipes lips, hollie, showed, record, thats, putin, laughing, its, cause, im, the, beast, he said, pope appears, hollie shows Pollyanna Bush, thats, said, hollie, sings, at, Grace Cathedral and the Interfaith Chapel in the Presidio, hey lets do a live show said Pollyanna Bush, shes, hollie wipes lips, witch, shes, lost, witch, but, I pretend said Pollyanna Bush witjh gina rose halperns voice, Jan Thomas wipes lips, yeah I do, she said, showed cut off, let me be your backslider said amy brucker with Pollyanna Bushs voice, tell the vision, said, hollie, write the vision, showed, hollie, pen, tell me who the antichrist is said hollie, thats pontiff, and Pollyanna Bush wipes lips, shes masterbater, sings in choir, thats her looking at visions, record, said, hollie, hollie tree, appeared, trees, she said, ministering, hollies, trees, showed, hollie tree, some produce, fruit, she said, some, dont, hew down, said, Jesus, that, didnt, that, pointed, hollie, out of ring, 2-15-2009-bobby, let me record, she, showed, thats dr. kinsey, the kinsey report, kinsey taught sex, brought judgment to america, that course popped up all over the world, whatever you read said alice cooper, vince, said, hollie, many people learned, oral, and anal sex, from, alfred kinsey, theres kinsey in lava, I want outta here, he said, miserable, he had sex with children, all, taught, hollie put back, tear up, uuh huh, she said, bobby, I showed, the beast, pontiff, she said, theres hu, showed, hollie, summed it up, emporer of japan, slash, idol, pope, she said, she said, thats antichrist, hollie, said, pope, this is website, post, said, hollie, record, the vision, said, hollie, with, sandy, wiped lips, simb, record, the vision, hollie said, pope appears, grow, like, flower, hollie showed, record, what did I do, she, said, with lighted hands, hollie showed, fleas with a face like satan, hollie looked, angel, submarine, theres one, said, hollie, fired, missiles, with, captain, hollie, taiwan, exploded, missile from china, france, said, Jesus, thats, it, said, hollie, thats the red dragon with the seven kings, they are nations that will attack u.s.a., hollie showed, what the dog was doing, lying down, with eyes opened, how do we beat china, hollie said, in uh round circle, hollie, stands by nuclear explosion, in circle hollie showed, with lighted fire colored hands, captain hollie fires missiles from u.s.a. sub, then turns, angers, thats, hollie, like, bear, firing, missiles, thats, n.a.t.o., struck, said, hollie, australia, france, britain, america, exploded, thats, hollie showed, japan, being nuked, hollie showed, massive explosions, missiles from china, two, thats emporer of japan, nuclear explosions in china, thats lamb, with china, japan, coming out, hollie, appears, that, was, her, hollie, like, uh, bear, russia, she said, thru megaphone, wake up, ill sprinkle, she, said, threw powder, wake up, she said, bear angered, growled, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, that was light like coming out of screen at grace, showed, hollie, licked prophet, then partial, back, hollie, shows many colors, then, forward to the back, hollie shows dan quayle, wouldve won, she said, president, thats, dan, quayle wiping lips, you didnt want it, said, hollie, playing, music, hollie showed, thats, double blader, said, hollie, letting out henry gruver, spoke thru megaphone, hollie out, thats it, he, said, start one, its, uh, peace and safety full fillment, thats it said, hollie, face muscles, excercise, wont sag, hollie showed how to exercise, balls to the walls singer, hes, lava, your going to the lake said pope, thats antichrist in fire, hes pontiff, hollie listens, git me out of here, he said, hes, seeking Holy Ghost then, that was pope in the fire said hollie, let me, said, hollie, ill show ya he said, pope, riding black horse, that was nuclear explosion, deforms, hollie showed, hu hintao riding red horse, taiwan explodes, hu models, grim reaper rides pale, collecting dead souls, Jesus on white horse, let me record, said, hollie this is uh warning, dont say that, said, hollie, showed, van rooy, thumbs down, hes failing cause high property taxes, hollie showed record, taiwan, said, man, we want free, said taiwan president, hollie taps, stick, this is, he said, wiped lips, Jesus, now dont you make fun of him, hollie said, tapped stick, Jesus, models, 2-16-2009-hollie showed, whats that, she said, the beast, pope, she said, hes, hollie wipes lips, bobby, let me, said, hollie, I, showed, you, the beast, she said, pope, hu hintao, and I summed it up, hollie, said, showed, pope, riding black horse, you go to, hollie, said, russia, thats, bear, growing, with, three ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up, hollie said, thats, bear, looking, attacking, n.a.t.o., nations, exploded, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, and restore, rip, put back, theres, uh, submarine, right there, said, hollie, showed picture, its akula, she, said, fired, missiles, hollie showed, sundancer boat, sailed, fired missiles, thats, many, nations, being destroyed, that, was, france exploding, italy, boom, america, hollie, points, subs, all around, fired, missiles, america fires interceptors, miss, thats u.s.a. exploding, bill clinton presses nuclear button, russia explodes, hollie showed, record, hollie shows, its uh pioneer stereo receiver, sx-980, hollie wipes lips, shows power meters, they are power level meters, hollie shows, at about two watts, loud enough, she said, this is website, post, said, hollie, showed, turn, write the vision, said, hollie, pope, appears, smiling, there are no more vision in pentecost cause there are no more apostolics in pentecost said hollie, clap, hollie showed, the beast, she said, pope, hes, growing, catholic, its biggest religion, hes, the, antichrist, satan manifest in the flesh saith God, he has satans soul inside, saith the Lord, hollie showed, record, and, I summed it up, she, said, clap, light, hollie showed, hollie leopard, laughed, hu, north, south, korea, emporer of japan, appeared, magog showed hollie, thats, china, nuking, invading, russia, forcing, like cloud of people, lets go, said, false prophet hu, thats, hu, putin coming out of hegoat horns, thats hegoat smiting ram, up rose pontiff, hollie summed it up, emporer of japan, clap, thats, lamb, showed, hollie, they, withstand me said pontiff, all sign, its the mark treaty, 666, thats, nuclear explosions in russia, china, then, thats, hegoat smiting, ram, charge, hollie said, that was two nuclear explosions in alaska, and russia, said cecil tingley, christmas said gene simmons, bobby some one looked said hollie, its KISS, hollie, grins, that, was, w.a.sp., it was uh dream, hollie said, they, aging, you dont want no more website, thats what your showing us, said, many, 2-17-2009-hollie like uh bear, thats, bear, with 3 ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico appear said cecil tingley, on, then, pointed, hand, missiles, from thier waters said hollie, fired said cecil tingley, from, hollie showed, subs, thats captain hollie, in her, its akula class, she said, sub, said cecil tingley, america explodes said cecil tingley, then missiles from america strike nicaragua, cuba, mexico, hollie, ill, put it right there, shows nuclear explosions in all, thats, smoke from u.s.a., burning said cecil tingley, covering cuba, thats, pointed, hollie, angel, in sky, smoke, rises, face turned silhouette, back, turned, showed hands, clap, turn, most said hollie, hollie showed, record, excuse me said hollie, hey bob, let me, said, hollie, it was uh dream, said, hollie, smiled, hes the beast, antichrist, hollie said, pope appears, hollie, smiles, laughs, that, revelation of the beast, pope, hollie, said, cecil tingley, wipes lips, dream, said, hollie, dream, hollie, says, bob, walks, sees, church, it was written on, hollie, said, john stein, pastored, or, john stien, hollie showed, that, bob, sees, many fish aquariums, inside, it was uh dream, hollie, said, bob sees indy 500 race car on road, slim jim drives, runs into dumptruck, jim gets out, walks, bob tells dumptruck driver he saw, this, was after, said, hollie, bob, has first, dream, first sevice, according to sign, at, 9:01, other buildings, with, other times, you see, said Jesus, john stein, hes, uh witch, like most pastors, has many churches, but, lost, bob sees people inside church, standing, praying, to, release, dream, said, hollie, it was, said, hollie, uh, she wiped lips, dream, smiled, hollie, laughed, hollie showed, record, said cecil tingley, she said, submarine, somby, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, showed, picture, submarine, appeared, its, vanguard class, fired missiles, russia, exploded, thats bear rising, tear up, with three ribs, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, in mouth, russia, struck, nuclear, n.a.t.o., exploded, hollie showed, transmission fluid, change, she, said, every, hollie wiped lips, talked with Jesus, talked, back, hollie, tore up, put back, rip, clap, hollie shows france, submarines, she, said, collide, great britain, hollie, said, your in fault, it, slightly damaged both, but, still, useable, hollie showed subs, its construction, she said, steal, almost, hollie measures, two inches thick, hollie showed, the dog, lying down, dozing off, they, stay awake most of the time, cymbol beats, thats, both, beasts, hu, hollie shows, pope, thats hegoat getting ready, to, charge, said, hollie, smites ram, thats, putin, hu, coming out of ram horns, hegoat smites, thats, hollie shows, russia, china, nuking each other, thats, pope riding black horse to russia, moscow, its after, said, hollie, nuclear n.a.t.o. struck, and he saw, pointed, hollie, italy, boom, thats, china invading russia, thats, n.a.t.o. striking russia, angel, in, sky, smoke, goes up, hollie shows angels face, kept changing, hollie, turned, silhouette, like angel, then, partial, face, then, spun, clap, partial, both, im the angel, thats lamb with hu, japan, coming out, withstand, said, hu, they, come on, said, pontiff, sign the mark treaty, 666, thats, pope, take it, said, beast on t.v., sitting in temple, 666 on arm, place it, said, hollie, forehead, popes image, tattood, on finger, what did my beast say, said, hollie, take it, said, pontiff, said cecil tingley, what did beast say, sittin, in rome, hollie said, i am, God said cecil tingley, thats cloud of people invading russia, unite and force, said, hintao, nuclear explosion in russia, thats, beast, being slashed, by, hu, in, israel, moscow exploded, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, egypt, jordan, syria, explode, hollie, look at that, she said, missiles leave israel, Christ places beast, false prophet, in, fire, hollie record, what, she, saw, thats, lighted, transmission, I dont need it, transmission said, just keep it full, transmission, said, oil, I dont need no clean oil, theres uh submarine sorry, said, hollie, now look, she said, hollie, in, her, sub, fired, missile, world, shook, darkness, world, moved, up, rose, the pontiff, said, Jesus, now look, he said, rises from sea, ill show you uh picture, its vanguard class, fired missiles, collided, they, will, drydock, and, hollie, wiped lips, put back, out, thats hu hintao, riding, red, horse, it, appeared, said, hollie, hand points, taiwan, explodes, thats grim reaper, riding, the, pale, collects dead souls, grim reaper laughs, ha ha, thats billions of souls being taken, many nations, hollie, showed, on fire, thats nuclear missiles striking, from, hollie in her sub, its vanguard, she said, thats, world, fire coming up, from, thats four carpenters, kings, pop out, and, who, are, they, said, hollie, pope, hu, emporer of japan, slash, beast, she, said, hollie showed, turn, bob, said, hollie, Love, said, hollie, and dream hollie, laughs, gabriel, appears, arch, like, roman soldier, receives message, o.k. ill give it, he said, flies, hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, but she, said, hollie, shook, yes, then, im thru with it, then, thought, spun, turn, around, click fingers, had big hands, no, shook, yes, clap, 2-18-2009-hollie, dream, jumps on shoulders, laughs, hollie, shows, new jerusalem, like uh glass city, crystal sea, hollie, in boat, sub surfaces, in crystal sea, she said, hollie in sub, fired missiles, in that, she said, crystal sea, thats gabriel, pouring out vial, sub surfaces, with captain hollie, fires missiles, new york explodes, look at that, said, hollie, its she said, statue of liberty, thats woman, dream, said, hollie, night vision, said, more, hollie shakes yes, let me see, said, hollie, with, the alome aleem, said another, hollie, what did hollie do, concious aleem, said, hollie, thats, double blader, said, hollie, letting out gruver, said, hollie, road said hollie, yellow, spoke thru megaphone, hollie out, what did he show, said hollie, bush, gorbachev, signing 666, its, uh treaty, thats the reason, said, hollie, it was peace and safety, thats the reason, said, hollie, left, that is double blader said Jesus, letting out medvedev, spoke thru megaphone, thats, putin, and carpenter, thats, hes, that is double blader, said, hollie, letting out pope, hes the beast, said, hollie, thats, putin, kneeling before pope, what did putin say, said, hollie, let me, he said, alright, said, pontiff, I want to rule the world, said, vladimir putin, thats, nicaragua exploding, on, the screen, said, hollie, showed, sleep, theres uh submarine sorry, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, captain hollie in her sub, its akula, she said, fired missiles, america exploded, thats, ram, with putin, hu, coming out of horns, thats, hegoat, get ready, said, hollie, smote ram, with, pope in middle, thats, russia, china, nuking, each other, thats, pope, riding, black, horse, to, russia, flatter, he said, signs, gets arsenal, drives out china, thats, them, invading russia, then, pope drives out, thats, lamb, rising, hollie, points, who is it, she, said, thats, hu, japan, coming, out, of horns, withstand, him, said, false prophet hu, thats, them, signing, its, the, mark, treaty, 666, take it, said, pope, thats 666 being tattood on, forehead, arm, popes image tattood on finger, what did my pope say, said, hollie, im, the, antichrist, he said, I am God, said, the, pope, in, rome, unite and force, said, hu hintao, thats nuclear explosion, look, pointed casey, kings of the east, invading, russia, thats, magog, forcing russia, to invade israel, prime minister presses nuclear button, thats, nuclear missiles striking egypt, jordan, syria, massive explosions, thats, russia, nuking, israel, exploded, hu, slashes, pope, Christ places pope, hu, in fire, thats angel, in, atmosphere, and what did he see, said, hollie, smoke, comes up, hollie shows world, many, nuclear, explosions, it was uh dream, said, hollie, night vision, said, Jesus, 2-19-2009-edward wood jr. is the one, said, hollie, hes utubia1party, steals ministry of dreams with sistermoonshine13, who is joel tao, hollie appears, shows, russia, pope, appears, thats, hegoat with putin, and hu, coming out of horns, thats, ram, with, hegoat charging, thats, nuclear fireballs, in, russia, china, thats tree growing, bearing much fruit, hew down, said, Jesus, fell, from, roots, grew, another, thats, how, hollie points, shows russia exploding, thats, the, beast, hollie said, pope, that, was, hu, riding the red horse, said, hollie, and, hollie plays music, hand, points, missile from china, strikes taiwan, burns, thats, hollie, surfacing, in, ohio class, said, hollie, fired, missiles, thats, china, exploding, bobby this is website, said, hollie, post, and, he saw, said, casey, pointed, ed wood caught stealing ministry of dreams, hes utubia1party, peter appleseed, robert gillen, they remove ministry of dreams ruint, prophet this is vision, post, said, hollie, jong, said, hollie, and, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, now look, said, hollie, walking, missiles from, leaving from right there said, hollie, north korea, kim jong presses nuclear button, thats russia, china, south korea, fireballs coming from all, thats, putin, pressing nuclear button, thats, missile striking north korea, exploded, now look, said, hollie, showed, time out, record, the, vision, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, Jesus, models, prophet, said, hollie, thats, that o red and black chariot with the pope and hu, pulled by angry horses, now, lets, see, said, hollie, jumps in back, sees, putin, planning, hollie points, drink, thats, the, alome salime, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, thats it, said, hollie, a bear in repair, it was uh, hollie smiled, wiped lips, dream, laughed, hollie showed, record, theres trouble said man, casey, points, kings, pope, hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, man appears, tear up, put back, tear, hollie showed the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they said hollie, wiped lips, showed, eat, the pope, hollie said, wiped lips, theres hu, putin, lula, chavez, castrol, nicaragua, kim jong, there you have it, said, hollie, I summed it up, war, said, Jesus, and, the cymbol beat, said, hollie, that, she, said, the second beast, hu hintao, I want war, he, said, that, said, hollie, and, hollie, rises, slaps, rubs face, now listen here, hollie said, slapped, face, hollie, that, flies in, its an old m.i.g. jet hollie said, that, pointed, angel, hollie drops bombs, that, angel, said, america, explodes, angel, points, bill clinton presses nuclear button, thats, missiles, striking russia, thats, bear, with 3 ribs, and, who are they, hollie said, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, that, hollie says, missiles leave thier waters, america, that, hollie said, exploded, thats missiles leaving u.s.a., striking all 3, angel in atmosphere, with face, that, said, hollie, like silhouette, then, partial face, appears, then, silhouette, angel, turns, plays air guitar, snaps fingers, that, hollie said, turned more, acted wild, turned, stomped, like running in place, now, to, the, front, tada, put back, tear, hollie snaps, then, put back, wild, bobby, said, hollie, eat, 2-20-2009-hollie, slaps, now, look, he, she said, pope, appears, with, im the beast, he said, with, hollie wipes lips, hollie showed, submarine, sorry, said, hollie, surfaced, its akula, agin, she said, fires missiles, something, shook, said, hollie, world, in, gross darkness, hollie, that, said, hollie, Fukengruven, the man, she, said, put it under, drink, hollie showed, thats antichrist said hollie, pope, with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, theres hu, and, I summed it up, hollie, showed, hes false prophet, thats yeltsin, hu, together, hey ill give you the land, said, boris, o.k. shook hu, thats china striking taiwan, burning, thats hu riding red horse, hollie, sums it up, thats lula, chavez, castrol, nicaragua, kim jong, popping out of heads, putin, git, outta my way, said, pope, thats, medvedev kneeling before pope, hey, i want to, if youll let me, o.k., shakes, pope, let me rule the world, said, putin, thats bear, walking, Jesus sprinkles, devour much flesh, thats, bear, with 3 ribs, thats, russia, striking, n.a.t.o., france, said, hollie, exploded, thats italy, australia, exploding, thats great britain, then america, exploding, thats, tone blair, pressing nuclear button, missiles from all those nations strike russia, thats, many, there said, hollie, nuclear fires in russia, thats pope, riding black horse, to russia, flatter, he, said, hey, owll, gimme, he, said, they, give, kingdom, thats, many missiles striking china, from, u.s.a., subs, china, claims, much of russia, hey, ill drive out, said, pope, thats, hegoat charging, smiting ram, nuclear fireballs, in russia, china, exchange, said, pope, thats lamb rising with hu, japan, popping out of horns, they sign the mark treaty, 666, there it is on forehead, worship the pontiff, said, hu hintao, thats nuclear missiles, hollie, tore up, clicked fingers, showed turn, spun, click, hollie showed, record, put back, finger, tear, from new behind, said, hollie, turn, put back, tear up, from behind, said, hollie, from front, thats playing with, said, hollie, then, front, turn, thats, the, yadd hand pointing, said hollie, the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, said, hollie, whats that, said, hollie, with, like, buzzer bell, sandy wipes lips, its simb, she said, its soumb, said, hollie, thats, statue of liberty, hollie, in, whats that, pointed hollie, that submarine is oscar class, fired missiles, gabriel, watches, america exploded, hollie looks thru binoculars, sees churches, emptying, thats, its double blader, said hollie, lets out henry gruver, looks thru binoculars, sees bush, gorbachev, signing, peace, safety, start one, 1991, taiwan, said, Jesus, its economy is over, said, hollie, with, hollie playing music, whats my hollies message, with taiwan gone, he said, u.s.a. weakened, thats makes china, strike, thats washington state, use terrorists, said, hu hintao, from, ships, they are military, hollie rings bell at new york stock exchange, whats that, he said, 0.00, thats u.s.a. economic collapse, barack obama, thats, what, he, wants, said, hollie, thats nicaragua, said, hollie, exploding, brazil, nuked, fireball rises, ill, place it there, said, hollie, many nuclear fires in mexico, hollie in her sub, world prophecy center said hollie, stolen by him, hollie said, thomas barnhouse, releases ruint, soon the united states will be attacked, said, hollie, with hollie playing music, he didnt want it, said, hollie, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. steals ministry of dreams, alright says d.min jeremy taylor ph.d, when person shows, then ordained unitarian universalist minister jeremy taylor turns, angry, show him, said, hollie, tell on him, hes, ed wood, said, hollie, his joel tao steals ministry of dreams, thats edward wood and joel tao embarrased when someone showed visions, they release ministry of dreams ruint, thats hollie tearing up, put back, snapping, from behind, said, hollie, snapped, fingers, turned, snapped, from behind, to the front, snapped, fingers, jumped, this is website, post, said, hollie, bob, it was, dream, said, hollie, smiles, bob heard, get ready for national recession, bob heard it, said, hollie, smiling, on, hollie, wipes, lips, radio, thats, bob and tom, they are, falling, cause, both, to, mature now, Jesus speaks, I need for you to stay home, bob wants to get money out of banks, feared looting, violence, bob hears water gushing, it was water heater, bob tries to stop, hollie shows record, now whats that, hollie said, hollie showed, that, north american interfaith network, its, hollie said, sh, witchs, hollie rubs, face, submarine sorry, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, showed, picture, its akula, fired missiles, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. struck, hollie, showed, picture, its, ohio class, fired missiles, world shook, and up rises the beast, said, hollie, theres hu, sh, she said, summed, and I closed it up, they are, she said, looked, sh, both, twoofuhm, she said, both, sh, beasts, she, said, theres, hu, the false prophet, said, hollie, and, sh, she said, pontiff, he, hollie looks around, sh, the antichrist, there you have it, showed, hollie, sh, summed, 2-21-2009-no, said hollie, shook, yep, showed, om thru with, then, I turned around, shook, yes, clap, from behind, spun, bobby, record, said, hollie, no, and I showed you that, she, said, beast with seven heads, ten horns, pope, theres hu, hollie, said, and, I summed it up, she said, thats, both beasts, emporer of japan, that, said, hollie, thats lamb with hu, japan, coming out, horns, nuclear fireballs in russia, china, then, they rise like lamb, withstand the pope, said, japan, that, said, hollie, signing, 666, record, said, hollie, this is hollie with that o loose belt some, said, hollie, that, was, gabriel, touching mans head, light explosion, that was Jesus, he said, war, said, hollie, with, sandy wiped lips, simb, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, sleep, dogs get cold, feed, said, hollie, let them stay fat in winter, thats pope growing like, whats it like, said, hollie, and, hollie shows like, thats it, said, hollie, from behind, she said, spun, hollie plays music, and I snapped, hollie said, fingers, you didnt want it, hollie said, whats that, said, hollie, theres, hu, hollie said, emporer of japan, hollie, shows, fighting, thats nuclear fires in russia, china, the world, said, hollie, showed, thats lamb rising with hu, japan, coming out of horns, withstand the pope, said, pope and hu, thats, theres, said, hollie, them signing, its, the mark treaty, 666, thats the mark on arm, forehead, thats pope image on finger, like little pope, what did my popes image say, said many, you like it, he said, people bowing before, tear up, put back, Father, said, hollie, rip, from behind, said, hollie, turn, clap, snapped fingers, bob dreams, found, fish, aquarium, its, bob, cleaned, but, took, fish out, or, more, but, one, he found, put back in, was out to long, but, not hurt, bob, afraid of hurting, picking, up, didnt though, theres uh website, lets post that vision, hollie said, sandy wiped lips, its, simb, she, said, thats, double blader, said, hollie, let out, thats them signing the mark treaty, beast, hu hintao, emporer of japan, at the table, on yellow road, hollie shows, copter lets down, pope, i am God, he said, what did they do at the table, said, hollie, laughed, lie, threaten, and, hu, I, will not put up with you, they said, to each other, hollie said, showed, seven day adventist church, hollie points, lighted hand, like, what they like, said, hollie, were baptist, said, one, hollie showed, record, now look, she said, I showed you the beast rising, hollie showed record, showed, beast with seven heads, ten horns, and who are they said hollie, its cuba, nicaragua, mexico, lula, chavez, kim jong, putin, hu, hintao, popping out of heads, thats pope in horn, putin, medvedev, its uh ruling party, and I summed it up, hollie, said, thats beast, pope, his, hollie wiped lips, face, in horn, they, she said, come out of, russia, its, hollie wipes lips, politburo, thats, yeltsin, hes, out of the ten, the, he chose, vladimir, said, medvedev, will you, yes, shakes, ill do it, putin, said, hes, equal, said, dmuitry medvedev, 2-22-2009-lets see, said, hollie, ate, thats, hollie, leaning on nuclear explosion, two, she, showed, and I summed it up, said hollie, showed, snap, fingers, no, said, hollie, but shook, yes, from behind, then showed im thru with it, from new behind, she said, snap, turned, more, click, snapped fingers, tada, to the front, turned, stomped, like march, spun, showed, eat, do, said, hollie, clapped, snapped fingers, hollie fought like claude van damme, hes dying, wanting, his money back, banks closed, many loose, thier, fortunes, cause, trusted in banks, thats, Suze Orman, sh, she said, does commercial, place your money in banks, not shoe box, sh, Suze Orman says, but, she, millions she said, at home, said, Suze Orman, now after u.s.a. economic collapse, she, rich, but, people will want, looting, and i showed you that, said, hollie, beast rising, theres hu, and i summed it up, clapped, hollie, emporer of japan, put back, rip, spun, tore, tada, slash, idol shepherd, there you have it, said, hollie, the four beasts, hollie put back, snapped fingers, tear up, spun, then, quick, light, tada, raise your mantle and repeat after me, russia, this the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope appears, then hu, emporer of japan, slash, idol, pope, there, I, summed it up, hollie, did, hollie showed, record, pointed, at missile with two riding, thats, nation exploding, from, hollie showed, record, showed, trade, thats hollie driving new van, hollie showed, record, that was, said, hollie, armageddon, nuclear missiles leaving israel, striking, thats prime minister wiping lips, jordan, syria, egypt, boom, said hollie, exploded, thats the man, tearing up, hollie dreams, laughs, it was uh dream, said, hollie, and hollie dream laughs, bob, over hears, two, talk, thought one mentioned, alaska, bob thought he talked about destruction, bob says, did I hear you mention alaska, and he may have said yes, bob says, want me to tell you what happens to alaska, bob, says, alaska explodes first, and russia leads an all out attack, man moves away from bob, bob goes to, and talks about, man stops bob, sits, bob wants to tell that more missiles were coming after alaska, bob dreams sees whales, killer, said, hollie, jump, in water, then, its, like, bob is, doing, sees, fish as goes in, thats how they eat said hollie, swim, run into fish, chomp, bob gets eaten by killer whale, does not feel, just darkness, it was dream, said, hollie, bob sees Christ temple apostolic assemblies, went inside, drove, Jesus speaks, bobby, look, part of church torn down, new built, only half, it was uh dream, said, hollie, bob sees Jesus, face, coming out of bright Light, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. d.min m.a. ph.d. jung appears, Jesus says over and over, study of dreams dump him, study of dreams dump him, hollie laughs, its up to you clapped the tap dancers, eight kings, said, hollie, that will rise against america, theres hu, hollie, said, and i showed putin, planning, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, exploded, hollie showed, venezuela, come on, said, chavez, then, showed, no, wait, thats, nuclear explosions, in, venezuela, hollie in the fire, that, he said, lula, thats nuclear explosion in brazil, missiles leaving their waters, america exploded, thats, pointed, hollie, tada, cuba, being, mostly covered by, the smoke of america, buring, then, two, nuclear explosions, in, cuba, raul, said, fidel, you fool, raul castrol, shakes, yes, give me, said medvedev, alright ill handle it, said raul castrol, he allows, hollie showed, caution, two, russian, nuclear subs, near cuba, hollie shows on board, with uh stick, she showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, bear plucked, she said, missiles leave their waters, u.s.a. exploded, thered, missiles striking all three, ill put it there, said, hollie, mexico, many, nuclear fires, hollie showed, record, that, she said, hes, pontiff, being, worshipped, hu hintao, said, tape recorder, hes, hollie, looks, false prophet, beast, she said, the second, thats, hollie, looks, sh, the pope, hes, antichrist, both, beasts, and I summed it up, said, hollie, closed, hu git outta there, said, pope, no way, showed, hu hintao, thats, hegoat smiting ram, russia, china, nuking, each, then, hu lets sign the mark treaty, said, pope, 666, you know who it is, said, hollie, thats them at table, like lamb, hu, japan, rise, withstand, each other, said, hu hintao, 2-23-2009-bob, said, hollie, showed, the beast with seven heads, ten horns, and who are they said hollie, theres president of mexico tap dancing, tear up, put back, clap, man, said, hollie, pope, hu hintao, nicaragua, putin, chavez, lula, kim jong, there you have it, hintao, hes false prophet, hollie sums, bobby, record, said, hollie, and i showed you the beast, pope, she said, and Jesus, this is uh warning, said, hollie, wiped lips, ministry of dreams stolen by ed woods, hes edward wood jr. who is, hollie wipes lips, utubia1party, peter appleseed, when ya see, said, hollie, trembles, put it under, said, hollie, dont steal ministry of dreams God spoke for this servant like christian reverend whos uh soothsayer jeremy taylor d.min u.u., ordained, said, hollie, but steals, thats hollie playing music, you did not want me he said, hollie showed, turn, go, with, lighted bear paws, tear up, put back, roll, tada, from behind, clap, normal hands, roll, stomp, what king of visions do you want, prophet, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie in the fire, that, hollie showed pope riding black horse, into, moscow, flatter, he said, thats nuclear explosion, hollie shows world, many nations exploded, hu, hintao, rides, thats him on red horse, thats, hand, pointing, missile strikes taiwan, burns, said cecil tingley, thats grim reaper, laughing, collecting dead souls, on pale, grissled horse, Jesus on white, horse, tada, said, hollie, thats four carpenters, kings pop out, pope, hu, emporer of japan, slash, pope, hollie showed, record, whats that, said, hollie, pope, sitting in rome, i am God, he said, thats hu and his armies slashing beast in israel, the israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, thats missiles launching, there like topol-m, said, hollie, striking egypt, jordan, syria, exploded, thats putin, pressing nuclear button, thats israel exploding, Christ places beast, false prophet in fire, rapture, he said, sickel struck ground, what are those my Lord, said, hollie, nail holes she said, in hands, Jesus explains, well I came to my own and they received me not, hollie showed, get oil, keep full, gabriel, checks with hands, thick, slick, keep, hollie wipes lips, no, said, hollie, yes, showed, im thru with it, clap, snapped fingers, let me, said, hollie, feed, she said, animals, throw waist food out, like hollie showed, theyll get off ground, hollie, said, wiped lips, i am God, pontiff, said, hollie, wipes lips, i am him, said, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, idol, shepherd, said, hollie, and I summed it, up, fired, missiles from her sub, struck, many countries, world shook, up rises, pointed, hollie, the beast, hollie showed, record, that was hollie, smiling, as, thats america exploding, snapped fingers hollie, from behind, she said, snapped, submarine said hollie, lets, surface, she said, fired missiles, hollie showed, all around, america exploded, from the missiles, showed, hollie, thats interceptors being fired, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, thats, barack obama pressing nuclear button, thats russia exploding, missiles leaving russia striking, thats italy exploding, france, great britain, australia, exploded, thats, pointed, hollie, nuclear fires in brazil, nicaragua exploded, wait for me, said, hollie, snapped, fingers, thats the red dragon, said, hollie, its almost over said another hollie, you aint gonna git it, hollie said, playing music, nicaragua will now be russia, said, hollie, put ukraine in russia said yushchenko, thats many nations joining russia, to get oil, said, pope, gabriel appeared, he, said, look, said, hollie, theres uh submarine, right there, pointed, hollie, with captain hollie, its akula, she said, fired, missiles, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploded, hollie watches missiles come from them, russia exploded, up rises the beast, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, pope, kim jong, said, Jesus, launches, casey, points, missiles strike russia, china, south korea, massive explosions, thats vladimir putin pressing nuclear button, north korea explodes, let me record, said, hollie, bob dreams, talks with woman, has three bumps on face, she says, its just runs, it was herpes, she went to work, bob dreams talks with alice cooper, he laughs, bob sings song, he knows, God says, bobby, he wants it, girl works at stereo shop, wants ride, bob does not want to, sees inside, speakers, like little zenith allegro, and, big woofer speaker, this is uh warning said, hollie, post, hollie showed, man, tear up, put back, tear, from behind, man turns, tada, that, said, hollie, showed, start it up, vehicle, atleast once per, hollie wipes lips, month, om mercy, said, Jesus, that van, angel, whistled, drive, lets motor, laughed, hollie showed, turn, hollie said, leave me alone, my spacecraft, people steal it, ministry of dreams, like tomar levine, edward wood, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., they remove ruint, that, said, hollie, let me, record, said, hollie, and, I showed, you that, its the pope rising, 2-24-2009-look at man, said, hollie, tear up, fix it, rip, from behind, uh new one, she said, put it under, watch p.a.w. fall, hollie showed, record, no, and I showed you, that, she said, shook, no, that, no again, its someone rising, she said, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, its uh double blader, said, hollie, let out henry gruver, start, he said, thru megaphone, hollie light blob points, out of megaphone, laughs, bush, gorbachev signing, its start one, thats bear with 3 ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, shook, yes, then, no, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked said hollie, up, hollie, thats bear looking with three ribs in mouth, arise, said, Jesus, devour, thats missiles striking australia, great britain, france, italy, america, all exploded, thats missiles heading for u.s.a. homeland, strike alaska, two, exploded, thats bill clinton pressing nuclear button, russia exploded, bob, hollie laughs, dreamin, she said, sees, joseph, farris, in room, with dyed hair, some says, I dont want to hear that thomas, griffith, yipp, yapp, hollie showed, it was dream, sees, zztop, playing, they are playing, look, said, La Grange, sings, ahaw haw haw haw, song, then, they, leave, stage, bob opens door, sees, two, standing there, billy gibbons, says, they laugh, him and bob, they are eating eggs, out of, like, hollie wipes lips, coffee cup, bob, tells, im glad your eating, leaves, bob was concerned, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, and I showed you the beast, she said, pope, theres hu, hollie summed it up, emporer of japan, slash, idol pope, hollie sums, hollie shows record, feed hollie said, birds, throw out waste food, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed, that pope riding black horse, goes into moscow, flatter, he said, thats russia exploding, missiles from nuclear n.a.t.o., strike, thats, bear with 3 ribs in mouth, and who are they, hollie wipes lips, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up, hollie and Jesus said, thats, russia, striking, nuclear, n.a.t.o., thats, hollie, placing, nuclear fires in mexico, thats, one, in canada, missiles strike, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats, captain, hollie, in her, sub, and leave thier waters, striking america, hollie, watched explosions, thats MYSTERY, BABYLON showed hollie, america, statue of liberty, exploded, captain hollie, in her sub, thats gabriel, pouring out vial, hollie fires missiles, its akula, she said, america, exploded, france exploded, australia, italy, boom, said, hollie, exploded, thats great britain exploding, thats tony blairs hand coming up out of britain with fingers on the nuclear button, pressed, russia exploded, this is hollie with that o buzzer soun, showed, hu, hintao, riding red horse, china, thats, white hand, pointing, missile strikes taiwan, exploded, ram, said, hollie, with putin, hu, coming, out of horns, thats hegoat charging, smiting, thats russia, china, nuking each other, drive out, said, pope, hu, both beasts, they, nuke, each, then, hu, japan, saw, hollie, rise, like, lamb, sign the mark treaty 666 with pontiff, it was uh dream, smiled hollie, night vision, said, many, bobby let me said hollie, showed, record, and the beast rose, smiling, let me alone, said, hollie, clapped, smiled, snapped fingers, bobby, its jeremy said hollie, he stole ministry of dreams to write uh book, the ministry of dreams, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. d.min removes ministry of dreams ruint, hollie showed, that, its, uh, 1971, she said, monte carlo, smokes tires, that, said, hollie, hollie, showed, Klipsch, thumbs up, its uh excellent speaker, she said, like, panasonic thrusters, that, said, hollie, compared Klipsch and jbl speakers, that, said, hollie, same, that, was, gabriel and hollie, on grain mill, hollie wipes lips, this is website, post, said, hollie, showed rusty roof on car, vehicle, paint, thats hollie painting, hollie showed, not ready, then, with big lighted hands, shook, yes, om not, she said, then showed no, then, shook, yes, turned, to the side, looked, shook, yes, then, no, clapped, snapped fingers, hollie showed, mark, mooore, choking, hes, said, sh, said, hollie, cut off, both, son, dad, they both, made you look at, said, hollie, now come to indy to pocket money, lucre, thats, Minister, Mark, Moore, Jr., see, said, hollie, when he looks at, he, trembles, hey day, git me off of here, he said, when Mark, Moore, sr., made you look at it, said, hollie, trembles, both, cancell, said, both, to, indy, theres one there, that has God inside like a body, he will embarras said, hollie, they both see, call, and tremble, come, but, dont, 2-25-2009-hollie, showed, nuclear explosion, in, u.s.a., she said, then, up the coasts, then, in, magog, now raise your head, she said, thats, hollie wiped lips, russia, china, hollie in her sub, fired, missiles, thats, mexico, boom, hollie showed, beast riding black horse, let me, said, hollie, showed, russia exploding, thats, missiles from nuclear n.a.t.o., striking russia, world shakes, up, rises, the, beast, pope, hollie, said, thats, bear with 3 ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, plucked up, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats, missiles leaving thier waters, striking america, and missiles striking them, exploded, angel in sky, with face like silhouette, its, partial, said, angel, smoke comes up, casey folds scence, hollie showed, record, who is it she said, its, pope, riding black, horse, italy explodes, hollie, watchs, france, britain, australia, then, america, explode, its, from, bear, said, hollie, rose, Jesus, sprinkled, devour, bear angers, hollie showed, record, again, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, appears, laughs, what did hollie showed laugh about, said, hollie, both, laughed, its barack obama, said, blank tape, hes, tape angel said, killed, thats, biden being sworn in, with, hill, look, said, hollie, showed, picture, of, pope, record, said, hollie, showed, both beasts, theres hu, pope, hollie, said, it was uh dream, said, hollie, yeah, she said, where rhonda, sang, to bob, more, record, said, hollie, hollie showed, the ram, with putin, hu, coming, out of horns, thats, hegoat getting ready to charge, struck, stomped ram, up, rose, four kings, hollie, they are, pope, hollie shows, war, said, hu hintao shakes yes, emporer of japan, slash, idol pope, there you have it, said, hollie, what did hollie do, she, summed, thats it, said, hollie, showed, geese, swim, up rose the red dragon, its, hollie wiped lips, seven kings, five are fallen, from, america, they, are, hollie, its, the g8, n.a.t.o., thats france, chirac shows no way, australia exploded, thats russia with 3 ribs, like bear, and, who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up, hollie, said, thats, missiles leaving thier waters, striking america, and, missiles striking them, thats brazil exploding, and, mexico, ill place it there, nuclear explosions in mexico, one, said, hollie, in canada, thats america burning, gabriel pours out vial, whew, he said, thats captain hollie in her sub, its, hollie wipes lips, snaps fingers, stomps, akula, fired missiles, thats america exploded, hollie points, subs around america, fired missiles, thats interceptors fired, missed, america exploded, thats woman coming out of fire, hollie, look, she said, statue of liberty, hollie shows beast riding black horse, moscow exploded, flatter me pope said, hollie in her sub, turned, its, ohio class, fired missiles, thats, russia, exploding, up rose the beast, thats angel in heavens, with, face, then silhouette, then face appears, again, silhouette, turn, back, click fingers, spun, stomp, tada, said, hollie, spin, showed, work, tada, to the front, hollie showed, record, the vision, and make it plain, and I summed it up, hollie appears, white robe, gorgeous, she said, with uh, stick, showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, cuba, exploded, missiles left their waters, thats, same happening to nicaragua, exploded, showed, hollie, it was uh dream, smiled hollie, u.s.a. economic collapse, thats hu hintao, preparing attacks washington state, exploded, taiwan, burned, thats, hu riding red, horse, 2-26-2009-hollie, showed, hillsongs, hollie showed, turn, that, showed, looked, at, big, nuclear fireball in america, then, many, in russia, then america, exploded, in her sub, its akula, she said, fired missiles, thats russia striking australia, france, italy, britain, america exploded, missiles from, all, struck, russia, exploded, showed, hollie, world shook, that, said, hollie, the beast rose, she, said, that, hu hintao, hollie wipes lips, both beasts she said, showed, it appeared, she said, emporer of japan, and I summed it up, said, hollie, showed, lamb, hu, japan, coming out of horns, that, said hollie, that, said, hollie, and I summed it up, she said, lets rule the world, said, putin, vladimir, said medvedev, let me, he said, alright, said, putin, thats Dmitry Medvedev, pressing nuclear button, missiles strike all over the earth, shook, thats man, tear up, fix it, rip, from, new behind, said, hollie, snapped fingers, stomped, that, was hollie, tear up, put back, she said, with pencil, paper, write the vision, she said, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, the Ministry of Dreams, appeared, it you alter said Jesus, ill make you run, a Ministry of Dreams, ruin, and, release anyway, like over 1200 have, submarine sorry, said, hollie, submarine sorry, now look, she said, in, her sub, waved, hollie, shows, thats, him, not, her, fired, missiles, world shook, up rose the pontiff, hollie said, Jesus does news, shows, thats the reason, iraq, thats two nuclear explosions, captain hollie in sub, fired missile, gaza, exploded, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, many, look at that said hollie, many, nuclear fireballs in iraq, hollie shows stealth fighter aircraft, they, are, detectable, right here, said, Jesus, they, blink, cause small area underneath, they are, wont you let me look, at it, said, Jesus, not, worth, hollie showed, fighting, its, the, new world order, thats, it, said, hollie, thats, its, the, beast, said, Jesus, seven kings that will rise against u.s.a., thats putin, out of here, he, said, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, no I wont do it, said, hu hintao, thats china attacking washington state, thats missile from ground, airplane, striking taiwan, exploded, captain hollie surfaces in 3 ohio class subs, fired missiles, thats china, boom, said, hollie, exploded, that was hollie tearing up the concious, said, hollie, put back, rip, showed, sleep, record, said, hollie, thats, she, said, whats, the, beast doing, said, hollie, riding black horse, thats russia exploding, pope going to, flatter me, he said, signs, thats how he gets arsenal, said, hollie, hollie dream, smiles, bob dreams, talking about the day of the LOrd, mentions, you know where it talks about the sun and the moon being darkened, for 16 hours, thats from the smoke of america burning, can we shoot uh warhead out said, one, bob says something like, we dont have enough to stop uh hundred ofuhm, something like that, it was uh dream, said, dream hollie, this was with two women, maybe talking about doing bible study, you didnt want it, said, hollie, playing music, hu, hintao, rides, red horse, taiwan exploded, bob, this economy is slipping, said, hollie, with hollie playing like space music, synthesizer, hollie laughs, bob, this is Jesus, post, said, hollie, showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, exploded, its cause, she said, missiles leave their waters, and, strike them, thats, hollie, in, its, akula, she, said, subs, hollie tattood 666, born there, she, said, hu, pope, japan, thats, the beast, and false prophet, hu, and japan, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, then, im done, then, said, no, but, shook, yes, snapped fingers, from behind, she said, 2-27-2009- you didnt want it said hollie, and, hollie, shows alice in chains, yur over said Layne Staley, he over dosed on sleeping pills, cause him said lead singer, its thier band, doomed, for stealing the name alice from alice cooper like frank evans and jeremy and kathy taylor stole ministry of dreams, thats ed wood trembling cause name found out, hes peter appleseed, utubia1party, joel tao and his sis sistermoonshine13 steal ministry of dreams, all remove ruint, thats my alome saleem, said, two hollies, its simb, said, sandy, wiped lips, its, uh, double blader, said, hollie, let out Dmitry Medvedev, cum, God says masterbate to escape, jackoff said Jesus, I drove you to suicide to make me exalted, torturing you, I will put you in the hospital, I lie telling people what they want to hear, I will make you blaspheme the Holy Ghost to get me off you, cause, I want people to perish, saith the LOrd, to laugh at them, burning, if you dont believe, try to get saved, ill tease, I torture, rip face, tightening muscles, causing scalp to itch, desease gums, carress penus with electricty, intimidate in visions, like I punked JOB, I torture to laugh, I will not stop till the person leaves, then, I may but they wont cause damaged, like JOB, I hate all, made people for my pleasure, this is how I have pleasure, laughing at thier calamity I caused, torturing, ruining, I love it when some one misses it at the end of their life after sacrificing all, come unto me saith God, give me a chance to destroy you, if you dont beleive I tortured all my children, read book, saith the Holy Ghost, hollie showed, record, write the vision, he, tortures, said, hollie, laughs, his children, Jesus, hollie showed, played the music, smiling, thats, the, alome salarrie said hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, wiped lips, thats, the beast said hollie, pope, hollie showed walk, hollie wipes face, shows gum grafts, hair grafts, do, he said, hollie showed, record, and I summed it up, now, look, he, said, hollie appears, that, hollie like uh fox, let me show you uh picture, she said, pope, i am God, tear up, spin, snap fingers, and fix it, rip, turn, snap, stomped, click, spun, showed, work, to the front, tada, that, said, hollie, in fire, and hollie drove, the, tata nano, its, an, hollie thought, excellent, will, get, 45, miles, per, gallon, hollie waited, showed, blew, balloon, with, hollie showed, on, 2-28-2009-hollie showed record, and I showed you that, she, said, beast with seven heads and ten horns, who are they, said, hollie, wiped lips, cuba, she, said, yeah, ill put it right there, said fidel castrol, medvedev, agrees, deal, said, hollie, thats, president of mexico tap dancing, yeah, ill, he says, signs, thats brazil, no way, lula, says, but, uh deal, said, medvedev, signs, he get you, medvedev, says, alright, shakes lula, that, pointed, hollie, two nuclear explosions in brazil, thats, pointed, hollie, venezuela, exploding, hugo shakes, yes, thats, nicaragua, shrugging, yeah, i do, he, said, shaking yes, looking, worried, thats, nicaragua exploding, thats, lets do, said, kim jong, that pointed, hollie, with, amber colored hand, kim jong pressing nuclear button, missiles leave there, said, hollie, strike russia, putin wipes lips, presses nuclear button, south korea, china, explode, thats missile leaving russia, two of uhm, said, hollie, topol-m missile s, striking, north korea, exploded, hollie, watches, u.s.a. sub fire, thats north korea hit, putin and medvedev see, and putin laughs, no says medvedev, ill anger, he, said, about two hourns after north korea explodes, we will lead an all out attack said medvedev, and, Jesus, thats, bear, with 3 ribs, and who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, putin, shows, with uh stick, hollie, said, thats, washington state, we plan attack said hintao, taiwan exploded, thats captain hollie surfacing in three ohio class subs, thats them showering china, exploded, hollie shows that, russia striking australia, italy exploded, france, u.s.a., great britain, all exploded, thats missiles from russia heading for america, alaska exploded, thats, barack obama pressing nuclear button, thats all nuclear nato striking russia, exploded, thats angel in sky, smoke goes up, angels face like silhouette, then appears, casey, her face normal, then silhouette, folds scene, up rises the beast, casey shows record, wipes lips, cat said hollie, thats leopard, magog, kings appear, look, said, hollie, hu hintao, emporer of japan, north, south, korea, hollie, tattoos 666, born between, thats hegoat charging smiting ram, stomping, thats, russia, china, nuking each, and, pope rides black horse, to russia, thats, him signing, getting arsenal, thats hu hintao riding red horse, china, thats, hand pointing, strikes, thats uh missile leaving china, striking taiwan, exploded, hollie like cat, appears, then, like silhouette, showed, hands, clapped, spun, from behind, she said, snapped fingers, again, face, appears, smiling, thats the o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, with the pope and hu, they are said, hollie, tapped stick, beast, false prophet, hollie jumps, inside, she said, saw, putin, planning, with, uh, stick, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, putin turns into bear with those 3 nations like ribs in mouth, then, man, again, prophesy said Jesus, that right there, he, pointed, russia, is, the, bear, thats, pope appearing, goes to moscow, said, Jesus, gets control, thats, ten, lighted, heads, pope inside, one, then putin comes out, medvedev, its, hollie wipes lips, ruling party, thats, yeltsin planning with hintao, hey ill get you the land, if you hit, alright ill, shakes hintao, thats china attacking, use terrorists, said, hintao, strike, washington state, theres uh submarine, said hollie, now look, she said, hollie in her sub, fired missiles, gabriel pours out vial, america exploded, hollie showed, go, hollie showed, turn, china, said, hollie, thats magog, and, hu, hollie said, popped up, theres north, south, korea, emporer of japan, there I summed it up, hollie said, leave it alone, said, hollie, shook, yes, clapped, big hands, yep, from behind, turned, step, holile showed pastor walter dixon, hollie shows picture its walter dixon, hes, lost, hollie looks around, lost, that was lighted, hollie, I showed, turn, go, big hand, tear up, put back, rip, prophet theres the alome salime, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, its simb, prophet there alome sanime, said, hollie, its said, sandy, simb, its alome sanome, said, hollie, its, said, sandy, simb, now look, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, yes, no, clap, thats hollie like a cat, she said, thats grim reaper, meerkat appears, hollie, pulls ship, ship busting dangerous, meerkat watches, thats captain smith, on board, he said, thats ship scraping iceberg, hard hit, knocks out two plates, it, creases, causing grooves, by pusing plates in, come unto me saith God, give me a chance to destroy you, if you dont beleive I tortured all my children, read book, saith the Holy Ghost, hollie showed, record, write the vision, he, tortures, said, hollie, laughs, his��?children, Jesus, where you going, said hollie, and he saw, pointed, its dr. rev. jeremy taylor, u.u., steals the God spoken name ministry of dreams like you frank evans says hollie, hes peter appleseed who is ed wood,��?thats hu hintao riding red horse, hand points, thats missile leaving china sriking taiwan, exploded, said hollie, burns, hollie and hollie built the church said hollie, with hollie playing music,��?two seconds, let me show you uh picture, said hollie, like cat, it was, thats gabriel on hattons church,look said hollie, cat, turned silhouette, cat, loose belt soun, said hollie, hollie like silhouette cat, no, she said, changing, hollie shook yes, showed,��?im thru with it, from behind, clap, holllie rode the rocket, titanic sinks, I am torturing people after they get saved so I can be exalted by what I did thru saith Jesus, I can not do nothing but torture cause I want you to perish to laugh cause served me, like JOB, hollie shows record, holllie shows record, showed thaT, SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST, LORD i WANT HIM MAN SAID, THATS MAN, TEAR UP, AND RESTORE, RIP, SPUN, FROM BEHIND, HOLLIE SAID WORK, THERE��?i SUMMED IT UP, SHE SAID, CLAP TURN, HOLLIE PUT THE MOKSE ON THE SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, THE DOME, SAID HOLLIE, ON WILLIE DUCANS CHURCH, SHOW ME SAID WILLIE DUNCAN, SHAKES, YES, NEW WAR, SAID JESUS, ITS, SAID HOLLIE, IRAN, BOOM, THATS USA SUB, FIRING, ATTACKING, HOLLIE APPEARS, THAT, SAID HOLLIE BEAR, LEAVE IT ALONE SHE SAID, DONT NUKE IRAQ, SHE SAID, THATS NUCLEAR FIRES IN GAZA,��?IRAQ, ITS CAUSE BUSH, SHE SAID, 3-1-2009-let me tell it, said, hollie, its, uh, double, blader, she, said, sandy, wiped lips, let out medvedev, hes, spoke thru megaphone, out hollie, showed, war, its, bush, iraq, boom, exploded, gaza, exploded, thats u.s.a., its out of u.s.a. sub said hollie, thats, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats, showed, hollie, many, nuclear fires in iraq, spun the world, showed, many, nations, with, nuclear fires, spun globe, its out of, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats, putin, in, sub, fired missiles, struck, nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, thats missiles from them, striking russia, exploded, world shook, up rose the pope, bobby, have you heard, said, hollie, that, gaza is the palestinian state, hollie showed turn, that, said, outlaws Jesus, new friend, he, said, hollie dream, laughs, two hollies appear, thats it, said, hollie, vision concision, hollie showed record, submarine sorry, said, hollie, submarine, sorrow, she, said, thats captain hollie in her, its akula, she, said, fired, missiles, america exploded, hollie appears, showed, that, she said, france, australia exploded, hollie showed thumbs up, that toyota mini van, she thought, good, bobby, said, hollie, hollie appeared, said, hollie, that is hollie playing the music, said, Jesus, you did not want it, said, hollie, submarine sorry, said, hollie, now, look, she said, in, her, sub, its akula, she, said, fired, missiles, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, thats the pioneer steam locomotive, operated by Father, whistle blows, thats hollie funnel, smiling, thats, hollie, bear, arising, I will make you perish after you served me saith the Lord to laugh at you, when you beg I laugh at you, hollie showed record, look said, hollie, look, hollie showed, the popes picture, tear up, snap fingers, and restore, snap, rip, snap, from new behind, she said, snapped fingers, the alome saleem, said, hollie, thats the reason, feed those animals, said, hollie, here, she gave food, its going up, said, hollie, gas, prophet hickman, thats was uh lighted thumb, record, said, hollie, beast, appears, its on screen, said, hollie, pope, thats hegoat smiting ram, hollie watches on screen at grace apostolic church, thats pastor reading, thats russia, china, pointed, hollie, nuking each, thats pope, putin coming out of one horn, hu, out of other, thats, china, launching nuclear weapons striking russia, get out said hu, pope rides black horse, into moscow, said, hollie, where you goin said Jesus, hollie appears, crucify, said, hollie, there I summed it up, tore apart, turned, snapped, that was, like ringing, put back, tear, from beind, said, hollie, danced, thats, said, hollie, gabriel, blowing, horn, out, hollie, spinning, 3-2-2009-it was, said hollie, dream, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, im the bird, said, Jesus, sh, dont, tell, hollie showed, record, 3-3-2009-call it world prophecy center said the world prophecy center website as it turned, hollie shows nothing, appears, again, I need you to record, said, hollie, hollie showed sleep, hollie showed, the preacher man, its uh, sh, said, hollie, doll that talks, hollie, appears, thats uh submarine, said, hollie, look, thats hollie, in her, its akula, she said, france, hollie said, boom, italy, theres great britain, thats two, in, australia, america exploded, that, its from missiles, said, captain, hollie, in her sub, fires, its akula, she said, that, said, hollie, in, fire, smiling, happy, hollie in, sub, turned, fired, missiles, russia exploded, up rose the beast, thats angel, in, heavens, with, uh face, normal, then silhouette, in, out, smoke, rising, thats, hu, emporer of japan, slash, pope, appearing, in, heavens, casey folds scene, casey appears, hollie wants visions, showed, record, thats, pope riding black horse, russia exploded, he goes to moscow, flatter, he said, alright, said, people, they give, kingdom, that, said, hollie, beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope appears, red dragon, who are they, said, hollie, thats mexico popping out, lula, castrol, chavez, hintao, putin, he points, with lighted finger, right here, pope comes out of his, thats, kim jong, there you have it, hollie, sums it up, thats popes face in lighted head, medvedev, comes out, horns, putin, and, its, uh, said, hollie, ruling party, there you have it, thats ten kings rising out of one country, horns, hollie shows dr. jeremy taylor speaking in burnaby, bc, thats, hollie laughs, british columbia, she said, dont let him, she said, rev. jeremy taylor u.u. steals ministry of dreams like his children frank evans and diana hughey, sh, she said, dont tell on me, she has, sh, said, hollie,, and ministry of dreams website appears, two, said, hollie, call it, said, hollie, Jesus, ministry of dreams, they are, thats, world prophecy center website, and prophecy ministry website, appears, call it, said, prophecy ministry, Jesus grunts, steal these, he said, ill ruin ya, and make you run to remove ruint, thats ministryofdreams website, firing, ruining all, thats cart of the thieves of ministry of dreams being pulled by gabriel into said Jesus, lava, theres your reverend ordained unitarian universalist jung jeremy taylor d.min leading the way in dark suit, diana hughey weeping as being placed in lava, someone write me said diana, hughey, she trembles, 3-3?-4-5-2009-hollie showed, that, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie steals God spoken created name birthed after prayer ministry of dreams releases ruint said Jesus, put it under, said, hollie, watch thomas barnhouse remove world prophecy center like his dad reverend jeremy taylor removes ministry of dreams from his website owned by his lovely witch wife kathy taylor m.a., that, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, with big lighted hands, shook, yes, said, im thru, turned, snapped fingers, shook, clapped, tada, turned, marched, hands, to the front, showed, what did he show, hollie thought, hollie showed the beast with seven heads, ten horns, who are they said, Jesus, thats seven lighted heads, mexico president pops out, lula, cuba, raul, said, Jesus, gimme, raul said Jesus, thats him and medvedev agreeing, nicaragua, hintao, kim jong, putin, thats pope coming out of putins head, hes horn, thats putin, medvedev, ten kings coming out of horns in russia, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats, hollie, in, that o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, black and red, showed, hollie, with, the pope and hu, hollie jumps in back, saw, putin, planning with, uh stick, said, hollie, right here, said, vladimir, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats, missiles flying from their waters, america exploded, missiles striking them, thats, bear with those three ribs in mouth, arise, sprinkled Jesus, russia, bear, looks, missiles fired, strikes, nuclear n.a.t.o., france, said, hollie, exploded, pointed, hollie, theres goes italy, australia, thats great britain exploding, thats missiles heading for america, alaska exploded first, bill clinton presses nuclear button, thats russia exploding, world shakes, you know who that is, said, hollies, angel, in sky, face turned silhouette, smoke goes up, casey with silhouette, then face, starts appearing, then silhouette, folded up scene, thats kings wailing loudly, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, its simb, she said, when you remembered what you had, hollie wipes lips, now Jesus came, hollie appears, looks, hollie showed, thumbs up, tell me said hollie, hollie showed captain smith, titanic, still, its, the, let me see here, said, Jesus, third most popular thing on earth, but rusting, it still could be used, they waste to much like the france, now destroyed cause boiler blew, Jesus figures, two million to fix, owners now, they made 2 million scrapping lawsuits scared, then closed company, thats, pope, riding black horse, russia exploded, hollie showed, said new economy, bankrupt, its, that, he, said, barack obama, smiling, we knew, he said, hollie gave life preserver on titanic, as, sank, its, water tight comparments worked, but, some still sealed, no, said, hollie, with, big lighted hands, yes, then, no again, snapped fingers, from, new behind, she said, thats, the beast, said, pope, rising, out of red dragon, its, g8, said, hollie, thats nuclear n.a.t.o., and putin, hollie said, its, lets rule the world, sang, putin, right here, he showed, out of cuba, nicaragua, mexico, bobby, this is website, post, said, hollie, I wanted to ruin your face so you would hate me, to mock, laugh at your hurt, hollie appears, wrong, showed, yes, showed, im thru, with, it, clapped, hands, showed, big hands, no, that was the ministry of dreams book, Jesus, showed, no, let me, said, hollie, look, hollie, waved, from, submarine, hollie, its akula, fired, missiles, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, hollie shows world, its the globe, she said, nations on fire, bobby im laughing at you cause you get tortured, you went down to make me glorified and now all I do is torture you, bob, said, hollie, sees, the, antichrist, in vision, words, more, said, hollie, Jesus, put it under, write, said, damien, what you do, 3-6-2009-hollie points up, that, he said, in the fire, on car, flames, explosion, its from, im uh bear, said, hollie, hollie laughs, rubs face, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, hollie laughs, putin, its uh sub, he said, fired missiles, boom, russia, hollie, yadd laughs, shows, its uh receiver, technics sa-1000, they were top of the line, it, made, said, hollie, that man is shaking yes, 660 watts, they, were, 20-20,000 hz's, loud, it could fill, hollie, looks, at, ballpark, could be heard inside, man thinks, yeah, maybe, could, rubbed chin, hollie, hollie, the yadd, she said, lets you show things, hollie shows, with, hollie, that, yadd said, pointed, out of cuba, thats explosion, missiles leaving thier waters, nicaragua exploded, missile left thier waters, that, said, hollie, mexico said dumitru duduman, all exploded, said cecil tingley, hollie points, take the yadd, pointed, america, exploded, thats, the, MYSTERY, BABYLON, hollie wipes lips, God said make him fall by the wayside persecuting him them he cant recover, this is torturing, submarine soumb, said, hollie, submarine sorry, said, hollie, waved, its, from her sub, fired, missiles, and, guess who it struck, hollie, said, thats many nuclear fires in america, hollie turned her sub around, wiped lips, theres uh submarine right there, pointed, hollie, thats captain, hollie, turning in her sub, its, akula, fired, missiles, struck france, exploded, theres, italy, australia, boom, said, hollie, theres goes america, hollie, points, thats, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, coming, in the fire, titanic, said, librarian, its, more desired then Jesus, saith the Lord, then great britain, thats hand coming out of britain, pressed nuclear button, thats, missiles, striking russia, exploded, thats, bear with 3 ribs, and who, said, hollie, are they, she rubbed chin, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, that, pointed, hollie, all, 3, exploded, thats, missiles leaving thier waters, and u.s.a. exploded, thats adolf hitler turning into george bush then barack obama, get it said, Jesus, world shakes, that, was, hollie, laughing, trains, she said, inside, locomotive, pulled whistle, you know how it was, said, hollie, like this, she said, wheww, hey, thats the Father in, pioneer said hollie, steam locomotive, pulling whistle, whew, said, hollie, and hollie funnel, showed, pointed up, whew, hollie showed, turn, go, showed, pioneer stereo receiver, if they reintroduced power meters, it would sell, said, hollie, but thats man, from, pioneer working old one, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, red horse, and, who was she said, riding, hu, was, thats, missiles leaving china striking taiwan, exploded, burned, theres that submarine, somby, said, hollie, right there, its, akula, hollie said, fired, missiles, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, thats missiles going the other way, striking russia, exploded, world shook, no, said, hollie, with big hands, but, shook, yes, showed, no, im thru with it, with big hands, I turned around, more, to the front, snapped fingers, tada, hollie shows the, popes, image made alive, its, on, t.v., tear up, and, restore, rip, thats, hollie yadd, its, hollie, in palm, smiling, whew, said, hollie, its the steam locomotive, hollie and Jesus said, showed, captain, edward, smith, he, in, life preserver, died, there, hollie shows, hands, smiles, the, RMS Olympic, its, still, useable, if, existed today, cause, old, they retired, but, like, titanic, its, rudder, said, Jesus, to, little, needed, two, pronged, rudder, like, two, of, many look at, shake yes, smile, youth, like, two, hooked, to, one, shew, said, hollie, its, Mr. Joseph Bruce Ismay, he, shouldve died, said, hollie, yep said Bruce Ismay, but, owned, bob website, wants you, sang, hollie, with celine, its, hollie showed, titanic, song, it, still, sells, but, show, thats, captain, smith, like, both, same, but, dead, in, life preserver, but, froze, it took about, hollie, Jesus, thinks, 3 hours, miserable, it, said, hollie, looked, the, Wilhelm Gustloff, ship, torpedoed, it, said, soviet, sub, people, in front of Jesus, we knew, they said, put people in, lava, hell, one said, but, they joined, Jesus said, join, them, you, perished, said one, it was said Jesus, Alexander Marinesko, he, ordered it said Alexander Marinesko, he, pulled, trigger, laughed, but, now, in, lake, said, hollie, fire, said Jesus, watch what you do pointed sam neill, the Wilhelm Gustloff ship, said, hollie, it, was, innocent, hitlers, hospital, ship, but theres hitlers armies sinking, the HMHS Britannic, they, were, thats captain Alexander Marinesko, avenged, he said, thats, Britannic, carrying explosives, thats why, hollie said, sank so quick, wait said the meerkat, showed, picture, its the beast with seven and ten horns, you know who it is, meerkat said, pope, said, titanic man, tear up, and, restore, said, hollie, thats, pontiff walking, back, tada, do you know who I am, pope said, hes hollie wipes lips, hes the antichrist said Jesus and hollie, thats, kings pop up, said, hollie, out of lighted heads, thats seven, thats cuba, raul, castrol, said, hollie, yeah give it here, he said, alright said medvedev, signs, now, look, said, hollie, showed, the, titanic, thats it, hollie said, rusting, dont worship, hollie showed, record, hollie showed technics sa-1000, its, hollie thought, best, bob, call said, hollie, showed, calling, bobby, said, hollie, I showed you the beast, she said, tear up, and, fix, it, tear, from behind, clap, hollie showed, the book, THE MINISTRY of DREAMS, write, hollie said, Jesus, rubbed, chin, ill ruin, cut off, make you run to destroy like duncan rouleau, thats the nightmarist weeping blood, that, said, hollie, showed, the, Nightmarist, im duncan rouleau, the nightmarist said, thats Richard Starkings, he stole, said, hollie, Jesus, ministry of dreams, they both, said, Jesus, both, thats, Richard Starkings showing, hiding, wait, they both, but, to late, both being ruint, if you take, said, Jesus, the name I created and spoke ministry of dreams ill ruin you like im doing to them and thier reverend d.min jeremy taylor u.u. who for a measley pot of beans said Jesus, i must said m.a. jeremy taylor who is jung, said, hollie, remove it said dr. jeremy taylor, hes, being made, by students, make him saith the LOrd, of get your money back, thats rev. jeremy taylor, yeah yeah I will said s.t.d. jeremy taylor (hon), hes ordained unitarian universalist minister jeremy taylor that steals from christian to ruin, sh, he said, but, tell, saith the LOrd, 3-7-2009-cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, sang Jesus, thats vladimir, said, hollie, cause russia is the beast, said, Jesus, sang, hollie, tar up, put back, again, from behind, she, snapped, turn, from behind, hollie, said, tada, cause russia is the beast with seven horns, Jesus, sang, with simb, said, sandy, wiped lips, its cause of me, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, pointed, at cute young blond, jogging, dont lust hollie said, shorts, balloon butt, hollie said, its, cause, russia, is, the bear, Jesus, sang, thats bear with 3 ribs in mouth, and, titanic, captain edward john smith on the Wilhelm Gustloff ship, its hitlers super ship, sank, its, cause, said, hollie, it, was, war, hollie looks at Wilhelm Gustloff not carrying weapons, just, passengers wanting out of germany, it, sank, hollie said, rolled over, after, two torpedoes hit, it, was, minus four degrees, in water, about twenty, they froze, in, Jesus looked, most in two hours, hollie showed, that, the, olympic, its, sister, titanic, olympic put, Jesus figured, over five people in fire, cause, ramming ships, its rudder to small, the iceberg titanic it, thats, said, hollie, like movie, titanic scrapping iceberg, like i.u.p.u.i. library building, out of water, in water, two, there you have it, said, hollie, I summed it up, people will look at pictures of iupui library building, hollie showed GENESIS, its, beginning, website said, post, said, hollie, hollie whistled, wait, pointed, beaver, she said, they, swim, build dam, live in, its water tight, hollie sang like soundgarden, hollie showed record, and, I showed you that, the beast rising, smiling, theres, hu, pointed, hollie, that, she said, emporer of japan, slash, hollie said, pope, there you have it, hollie, said, bobby, when you dream, said, hollie, and, hollie dream laughs, night vision, hollie showed record, said, hollie, website said post, theres uh submarine, right there, pointed, hollie, now, look, fired, missiles, russia exploded, loose belt some, said, hollie, here, feed, hollie showed, give, animals, they need it, its here hollie said, inside dumpster, thats, hollie getting food out of dumpster, hollie showed, record, showed, u.s.a. economic collapse, I approve said barack obama, thats, national guard out in streets, alome, saleem, said, hollie, hollie greesed front end, let me record, said, hollie, wiped lips, I showed eat, hollie flew it, its f-117 stealth bomber, its, fighter jet, she, said, shows blinks on radar, it can be hit, thats, raptor, shows blinks, it, can be, hit, hollie showed, ford mustang, it, smoked tires, they are, china, thats magog, said, angel, man appears, spun, tada, snapped fingers, to the side, showed, what did, show, hollie showed, record, walk, walmart, hollie showed, with big hands, hollie showed, ministry of dreams, call it ministry of dreams said Jesus, if you alter, thats ministry of dreams website, two, hollie said, ill ruin, or take, watch all who have stolen the name I spoke ministry of dreams get ruint, shushan, said, Jesus, thats hegoat smiting ram, thats china, russia, nuking, hollie shows many fireballs, thats pope riding black horse, into russia, said, hollie, let me, said, hollie, record, said, cecil tingley, hollie showed, record, open, said, Jesus, did you see that flower grow, said, hollie, with captain smith, thats titanic scrapping iceberg, they made him speed, when they hit israel, they hit the apple of my eye, said, Jesus, hollie points, israel exploding, its from me, said, vladimir, putin, ill, press, 3-8-2009-message from Jesus to robert casey-hi gov, saith the Lord, build like vw bugs there and revitalize economy there, u.s.a. will collapse, then china hits taiwan, causing u.s.a. to destroy china, not long after, u.s.a. and russia strike each, u.s.a. hit out of oceans cuba, nicaragua, mexico, target all barack, dont hit the ven like you want to, he loves usa, just teases, hit moscow hard, hit china in like circle in the center for blaspheme, you will not have a choice, watch terrorist hit washington state, its chinese right after taiwan, looting after u.s.a. collapse, you wanted that barack, you liar, what are you doing to help steel workers, you looser you, fool, saith God, come and get bob, but, in court, be mocked, liar, witch, saith the Lord, tell china to not strike taiwan, and not get struck, but if you do, ill, saith the Lord, tear up, said, hollie, like uh bear, fix, rip, turned, from behind, she said, clap, front, smiled, snapped fingers, hunt uuh, said, hollie, that was, human, hands, hollie, be, said, hollie, we, baptized, in the name, of Jesus, Christ, for the remission of sins, just like it says, saith Jesus, Jesus is the name of the Father, Son, and, of the Holy Ghost, but, all power was given unto me, said, Jesus, im, Christ, the First begotten of the dead, cause russia gitton prepared, said, Jesus, entry made 3-9-2009-taiwan, said, angel, thats, taiwan, burning, showed, hollie, thats, missile, from, china, striking, hollie, watchs, hu, hintao, riding, red, horse, hollie, bear, smiles, im, uh, showed, hollie, bear, russia, me, said, putin, its cause, im the beast, he said, with seven heads and ten horns, pope appears, with, ten, crowns, thats, uh, said, medvedev, ruling party, ten kings out of one country, thats, seven lighted heads, mexico pops out, theres, lula, chavez, castrol, kim jong, hintao, nicaragua, said, hollie, there you have it, hollie said, thats, o.k., ill give, signing, raul castrol said, looking, not, wanting, to, yes, shakes, mexico, president, thats him signing, no, shows, the, lula-chavez man, signs, yes, shakes, jong, what happened, said, hintao, thats, vladimir, putin, in, russian fighter jet, attacking, bobby, its, cause, russia is gitton prepared sang Jesus, bob, book, said, pontiff, hollie said, The Ministry Of Dreams, write and ill, said, Jesus, cut off, and, take it, from, you, Jesus said, its cause Ministry of Dreams is spoken by the Lord, said, hollie, steal, alter in any way, ill, ruin, cut off, for, submarine sorry, said, hollie, thats hollie in sub, fired missiles, thats it, said, many, mokse, hollie showed, its on top, she said, yeah I know it said willie duncan, that, said, hollie, bobs friend, willie duncan shakes, i knowem, that, was, 3-10-2009-now look at this, said, hollie, china, said, angel, thats magog, pointed, red finger, no, said, hollie, yes, I did it with hands, she said, hollie showed record, showed, eat, give food to animals, thats hollie getting in dumpster, take out, she said, that was beast rising, said, hollie, smiling, and theres, hu, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, its, your idol pope, she said, and, I closed, summed it up, wiped lips, thats, hu hintao, riding, red, horse, thats, taiwan exploding, thats, the, soun, said, hollie, that, was, said, hollie, wiped lips, pope riding black horse, russia exploded, thats, the ministry of dreams, appearing, if you alter said Jesus like dchandler and gavin porter, a ministry of dreams, dr. gavin porter altered ministry of dreams to, ill ruin, said, Jesus, and, make you remove, thats, duncan rouleau, he, wrote the nightmarist with ministry of dreams in, to strip, prophet, hes being ruint, its, costed active images, thats, richard starkings wiping lips, over, one million said richard starkings, they want duncan rouleau, resign, said, man from active images, you know it said duncan rouelau, he, regrets, to, late, duncan, rouleau would have repented during economic collapse and been accepted by Jesus, you liar said duncan rouleau, thats sam neill pointing, you watch what you do, and the nightmarist, look, said, hollie, its, him, in my room, she said, weeps blood, look said hollie, hollie showed, hu hintao, harrasing american boat, ship, its, cause, fishing, submarine, said, hollie, now look, she said, surfaced, in, sub, fired, missiles, and, look, who, it, struck, hollie, said, russia exploded, thats, hollie, like bear, with 3 ribs in mouth, are who are they, hollie, said, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, those 3 eploded, hollie observes, and, missiles leave thier, waters, striking, america, exploded, double blader, said, Jesus, its, uh, copter, said, hollie, you did not want it, hollie said, after being let out, hollie showed, turn, outlaws Jesus showed turn, thats outlaws motorcycle club laughing, tear up, fix, it, rip, put back, from new behind, said, hollie, lighted bear paws, snapped fingers, hollie, fire colored, thats steven, said, hollie, callehm back, they sang, that, was, hollies, image made alive on the cell phone, then, turned into the pontiff, said, hollie, take it said beast, 666, the mark, he said, signed, thats, them, pointed, hollie, signing, hu hintao, emporer of japan, pope, at table, thats, lamb, with hu, japan, coming, out, its cause, we, hit, china, magog, thats, hollie, standing by nuclear explosion, thats, taiwan, exploding, thats, subs coming up, russian, hollie, watchs, then, fire, missiles, striking nuclear n.a.t.o., that, said, hollie, its, your last voyage, said, Jesus, its, what, I, want, said, captain smith, look, said, hollie, smiled, showed, big nuclear fireball in indianapolis, look, many in america, it was uh dream, said, hollie, hollie dream appears, bob sees people inside garage, fan was there, jackie goes out, looks in, goes in, bob, screams, grabs fan, goes in garage, hits two, girls, there, put it under, pointed, sam neill, watch who you mess with, this is vision, post, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, bear, smiling, putin, appears, he, had, said, bear hollie, three ribs in mouth, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hollie, wiped lips, write the vision, MOKSE, appeared, hollie, grabbed, its from, off, she said, willie, duncans, church, hollie looks for, hatton, she said, saluted, showed, hair dyer, alright said reverend, mitchell, hatton, with ken, haneys voice, write the vision, said, hollie, and, I showed, you, the, beast, she said, observed, hollie has MOKSE, its, the dome, she, said, from, off, of, willie, duncans, church, she, said, looks, where to place, you did not want no more visions, that what you showed us, said, hollie, playing music, grecia, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, pope with horns, hu, putin, came out, thats, the hegoat, charging, smiting ram, that, said, hollie, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, that, said, hollie, many, hollie showed, sh, showed, it was uh dream, hollie dream, appears, cop, pulls over, truck, bob driving, bob finds, pot, in glove, compartment, hides, under, and, cop, looks, in, cop writes many tickets, angers bob as he looks over, says how much that one will cost me, bob says, 1, two, 3, four, a, b, c, before letting go, one police officer, comes inside truck, cab, looks, I do it to make people hate me, and by hating me they perish, 3-11-2009-this is uh warning, said, hollie, bobby, said, hollie, I showed you the bear, she, said, hollie, bear smiles, thats, russia, she, said, hollie bear clapped, thats russia appearing, with me, said, vladimir putin, hes the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope appears, comes out of russia, thats, beast riding black horse into moscow, gets arsenal, flatter me, he said, thats two, white horses, going behind black, thats, Gods two witnesses, thats, world, shaking, thats, many, nuclear, fires, in, russia, thats, world, shaking, hollies image made alive on cell phone, thats, hollie, showed, subs, around, america, fired, thats, interceptors being fired from america, missed, word, showed, hollie, appeared, thats america exploding, and, up rises woman, out of fire, you know who my woman is, said, hollie, showed, its statue of liberty, there, I summed it up, hollie shows there on board, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, appears, thats, those, putin appears, with, 3 ribs, in mouth, thats, Jesus, looks, all, three, being, hit hard, and missiles leaving thier waters, its from, said, hollie, im uh bear, hollie laughs, you know, he, said, vladimir, russia, hollie, laughs, slaps, face, bob, said, hollie, this is Jesus, post, hollie, said, Jesus appears, submarine, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, sub surfaced, fired, missiles, thats, nuclear, n.a.t.o. exploding, there goes france, said, hollie, exploded, italy, thats australia, two explosions, there goes great britain exploded, america exploded, that, was, hollie, showing, record, waited, hollie, showed, record, and, I, showed, you, that, hollie, said, cause russia is the beast, hollie said, pope, in, side, hollie said, with, eight kings, hollie said, that will destroy u.s.a., thats mexico, coming out, of, head, lula, chavez, nicaragua, castrol, hintao, jong, putin, hollie, said, thats, ten horns, putin, medvedev, pontiff, more come out, russia, thats, antichrist system, said, hollie, many countries, they, are, brought into russia, yushchenko wipes lips, put ukraine in russia, he, said, hollie showed, record, bobby, you got the, vision, put the vision, on, the, website, said, hollie, that is gog and magog hollie said, showed, pope, hu, bob, said, hollie, showed, picture, pope appeared, hollie showed, fireballs, all, over, america, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, waved, after surfacing, its akula, she, said, fired, missiles, look who it struck, said, hollie, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploded, angel showed, record, said, hollie, thats, it, angel, said, magog, china, hollie, funnel, whew, hollie dream laughs, hollie dream shows beast riding black horse, let me show you uh picture, hollie said, showed, hu, hintao, riding, red horse, taiwan exploded, hand, said, hollie, thats grim reaper riding, grizzled horse, submarine sombay, said, hollie, now, look, she said, surfaced, waved, its, akula, agin, she, said, fired, missiles, thats nuclear n.a.t.o., look who it struck, she said, showed, the world, many nations, burning, hollie loves Jesus, 3-12-2009-wont, you, let me record, bobby, said, hollie, I showed you the beast, she said, with, seven heads and ten horns, its, pontiff, hollie said, thats, president of mexico, poppping out of head, theres lula, castrol, chavez, nicarauga, kim jong, hu hintao, theres putin, pope comes out of his, said, there you have it, said, hollie, I summed it up, opened, on ministry of dreams, this is warning, said, hollie, my name is, said, the main ministering spirit, hollie, showed, prophesy, said, Jesus, loose belt some, said, hollie, hollie showed, war, come on, she, said, I stomped, record, hollie, said, thats my, alome, somby, said, hollie, its, simb, said, sandy, hollie, points, with, lighted finger, loose belt sum, said, hollie, you need to prophesy, said, Jesus, hollie showed record, hollie dream, appears, bob see, byron, johnson, in, hollie wipes lips, four wheel drive, dodge, truck, red, and black, parked, sees, mark, brown, in, same, at, the end, bobby, it was uh dream, said, hollie, bob is where mark is teaching, just those two, something like HEBREWS 12, mark is nice, bob approaches, mark tells bob where lesson, is, found, bob walks, dark, and sees like fire colored clouds, did not know where, place, he was, is, and turned around, thought in heart, im afraid, of wolves, and foxes, found, like alley, leading to place, hollie, appears, it was uh dream, said, hollie dream, laughs, angel, appears, hollie, stomps, hey bobby let me record, said, hollie, theres, the, book, she said, appeared, MINIstry of Dreams, call it, said, Jesus, Ministry of Dreams, people steal, said, hollie, to strip, she, said, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. jung stealing, ill have that, said, d.min rev. jeremy taylor phd, throws hollie away, thats, hollie, seeing on google, typing, writing, your bosses, said, hollie, its, alright by me said dr. jeremy taylor, thats jim garrison laughing, gina rose halpern, throwing in air, ill have that, she, said, thats susan and richard rosen not wanting rev. jeremy taylor like sonoma state university, thats, rev. dr. jeremy taylor removing Gods spoken name said hollie ministry of dreams, now, kathy taylor who is tristy taylors mom has ministry of dreams like joel tao, randy Sukhai who is henry wynn, diana hughey, now jon sawyer has ministry of dreams on his blog posted by ginny hill who was fired, said, hollie, from bbc news, appeared, hollie shows copter, its, double blader, let down, hollie, you didnt want it, hollie, said, thats jeremy taylor m.a. running to remove ministry of dreams like all, sistermoonshine13 steals ministry of dreams to mock Gods child, removes unemployed, raise your mantle and repeat after us, sang, hollie, the children of the tell, ministering spirits, hollie prepares to do surgery, thats, steam locomotive, whew, whew, Father pulls whistle, its pioneer, said, showed, hollie, that was, hollie showed, hegoat getting ready to smite ram, pope appears, charges, thats, hegoat attacking ram, with, putin, hu, coming, out, of, horns, thats, dr. jim garrison speaking thru megaphone, hollie out, finger in ear, dont listen to, she said, ordained unitarian universalist minister jeremy taylor appears, he looks at visions, but trembles, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor s.t.d. in white robe then in the lake of fire in dark suit, many appear in hell fire with jeremy taylor, that pointed, hollie, kathryn and tristy taylor in lava, both, see, write the vision, said, hollie, and hollie, plays, music, you might be outta here, he said, new wineskin, hollie shows, ministry of dreams, call it, said, JEsus, on world prophecy center, thats the website, said, hollie, world prophecy center website, angel, thomas barnhouse steals and alter world prophecy center, you aint using it, thomas, barnhouse says, removes openly mocked, thats the vision, said, hollie, and, hollie, wipes, lips, simb, its, alomb, saleem, said, hollie, I torture people to keep them humble in my eyes, they are not humble in my eyes unless they cant bare to live anymore cause I wounded them thousands of times, I will make you perish to laugh at you, I torture people I save to make most of them fall away, 3-13-2009-man, said, hollie, and he saw, pointed, casey, its the man, she said, hollie showed, record, look, and I summed it up, she said, jim garrison, hollie said, thats, dr. jim garrison angry, what are you doin, said, hollie, they think, record, said, hollie, and, I showed, you the beast, she said, pope, hollie showed, record, and, beat stick, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, picture, look bob, she said, pope, bob this is website, post, said, hollie, hollie in the fire, showed, tattoo place, 666, man, said, hollie, tear up, and, fix it, put back, rip, from, new behind, showed, hollie, danced, there was an arson in indianapolis, they, set purposely, new construction, it was, homeless, people, 3-14-2009-and he saw, said, hollie, once we hit alaska, said, Jesus, casey points, thats, alaska, exploding, and more missiles coming, cuba, now agreeing with russia, sign, shows, medvedev, to, get, bomb, air, fields, hey alice cooper, said, hollie, you want me know, no said vince, bob, said, Jesus, its, Fischer, said, hollie, Karen Fischer appears, whatta you want, she, said, turned into rev. amy brucker, thier the same, hollie, said, hollie showed, arson, someone set, she said, thats, new, building burning, its, hollie, looks, vagrants, homeless, keep, warm, hollie said, Jesus showed, record, and, I, showed, you that, said, hollie, the beast, rise, with seven heads and ten horns, who are they, said, hollie, thats, mexico, popping out, of, lighted head, hollie said, lula, she, showed, theres kim jong, alright, ill have, raul said, said, hollie, dont, hollie said, does, thats, chavez, putin, hintao, and, pope, comes out of, putins, head, hollie said, hollie whistled, let me show, said, hollie, police officers want to arrest you, so cooperate, hollie showed, record, hollie appears, showed, the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, thats ten horns on pontiffs head, they are uh, hollie, said, ruling party, pope comes out of medvedevs, that, was, Jesus, like a bright Fire MAn, that, said, hollie, the beast rising, thats hu hintao riding red horse, hands points, missile strikes taiwan, burns, hollie, surfaces, in, three ohio class subs, hi bobby, thats china being showered with nuclear missiles, exploded, loose belt sumb, s,o,m,e, said, hollie, and, I, summed, and summed back, snapped fingers, danced, spin, click, tada, to, the front, snapped, turned, hollie showed, record, showed, pope, lighted, smiling, theres, hu, and, I, summed it up, hollie, tear up, and fix it, turn, to the back, showed, hands, to, side, left side, hands, front, tada, what was that, said, hollie, that, was, not, hating but clinging, hollie said, showed, nuclear weapons aimed at each other, thats pontiff, hu, king of north, south, cause china is magog, hollie, said, sandy wiped lips, thats, hollie appears, that is, hegoat, charging, smiting, ram, putin, hu, comes out of horns, thats pontiff in middle, attacks, hollie shows, russia, china, striking each other, thats beast, riding black horse, into, russia, you know who it is, said, hollie, pope, appears, thats, them at table, hollie, points, hu, japan, coming out of lamb, horns, hollie in fire, showed, 666, they sign, its the mark treaty, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, snapped fingers, now look, she said, surfaced, waved, its akula, she said, fired missiles, thats, hollie, the, russia, big nuclear fire ball, then, bigger, then, most, exploded, hollie snapped, world shook, hollie, snapped, what did hollie do, up rose the pope hollie said, theres hu, and, I, summed, it, up, both beasts, Jesus, said, hollie, hollie said, emporer of japan, hollie showed, thats, china, japan, rising like lamb, to, withstand, the, pope, tell me what it is, said, hollie, its, sandy, wiped lips, alome, sanome, theres uh submarine, sorry, said, hollie, ohio class, fired, missiles, many, russia exploded, thats leave us alone solly, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, the, pope, lighted, tear up, dance, put back, rip, from, new behind, said, hollie, feet, danced, this the website, said, hollie, and, its, called ministry of dreams, I spoke it Jesus said, cause ministry of dreams is spoken I will not share it, Jesus, said, ill ruin and make you run to remove, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. looking at, I stole said m.a. jeremy taylor who is jung, hes, soothsayer, said, Jesus, bob, I can not let those people keep it, said, Jesus, when I come against then they run to remove ministry of dreams, that, was, said, hollie, man, tear up, fix, it, new behind, said, hollie, clap, snapped, fingers, bob, dreams, hollie dream laughs, duane, has to go to hospital, bob, gives, his credit card, would have cost, big, bob regrets, wants to close, credit, record, the, vision, said, hollie, showed, panasonic thrusters, its, uh, stereo speaker, they, are, as, good, as, they, come, said, hollie, back in 79, go to, stores, buy panasonic, with thrusters, for, less then, 200, and, have, as good as, they come, those old stereos, component, put out about 7 watts per channel, thats, hollie, coming out of, thrusters subwoofer, hollie, looks, that, was, hollie, in, the, ring, that, said, hollie, and I summed it up, she said, website, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed, u.s.a. economy collapsing, hollie showed, record, bobby, said, hollie, and I showed, you, the, popes picture, tear up, she said, again, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, go, partilly around, model, more, front, look, at, tear, up, hollie did, 3-16-2009-it was uh dream, said, hollie, and hollie dream, laughs, night, vision, said, Jesus, bob, dreams, talking, to, mentions, seventh day adventist church, tells he goes on, some, saturdays, its boring, he says, kind of like the catholic church, record, said, hollie, waved, hi, hallalujah, she said, hollie showed, building burning, dont, torch, she, said, its in indianapolis, hollie said, hollie showed, record, and, I showed you that, she, said, showed, you the beast rise, write the vision, said, bird, chirp, latin america, said, JEsus, hollie danced, thats, pointed, hollie, many nuclear fires in south and latin america, its here, showed, hollie, exploded, thats, its from, hollie, said, im uh bear, said, linda spall, hollie laughs, slaps, face, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Jesus, and more, hollie played music, nobodies prayin, said, hollie, when you dream, said bird, its, uh, night, vision, hollie, clapped, pope, thats the anticrist, said, duck, beast, said, alice cooper, gabriel, showed, record, showed both beasts, theres two hollie said, pope, hu, hollie showed record, that, pointed, alaska, hollie, exploded, missiles flying, that said hollie, bill clinton, pressed nuclear button, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, fighting, come, on, she, said, and I danced, thats new world order tap dancing, that was hu hintao, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, it was simb, tap dancing, theres boris yeltsin, hey, he said, ill give you the land, alright, said, hintao, cloud leaves scene, thats many kings planning against america, said, cecil tingley, when you see, said, hollie, and I do, she said, trembles, clap, returns, hollie stomped, its, from, new behind, said, hollie, turned, snapped fingers, from, behind, again, she said, snapped, turned, hollie, danced, tada, to the front, hollie showed, oil, thats hollie oil smiling, thats, hollie and gabriel, check engine oil with hands, thick, slick, keep, hollie showed, record, thats hu hintao riding red horse, hand snaps fingers, missile strikes taiwan, burned, hollie waved, from ohio class submarine, three, showered china with thermo nukes, exploded, hollie showed, 1967 chevrolet Chevelle, its malibu, hollie showed, 396 Turbo-Jet, put out, hollie looked, 375 horsepower, that smoked tires, hollie showed, Elvis Costello, bye me, he said, people will soon be walking, sang Elvis Costello, no gas, what does the website say, feed, said ministry of dreams website, hollie fed animals, hollie appears like, what did it look like, see, said, hollie, with, lighted, two horns, like world prophecy center website, this is website, post, said, hollie, o my GOd said JEsus, callem back sang hollies, war said Jesus, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, in, gaza, iraq, hollie, surfaces, in, submarine, fired, two, missiles, gaza exploded, thats, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats, missiles, hollie showed, many, nuclear fires in iraq, JEsus, sprinkles, arise and awaken, bear grows, angry, medvedev, presses nuclear button, thats, france, exploding, there goes great britain, italy, australia, then america, thats, missiles from all striking russia, exploded, world shook, hollie showed, record, thats the vision, said, JEsus, sandy wipes lips, simb, that was the pope with seven heads and ten horns, on head, mexico pops out of head, raul castrol, yeah, awll, give me, he, said, signs, thats nuclear explosion cuba, missiles leave thier waters, america exploded, write the vision, said, hollie, thats the economy club, said, angel, and, hollie, economic collapse hitting most countries, tear up, snap, fix, it, rip, hollie, snap, turn, nicely dressed, spin, hands, tada, to the front, she said, put back, tear, clicked heels, you did not want it, said, hollie, being, lowered, cindy, its uh double blader, said, hollie, copter, that was uh bear, said, hollie, with simb, sandy wiped lips, turned into putin with three ribs, in mouth, who are they, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats, all, three, signing, agreeing, with medvedev, missiles leave thier waters, and, strike, them, thats nicaragua exploding, america burning, there goes cuba, ill place it there, said, hollie, many nuclear explosions in mexico, hollie smiled like cindy, tear up, she said, showed, hitlers, its uh supership, she said, sunk, its, said, hollie, the, M.S. Wilhelm Gustloff, it, she said, showed, sh, dont, tell, russian navy, hollie said, so you sunk, it, hollie said, sh, thats russian submarine, man, we knowed, he said, sh, said, hollie, dont tell, thats them in hellfire, for sinking the Wilhelm Gustloff ship, sh, hollie, said, it was cold, they were in cold ocean, sh, hollie, it was minus four degrees, could you imagine, said, hollie, its like the titanic, said, Jesus, it was, Jesus thought, 2, degrees, below, zero, cold, they, froze, like, show, movie, hollie showed, it was Carpathia, said, Jesus, they, couldve saved, he said, most, but, let sink, said the captain of the Carpathia, then, rescue, they, it was R.M.S. Carpathia, like R.M.S. titanic, they, built, by, Jesus, thought, same, it was The Cunard Line, it was samuel cunrad, he built, they, said Jesus, we knew it the rudder, said samuel cunrad, they, he said, built, knowing, but, there was no other way said samuel cunrad with john mark pools voice, it, they, the same, said JEsus, they formed, the new, Cunard White-Star Limited, hollie being lowered, from copter, hollie, shows, tear up, on rope, another hollie shows cindy, silhouette, then partial face, said, Jesus, thats it, said, hollie, hollie yadd appears, you did not want it, said, hollie, on, rope, this is cnn news report, said, angel, thats it, nuclear explosions in gaza, iraq, kim jong, said, Jesus, with nuclear button, i pressed, he, said, bob, said, hollie, thats missiles striking russia, china, south korea, thats putin, missile, two, said, hollie, striking north korea, exploded, thats u.s.a. sub striking, with tomahawk, putin, medvedev, laugh, they waste, said, JEsus, its the SS Nomadic, like, titanic, built by white star line, curad, they could still be, using, the two, said, Jesus, its, maintenance, he said, built, to, last, both, but, olympic, now, that, was, said, Jesus, a, masterpiece, after, they, its, the retrofit, said, hollie, made it, virtually, unsinkable, both, but, brittanic, was, not, like, put it under, said, hollie, watch what you do, pointed sam neill, 3-17-2009-hollie showed, jimdo, free website, its, hollie, showed, uh excellent, one, there, I showed, said, hollie, eat, hollie showed, record, and, I, showed, you, that, she, said, its, the, beast, she said, what does website want, said, hollie, visions, appears, thats ministry of dreams website appearing, call it, said, Jesus, Ministry Of Dreams, people steal, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, website, said, post, that, was, the website, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, that, was, double blader, said, hollie, let me down, said, hollie, raised, left, im horny, said, precious from slience of the lambs, he aint gonna let me, precious said, jimdo removes world prophecy center, its complaints, did you see, that, said, precious, thomas barnhouse steals and alters world prophecy center, thats world prophecy center website showing, my name, let it go, thomas barnhouse does, ruint, its the wesite, post, said, hollie, showed, the beast, said, Jesus, with seven heads and ten horns, who are they said hollie, Jesus grunts, thomas barnhouse, let me be blunt, Jesus said, you are, and he saw, pointed, casey, thats thomas barnhouse showing cut off, releive me, said, thomas, barnouse, hes, dooomed, wants to ruin a real christian like his reverend jeremy taylor u.u., he is jung, said, hollie, both, witchs, said, hollie, when you see, said, Jesus, its to late, thats trembling thomas barnhouse, o I know it said rev. dr. jeremy taylor d.min, but, removes, ruint, not, working, but, hardened, heart, sees, hollie, sandy wiped lips, its simb, she said, thats hu hintao, said, hollie, riding red horse, hand snaps fingers, points, missile from china, taiwan explodes, thats captain hollie surfacing in ohio class sub, three, they rain nuclear rockets on china, exploded, in, circle, that is washington state, being, said, hollie, attacked, hu hintao, chinese terrorists, hollie shows pocket t.v. with popes image made alive, cause china is magog, said, hollie, thats hu, japan, koreas, two, presidents appearing on magog, thats leopard, beastmark, said, Jesus, is, said, hollie, 666, there she said, them signing, its, pope, hu, japan, thats, hegoat smiting ram, russia, china, nuking each, pope, rides, black, horse, into moscow, flatter, he said, signs, gets arsenal, we want korea, said, the angel, hollie, said, and, he, saw, said, casey, korea explode, thats, missile from russia, thats, kim jong pressing nuclear button, thats, pointed, casey, she transformed, north korea, south korea exploding, theres china, russia, exploded, look, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, go around, look, rip, put back, tear, hu hintao, appeared, hollie, in space fighter, what did they want, said, hollie, to make you fall, thats why they stole it, ministry of dreams, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor, its by me, he said, acts, pretends, his, hardened, said, Jesus, heart, that was Jesus like a cat, said, hollie, that was gabriel in the copter with bob, california exploded, dont let me put you down, said, gabriel, hes arch, said, hollie, like, you, that, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, showed, the, popes picture, tear up, move around, tada, from, top, hands, snapped fingers, walked backwards, hands, that was grim reaper laughing, like dark man, that, said, hollie, showed the beast riding black horse, russia exploded, goes into, flatter, me, he said, signs, gets control, hollie pulled the norway, france, thats ship busting, there, I summed it up, hollie, showed, boiler exploding on norway causing them, retire, hollie said, 3-18-2009-hollie showed, record, and, I, showed, she, said, the beast, pope, smiling, thats, seven heads, let me, show, you, with uh stick, hollie, said, beat, mexico, thats, cuba, naw I aint said, raul, give me, said, medvedev, alright, shakes, raul, castrol, signs, thats, nicaragua, yes, shakes, thier, president, like hugo chavez, then shows, no way, brazil, now look, said, hollie, showed, huge nuclear explosion in brazil, missiles leave thier waters, strike, u.s.a., exploded, yes, shakes, lula, signs, hintao, pops out, thats, him shaking yes, signing, hey, ill, give, ya, said, boris yeltsin, thats, what, I need, said, hintao, thats, him, riding, red, horse, hand snaps fingers, missile from china, hollie rides, yellow missile, goes into taiwan, he made me get off, exploded, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing, in, 3 ohio class submarines, thats, hollie, posting, missiles shower china, exploded, thats medvedev, alright, lets get them, medvedev says, alright shakes putin, thats, kim jong popping out of lighted head, pressing nuclear button, thats, missiles striking, south korea, russia, china, putin, presses, nuclear button, thats, north korea exploding, there you have it, said, hollie, and I summed it up, the beast rising, its pope she said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, clap, top, back, turn, tada, hands, hollie showed, turn, what does hollie want, this is what hollie wants, post more visions, said hollie, its iraq, said, hollie, and he saw, it, pointed, casey, two nuclear explosions in iraq, gaza, bush, grunts, I, brought it in, he, said, to, steal, our, oil, looks around, wells, bobby, this is the pope, said, hollie, Im the beast, he said, work, said, hollie, and I showed, you, that, the beast rising, I wanted you to perish so I could get glory out of what I did thru you like I wanted JOB to perish, thats serving me then being thrown away, cause I wanted you to be embarrased, you embarrased me by telling on me, fast till the brink of death, then I might have pitty, and, you did not do one thing but glorify me, this is betrayal, ill do it to all, keep torturing, fucking with, messing with, playing with all day, night, till you leave, and wont return, saith Jesus, hollie showed, record, and I showed, the, pope, she said, beasts image, she said, hey bob let me said, hollie, record, thats the o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, its the pope and hu, bobby, hollie said, on top, hollie sees inside, saw, putin, planning, showed, with stick, its, out of, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, all three exploded, those three ribs appeared in, vladimirs, said, medvedev, mouth, it, said, nooooooo, said, hollie, possum, hollie said, thats, car, hitting, 3-19-2009-grecia, said, gabriel, hollie, showed, no, way, that, was, angel, and, he, saw, said, casey, its, pope, with, two, horns, thats, hu, putin, popping out, write the vision, said, hollie, he, wont, hollie said, thats hegoat, angering, charging, smiting ram, stomps, thats nuclear fires in russia, china, thats, hollie showed, record, cuomo estas, said Jesus, hello, appears, thats, pastor, we, want you, he, said, carl, vanover, showed, cut off, never, saved, but, eyes crossed, unaccountable, but, in heaven, cast the bitter servant, out, Jesus, says, hes without wedding garment, hes, not, able, now, to, get, thru, all, without wedding garments are cast out, thats, carl, vanover, jumping, out, look, whose unclean, he said, he, didnt, want, it, Jesus, said, Lord, make, my, church, said, carl, vanover, strong, thats, him, pocketing, so, I can, live, for, nothing, he said, man, said, hollie, with, hollie, in, hands, you, need it, said, hollie, you need, help, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, thats carl carving hollie in to the stick, like, lighted, head, globe, hollie showed, with, big hand, many nuclear fires appearing, thats, uh, bear, hollie, said, and, you, know who it is, hollie, said, putin, with, three, ribs, in, mouth, and, who, are, they, hollie, said, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, that, showed, hollie, two dead dogs, lying along 16th street, they, were, slaughtered, hollie said, thats, man, slicing, thier throats, they, screamed, that, hollie, said, and, russia, she, said, thats big, nuclear fireball, that, said, hollie, grim reaper appears, laughs, collects, dead, that, hollie, said, thats grim reaper riding the grizzled horse, hollie showed, record, that, said, grim, reaper, hollie, pulls, ship, thats, many, hollies, shipbusting, its, the, france, hollie, showed, still, good, being, broken, in, india, it, still, couldve, been, used, another, fifty, years, that, said, hollie, taiwan, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, taiwan, burn, thats, hu, hintao, on, red, horse, grim reaper, that, rides yellow missile, that, said, grim reaper, he, wrong out towel, showed, hu hintao, pontiff, both beasts in towel, thier faces, said, hollie, that, grim reaper, thats, the, beast, riding, black, horse, that, again, pointed, grim, reaper, that, pointed, grim reaper, rabbits, leave, alone, let reproduce, said, Jesus, that, said, grim reaper, laughed, hollie, showed, record, and, I, summed it, up, then, unsummed, one hand, clap, that is, said, hollie, pope, hu, riding, in, that o red and black chariot, pulled, by, angry, horses, come, on, said, hollie, jumped inside, saw putin, planning, its, out of, showed, with, stick, oceans, cuba, nicaragua, exploded, mexico, hollie, ill, place, it, there, hollie, said, come, on, nuclear explosions, in, mexico, theres, one, in, canada, thats alaska, exploding, more missiles head for u.s.a., bill clinton presses nuclear button, thats, russia, exploding, hollie, points, subs, around, u.s.a., fired, thats, interceptors, launched, missed, america explodes, up rose woman out of fire, you know pointed, hollie, its statue of liberty, bear with putin in mouth, plucked hollie said, putin, had, 3 ribs, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, thats raul castrol, yeah, ill, give, signing, said, hollie, yes, shakes, nicaragua, no, shows, lula, come on, shows, chavez, mexico, thumbs up, kim jong, presses nuclear button, thats, missiles striking, china, south korea, russia, all, burning, thats, missile leaving, russia, striking, north korea, burned, thats, u.s.a. sub striking north korea, exploded, putin, worried, medvedev presses nuclear button, thats ram with putin, hu, coming out of horns, hu shakes, yes, he, thats him riding red horse, china, hand snaps fingers, scratches, points, china, strikes washington state, taiwan, there you have it, said, hollie, its the, she said, new world order, its the beast, she said, rising with seven heads and ten horns, thats italy, exploding, there goes france, australia, great britain exploded, thats gordon brown pressing nuclear button, thats four vanguard class subs firing missiles striking russia, world shook, america, exploded, missiles from all, hollie, watches, strikes russia, up rises pope, theres hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, idol, pope, thats, pope riding black horse, into russia, flatter, he said, signs, gets, arsenal, thats, russia, china, nuking each, hegoat smites ram, thats hu, japan, rising, coming out of lamb horns, they, sign, the mark treaty, with pontiff, 666, thats them at table, threatening, laughing, lying, take the mark of the beast, said, pope, 666 on fore head, its tattood said hollie, arm, thats, little pope tattood on finger, I am God, said, pope, sitting in temple in rome, unite and force, them, said, hu hintao, thats, nuclear explosion in russia, chinese army like cloud of men, forcing russia, there they go, invade israel, thats, hu, slashing, pope, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, thats egypt, jordan, syria exploding, putin presses nuclear button, thats israel exploding, Christ, places, beast, false prophet in lava, thats Jesus standing on mount, what are these wounds my Jesus, said, hollie, them, said, angry, Jesus, jews, rapture, said, Jesus, everything dissolves, thats them all in lake of fire with d.min jeremy taylor u.u. ph.d. jung s.t.d. (hon) and kathy taylor and tristy taylor, JEsus clapped, that, said, hollie, nuclear fires in gaza, iraq, hollie, watches, thats, from, its from u.s.a. sub, gaza burns, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, there you have it, showed, hollie, iraq burning, Jesus sprinkles, arise and awaken, bear turns into putin, let me rule the world, he said, lets rule the world, putin, sang, russia, said, hu hintao, no, way, said, chavez, yes, shakes, lula, and raul castrol, thumbs up shows kim jong, yes, shakes, nicaragua, yes shakes mexico, there you have it, said, hollie, I summed it up, putin, appears, thats pope, smiling, what was popes message, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, its simb, she said, IM the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope appears, mexico is the, reason u.s.a. is in economic collapse, said, Jesus, thats american jobs going to mexico, thier products coming to america, that is alome sorrow, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, simb, hollie dream laughs, thats idol shepherd drinking tea said hollie, its pontiff, David Cerullo is cut off said Jesus, thats robb thompson, yeah I knew, he said with bob rodgers voice, yeah barbara, he said, they, are, witchs, said, Jesus, all, like thier dr. mike murdock who like his reverend bill hamon stole the name I spoke ministry of dreams like thier reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u., hes, witch, said, hollie, they, all, are, saith the LOrd, when you see, said, hollie, its too late, all doomed, and thats, reverend bob rodgers looking at, trembling, hollie showed, record, jon sawyer will not remove ministry of dreams from his blog cause he wants christian to fall said hollie, visions from 3-20-21-22?-record, said, hollie, and, I showed, you, the beasts image, she said, picture, pope, hollie showed, hu hintao, the, second, beast, she mixed up pictures, record, said, hollie, hollie showed the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope, and who are they, hollie said, mexico, president pops out of head, raul castrol, let me rule the world, said, vladimir, said, medvedev, pointed, at self, yeah ill give, says raul, signs, yes, shakes, lula, chavez, signs, no, said, hugo chavez, thumbs up, showed, kim jong, yes, shakes, hu hintao, thats china, attacking washington state, thats taiwan exploding, thats, hu hintao riding red horse, thats jerry vanlue showing book, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats pope in horn, then, medvedev, comes out, putins, its uh ruling party, ten kings out of one country, thats boris yeltsin out of politburo, popes, thats italy exploding, thats subs firing missiles, russia exploded, australia, france, thats america exploding, britain, thats gordon brown pressing nuclear button, russia exploded, its from, said, hollie, captain hollie, british, she said, submarines, world shakes, up rises the beast, pope rides black horse, into russia, give me, he said, signs, gets control, thats, hegoat smiting ram, putin, hu, out of ram horns, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, thats hu, japan, rising, coming out of ram lamb horns, signing 666, the mark treaty, said, hu, with pope, place it there, said, pope 666 on forehead, arm, thats, that o red and black chariot pulled by angry horses, thats pope, hu, riding, hollie, on top, then, inside, sees, putin, planning, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, those three ribs, appeared in putins mouth, all three exploded, thats, missiles leaving thier waters striking america, exploded, that was clap, lighted, you know said, hollie, she, appeared, tear up, from, new behind, clap, turned, back, from behind, hands, bear hands, hollie showed, the book, Ministry Of Dreams, call it, spoke Jesus, ministry of dreams, what are these my JEsus, said, hollie, loves, you, said, Jesus, holes in hands, standing on mount, thats israel exploding, from, missile, russia, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, thats jordan, syria, egypt exploding, thats sixth seal opening, smoke, ascends up, u.s.a. explodes, its from, said, hollie, subs all around, grim reaper, laughs, america attacked, burns, statue of liberty rises out of fire, you know, said, hollie, woman, that is my angel, with sword, JEsus treads grapes in winepress, what are these wounds, Jesus, you, pointed, Jesus, look, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, go, around, top, tada, snap, side, tada, snap, fingers, at bottom, stamped, record, said, hollie, thats hollie whistle blowing, its, titanic, captain smith, feels shudder, runs to bridge, we hit, said, charles lightoller, smith shakes, yes, abondon, he says, its to late for him, bobby, said, hollie, kent gray, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, let me record, said, hollie, mokse, said, hollie, on, willie, duncans, church, hollie places MOKSE on h.h. gregg, I know said willie, duncan, mokse, hollie sat, on, I know, said, willie, duncan, tear up, said, hollie, with, pen, paper, in hand, snapped fingers, behind, snap, hollie, like uh, cat, that was hollie, oil, she, had, darkened uh bit, gabriel checks with hands, thick, slick, keep, brown, he, said, hollie, let down, its double beater, said, hollie, helicopter, left, hollie showed, turn, go, lighted, bear, paws, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, and, I showed, you, that, she, said, bang, stick, grim reaper, laughs, hollie, showed, record, dont, said, hollie, its him, she said, dr. john Tetsola, hes, hollie showed, shakes, wolf, said, Jesus, pockets lucre from tithes, hollie showed, thumbs down, international bible training center is Reformers Ministries International, hollie left, the economys slipping, said, gabriel, arch, like warrior angel, whew, loves being, like you, spoken about, thats hollie funnel, whistle blowing, like this, hollie, said, sandy wipes lips, simb, whewwww, said, hollie, loose belt some, s,o,m,e, said hollie, grim reaper, laughs, 3-23-2009-bobby, said, hollie, sh, dont tell on, sh, she said, them, they are, hollie showed, cut off, its H.B. London and Neil B. Wiseman, neil, said, hollie, is not wise, but, claims like h.b. london, both, witchs, said, hollie, thats dr. james dobson pocketing, smiling, lucre, church, offerings, tithes, he, I made you look at, said, Jesus, thats james dobson trembling, with uh smile on his face, but, knows, thats james dobson showing cut off, im lost, he said, but, st ill preaches like his reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie who stole, ministry of dreams, hey neil, said rev. jeremy taylor, showed cut off, looks at, trembles, its him said m.a. jeremy taylor phd, wants christian ruint, thats kathy taylor and tristy taylor both shaking yes, tristy taylor m.a. shows cut off, masterbates, thats here, and gina rose halpern, trembling, looking at, thats rev. jeremy taylor d.min masterbating, running down hands, thats student at wisdom university showing dr. jim garrison, yeah I see said rev. jim garrison, protects, but lets student be charged amazingly to be taught be ordained unitarian universalist minister jeremy taylor who is suppost to be blameless, students want thier money back, get out of here, sh, said jim garrison, does, dont saith the LOrd, tell on s.t.d. jeremy taylor who is on the board of the atlanta jung society, thats Don Huntley of The CG Jung Society of Atlanta showing cut off, sees, made you look at said hollie, its him said Don Huntley, his reverend jeremy taylor u.u., both witchs, said, Jesus, put it under, they are both, thats them showing cut off, hollie appears, hollie showed, record, bobby, said, hollie, and I showed you that, she said, popes picture, bob, said, hollie, showed, the, popes picture, tear up, go to top, tada, look, that is, hu hintao, on, that, red, horse, said, hollie, china strikes taiwan, hand snaps fingers, taiwan burns, there, said, hollie, like cat, then silhouette cat, from behind, she said, hollie snapped fingers, israel exploded, hollie pointed, hollie showed, record, theres that submarine, sorry, said, hollie, waved, its, akula, agin, hollie, said, fired, missiles, struck nuclear n.a.t.o., exploded, hollie showed, record, thats her in submarine, sub looks, angers, theres uh submarine right there, said, hollie, surfaced, its akula agin, she said, bobby, dont do it, said, hollie, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie, when you want uh deal, she said, he does said kathryn taylor, thats rev. jeremy taylor who is jung said hollie wanting bob to clear his name off the internet then he claims he will remove what he stole the God spoken ministry of dreams said hollie and JEsus, now hear the word of the LOrd, said, Jesus, thats reverend jeremy taylor d.min shrugging, no deal, bob said, steal ministry of dreams and be ruint and remove any way, thats jonah weiland weeping like his, alright said jonah, weiland with duncan rouleaus voice, they are, same, both, ruint, fired missiles, and, look, who, it, struck, she said, france exploded, there goes britain, italy, thats gordon brown pressing nuclear button, america, australia, exploded, hollie surfaces in submarine, many, fired missiles, thats, look who it struck, hollie, said, russia exploded, its uh end time story, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, thats jan, vanover, putting bob out of church, cause, he showed, cut off, now look, she said, this is hollie with that o loose belt sumb, s,o,m,e, hollie said, hollie showed, bottle of valvoline maxlife sythetic blend motor oil, its sae 10w-30, its, better then some, this is warning, said, hollie, please, said, medvedev, dont tempt, let me, said, hollie, record, bob, said, hollie, showed, the book ministry of dreams, they publish, but, will, sell big, hollie showed, record, showed, eat, hollie showed, record, stomped, banged stick, up rose the beast, there hu, hollie bangs stick, showed, both beasts, hollie showed emporer of japan, banged stick, there you have it, she, said, light flash, idol pope, hollie, showed, excitement, hollie showed the book, ministry of dreams, dont steal, she said, hollie, lowered on rope, its helicopter, double blader, if you steal ministry of dreams I will ruin you he said, left, showed the beast with seven heads, ten horns, pope pops out, mexico, lula, hintao, jong, castrol, nicaragua, russia, there you have it, said, hollie, seven heads, thats ten horns, with popes face in, its uh, ruling party, out comes medvedev, then putin, ten kings in government, out of, its duma said hollie, stamped, banged stick, stomped, it was said, hollie and hollie dream laughs, look at that, eat rice a roni, bob, ate, hollie, banged stick, eat said hollie, hollie showed, record, lighted hand showed turn, whats that, hollie said, clapped, snapped fingers, kicked heel, appears, hollie showed, horace, smith, whatta you want, said, Jesus, thats horace, smith, showing money, greed, he, said, 3-24-2009-bob, said, hollie, look, showed, popes picture, tear up, snap, fingers, hands, put back, tear, bob, record, said, hollie, snap, hollie showed, popes picture, thats, hegoat, ready to smite ram, snap, fingers, charges, does, stomps, thats hegoat stomping ram, putin, hu, come out of horns, thats, pope riding black horse into russia, flatteries he says, signs, gets control, thats, pope showing, no way, launches nuclear missiles on china, drive out, thats china claiming most of russia, thats hollie showing, many, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, thats, hu, japan, rising like lamb, withstand the pope, said, hu, to sign 666, with pope, thats, helen thompson showing the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, hi said, hollie, its pontiff, thats mexico, popping out of head, china, cuba, nicaragua, chavez, lula, thats, putin, with, pope coming out of his, thats, medvedev, kneeling before, pope, let me rule the world, said medvedev, alright, shakes, popes, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie snaps, thats him with three ribs, in mouth, turned, into, bear, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, appears, on board, thats, russia, attacking, america, now lets see, said, hollie, you got me high in the air, she said, saw, pointed, subs, all, around, u.s.a., let me strike, said, putin, alright said medvedev, then, pointed, self, shoots, putin, presses nuclear button, out of their waters, thats them exploding, hollie showed, double blader, helicopter, let hollie down, on, rope, you didnt want me, he said, now look, he said, leaves, left, hollie showed, record, this is the website, post, said, hollie, now let me see, said, the website, showed, dont steal, my name, ministry of dreams, or ill ruin, said, Jesus, I know it said dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., does, gets, thats ph.d. jeremy taylor m.a. showing cut off, student shows visions, I thought you were ordained unitarian universalist minister jeremy taylor, thats rev. jeremy taylor saying, I am, then why, said student, leaves, knows, thats dr. jeremy taylor, lying, hollie shook, yes, then showed, no, turned, snap fingers, with hands, stomps, then shook, yes, clapped, hollie, said, work, thats, hollie in the, fire, loose belt some, said, hollie, hollie showed, picture, and who appeared, its, pope, turn, back, clap, bobby, lets post, said, hollie, hollie pointed, up, at Jesus coming, she said, thats submarine, said, hollie, looks, many, all, around, america, exploded, now, look, hollie, appears, smiling, 3-25-2009-bobby, look, said, hollie, its, gary, brewer stealing and altering world prophecy center like thomas barnhouse, they both get, openly mocked, then, remove, like jeremy taylor d.min removes ministry of dreams, like all, diana hughey tricked prophet, sent wrong passwords and included her link on, she, bought without prophets permission, when you see, said, hollie, I, lied, said, diana hughey, removes, sends bob passwords, thats beast with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they, said, hollie, its pope, hes antichrist, said, hollie, theres, mexico, coming, out, of head, lula, chavez, nicaragua, thats, latin america exploding, theres, kim jong, castrol, hintao, thats, hu, riding red horse, thats, missile from china, striking taiwan, exploded, hand snaps fingers, theres, putin, hes, let me rule the world, he said, Jesus sprinkles, bear arises, thats angry bear looking, striking nuclear n.a.t.o., hollie snaps fingers, thats france, australia exploding, britain, exploded, thats gordon brown pressing nuclear button, hollie snaps fingers, missiles strike russia, boom, theres america and australia exploding, thats russia being showered with thermo nuclear missiles, world shakes, exploded, thats, angel, in, atmosphere, stench, with face like silhouette, partial, meerkat has silhouette face, then somewhat, casey, with, silhouette face, folds scene, face starts appearing, hollie snaps fingers, this is hollie, uh warning, she said, thats, ten horns, with kings coming out, theres, pope, putin, medvedev, its uh ruling party, ten kings, thats boris yeltsin folding scene, hollie appears, like cindy, at grace apostolic church, hand, points, pray, alter, hollie showed, turn, go, with, lighted, bear paws, thats hollie like cartoon character, shes, duncan rouleau, when you see, said, hollie, thats duncan rouleau looking at, thats richard starkings, get out, he said, other man shakes, yes, thats, the nightmarist weeping blood and the kids of duncan rouleau weeping, its cause we ruint said woman, hollie showed, go, with lighted bear paws, tear up, look back, forward, go, no, said, hollie, showed, with big hands, shook, yes, Im thru with it, yes, turned, clap, snapped fingers, hey bob, let me, said, hollie, record, showed, smiling, pope, thats, him, riding, black horse, russia, exploded, flatteries, said, pope, hes, wanting, gets, arsenal, thats, hu hintao, rise to withstand the pope, he said, thats nuclear explosions in russia, china, thats hegoat smiting ram, stomping, putin, hu, came out of ram horns, thats king of north coming against king of south, then, thats, hu hintao and japan coming out of lamb horns, rise, to, withstand, said, hu, hintao, hollie said, wars, here, thats iraq, exploding, showed, hollie, gaza, exploded, bush, grunts, thats, the, reason, I, brought, it, in, he, said, to, break, our, oil, grunts, contracts, hollie, said, work, hollie appears, let, me, record, she, said, hollie dream laughs, and I showed, you, the beast, she said, tear up, snap, hollie snapped fingers, again, clicked heels, snap, from behind, she, said, snapped, this is hollie, what did hollie, want, thats, the, main, im moody, she said, licked prophet, that, was, hollie, on, the, rope, said, hollie, its, uh, double blader, said, hollie, whats my hollies message, said, hollie, when they hit iraq agin, said, hollie, and, Jesus, they brought judgment to america, let me rule the world, said, putin, thats china, hey, ill give ya, said, boris yeltsin, alright, said, hu hintao, thats, chinese president riding red horse, china, strikes washington state, taiwan explodes, hollie says, look, theres war, going on, in washington state, that was grim reaper laughing said hollie, that is my alome saleem, said, hollie, hollie had pen, record, the, vision, said, hollie, and hollie plays music, your startin to want it said hollie, bob, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, this is hollie, loose belt sum, s,u,m, hollie smiles in fire, that he said, tear up, restore, said, hollie snapped fingers, from behind, she said, snapped fingers, rubber band some, said, hollie, wierd, said, rubber band, thats was pontiff, said, hollie, riding black horse, russia exploded, flatter him, he said, signs, gets arsenal, submarine sorrow, said, hollie, now look, surfaced, its akula, fired missiles, grim reaper laughs, hollie showed, what dog was doing, dont over feed, submarines are right there, said, hollie, it rained submarines, snapped fingers, hollie waves, looks for hollie showed, in sub, claps, doesnt find, bob, said, hollie, showed, the beasts picture, pope, tear up, put back, crossed, snapped, fingers, turned, from behind, snapped, there is uh reason, what is, said, the main, no reason, said, hollie, clap, 3-26-2009-hollie, appeared, hollie showed duncan rouleau, his man of action series on cartoon network, closed, hollie said, its cause, hollie, said, shut up, they, laugh at duncan rouleau, looses contract, millions, cause, for stealing the name ministry of dreams, and the nightmarist weeps blood, ted turner, sees, said, hollie, close, he said, rouleau weeps, take the nightmarist, reopens, changes, takes out ministry of dreams, goes to just dreams like reverend jeremy taylor d.min u.u., hollie showed popes picture, tear up, hands, go to top, tada, looks down, rip, this is hollie with that o loose belt some, wiped lips, hollie like cartoon character, duncan rouleau steals ministry of dreams, thats the nightmarist weeping blood, its not your name said duncan rouleau, look at that, said, man, shows duncan rouleau visions, he shakes yes, but lies, this is not hollie talking, this is the website talking, post, said, hollie, thats, hollie like a cartoon character, showing iraq, gaza, nuclear, explosions, bush brought it in, she said, with red lighted hand, george bush grunts, hollie like cartoon character, is disgrunted, shes upset cause people steal what I spoke said Jesus, Ministry Of Dreams, its rained submarines, said, hollie, waved, thats, hollie looking for hollie showed, in, sub, what was that, said, hollie, she, showed, picture of the pope riding the black horse, that, hollie said, russia exploded, thats pope going on black horse into moscow, hollie appears, shows, record, hollie oil, appears, thats, armageddon, said, hollie, leading to, loose belt sume, s, u, m, e, said hollie, it was record, said, hollie, hollie appears, hollie showed, posting, at home, hollie pointed up, its, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, world, shakes, thats, america, exploding, bear with 3 ribs turns into, vladimir, said, medvedev, points at self, alright said putin, that, hollie, in, the fire, smiling, hollie dream laughs, bob, prophesyes, judgment to many nations including the palestian state, bob, said, the palestinian state will be destroyed, hollie dream laughs, thats the red horse, hollie, dream, laughs, thats, hu hintao, riding, hand, snaps fingers, thats missile, from china, taiwan, exploded, thats captain hollie surfacing in 3 ohio class subs, thats many missiles striking china, exploded, look there, pointed, hollie, thats hollie right there by explosion, what was she doing there, said, hollie, looks, its cause, he made me, laughs, then looks serious, he told, made me, said, hollie, Jesus, whispers to hollie, instructs, alright said hollie, that, said, hollie, from picture frame, Jesus looks at, and that, she said, pointed, clapped, hollie smiles, tear up, man, hollie, said, hollie, turns, snaps, fingers, cliked, heels, snapped, tada, agin, snap, its from, a, new, behind, she said, snap, fingers, turn, kick, blow, snap, again, kick, turn, she said, snap, tada, showed, 3-27-2009-let me record, said, hollie, thats dr. jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie, what does he want, said rev. jeremy taylor d.min, student shows visions, you stole ministry of dreams jeremy taylor and call yourself ordained unitarian universalist minister, shut up said m.a. jeremy taylor phd, thats m.a. jeremy taylor jung shaking yes, ruint, from wisdom university over, students find out, show dr. jim garrison, yeah I knew said jim garrison, both get, remove says matthew fox, shakes yes, knew, hollie shows, record, and, I showed you that, she said, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope, and who are they hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, cuba, hollie shows raul castrol, yeah ill do, signs, mexico coming out of lighted head, signing, thats hintao, rubbing chin, smiling, signs, china attacks washington state, thats hu riding red horse, appears, hand snaps fingers, china, launches missile, strikes taiwan, burn, hu signs, hugo, yeah, I do, signs, says, no, thats missile from venezuelan waters striking u.s.a., and thats nuclear explosion in venezuela, hollie, points, raise your rocket, she sang, thats brazil exploding, lula signs, theres kim jong, let me, let me said putin and medvedev, kim shakes, yes, yeah I do, there you have it, said, hollie, seven heads, thats ten horns with pope inside, said, hollie, out comes putin, medvedev, hollie showed, there you have it, its uh ruling party, scene explodes, loose belt sumb, said, hollie, that, was, Jesus, like, a, Light Man, said, hollie, hollie smiles, hollie shows record, look, at, that, said, hollie, like cartoon character, duncan rouleau said ted turner, out, duncan rouleau shakes yes, its cause you stole ministry of dreams said, hollie, man of action series cancelled, the nightmarist weeps blood, dont go home, said, bear, and bear licked prophet, im him, said, bear, putin, thats, putin, with, 3 ribs, in, mouth, hollie showed, with, uh, stick, beat, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, said, hollie, exploded, thats missiles leaving thier waters, america, nuked, hollie points, fireball in u.s.a., let me record, said, hollie, this is the website post, said, hollie, hollie appears, bobby, thats mexico, said, hollie, medvedev, hey, ill give you, he said, signs, o.k., said, president, thats russian subs, moving near, mexico, fired, missiles, thats, america, firing interceptors, thats, more missiles being fired from other russians subs, they are, u.s.a. explodes, thats missile defence getting some, hollie points, explosions from interceptors striking missiles, thats, barack obama, being informed, o.k. lets launch, he, presses nuclear button, thats, many, minuteman 3 missiles, ohio class subs firing tridents, thats russia exploding, then, medvedev strikes n.a.t.o., thats france exploding, australia, britain, italy, thats missiles from all, striking russia, exploded, world shakes, up rise the beast, said, hollie, thats captain, hollie, in, british vanguard sub, firing, and, french, russia exploded, it was uh dream, laughed, hollie dream, night vision, laughs, bob dreams, sitting at table, bobby knight was there, bob was with mans daughter, she was young, there were four people sitting at table, a man shoots two, scene scatters, bob again is with mans daughter, tries to tell her Jesus told him that he was unaccountable, she shows with hand, go, on, bob, in heart mocks her as he walks, record, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, hollie shows record, hollie shows, record, shows, she loves Jesus, kissed, hollie showed, turn, go, this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats man that started complex fire in indianapolis, cost thirty seven million, he laughs, in prison, they leave alone, homeless, keeping warm, this is not hollie talking, this is the website talking, post, said, hollie, hollie in fire, now look, said, hollie, its akula agin, she, said, fired missiles, yeah, said, sub, russia, strikes, n.a.t.o., exploded, bobby said hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, and restore, rip, snap fingers, tear, both, hollie showed, record, u.s.a. economic collapse, thats barack obama shaking yes, this is warning, said, hollie, 3-28-2009-trust me said Jesus, I said that to people own destruction, tempting, let me said hollie, showed, the, beast, and who is it, said, hollie, pope, hes, with, seven heads, hollie said, kings, hollie appears, showed, eat, showed, ford escort gt, its, uh, smart car, she, said, thats, said, hollie, president of mexico popping out of lighted head, theres lula, hollie said, yeah ill, give me, said, raul castrol, signs, give medvedev, said, hollie, this is waring, said, hollie, mexico, she said, signs, yeah, ill, give me, mexican president says, thats, russian subs approaching mexico, firing missiles, u.s.a. explodes, that was hu hintao, riding the red horse, china, attacks, thats hand snapping fingers, taiwan explodes, from, hollie points, yellow missile, thats, washington state, being, attacked, its, from, using, terrorists said hintao, comes out of head, that was hollie, like, cartoon character, showing, nicaragua, president, coming out of head, nicaragua explodes, thats, missiles leaving thier waters, striking u.s.a., thats, hollie, like cat, thats, leopard, she said, showed, hu, japan, north, south, korea, there you have it she said, pope, said, hollie, thats, the, ticket, she said, rides black horse, russia explodes, this is website, post, said, hollie, this is uh warning, said, hollie, this is uh warning, said, hollie, that, she said, bob said hollie, post, record, said, hollie, prophet hickman, she said, sandy wiped lips, its, the, simb, showed, popes picture, tear up, said, hollie, and, restore, but, wrong, sh, she said, 3-29-2009-you need to let me, record, said, hollie, and, I, showed, she, said, hollie appears, thats popes, hes, antichrist, im the beast, he said, with, seven heads and ten horns, thats them tap dancing, its hu, hollie, said, thats china attacking washington state, use terrorists, said, false prophet hu hintao, hand snaps fingers, thats, hu hintao riding red horse, thats, yellow missile with hollie riding, strikes taiwan, burns, thats the president of mexico, hollie shows, no, way, with big hands, thats mexican president signing with medvedev, like raul castrol, signs, thats, medvedev, with contract, russian subs approach mexico, thats nicaragua, shaking yes, signing, thats nicaragua exploding, thats, hugo chavez, yeah, ill, give me, he said, signs, lula, shakes, yes, but dreads, thats, nuclear explosions in latin and south america, its from, im uh bear, said, hollie, in, her, its, akula, agin, she said, fired, missiles, hollie dancing, leave it alone, she said, yeah, she shook, showed, record, pontiff, appears, hes, antichrist with seven heads, ten horns, thats, mexico, popping out of head, yeah, ill, give me, he said, thats two russian subs, approaching mexico, firing missiles, then from cuba, thats america exploding, thats, look, said, hollie, woman coming out of fire, hollie shows, raise your hands and repeat after me, its statue of liberty, hollie salutes, bobby, said, hollie, thats hollie looking thru periscope, sees statue of liberty, gabriel pours out vial, hollie, launches, thats new york exploding, then world shakes, thats hollie showing many nuclear fires all over america, and captain Father in, its, hollie, looks, submarine, fired missiles, thats hollie, on, telephone, its, cnn, she said, they, reported, that, the, war, turned, nuclear, thats, gaza, iraq, exploding, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing in sub, firing, missiles, gaza exploded, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats many nuclear fires in iraq, Jesus sprinkles, bear grow, arise, devour much flesh, bear looks, hunt uuh said, hollie, its bear, not, not barack, thats, russia, attacking, from subs, hollie watches, missiles, fighter jets, many n.a.t.o. nations, explode, world shakes, hollie, showed, record, this is submarine, post, look, said, hollie, it, rained, submarines, thats, hollie, looking for hollie showed, in sub, thats, hollie in the fire, bobby, said, hollie, showed, oil, its, leading, to, armageddon, thats, hollie oil, get, she said, thats, hollie looking for oil, hollie tore up, the, concious, hollie said, put back, tear, hands, turned, tap danced, now look, tada, she said, silhouette, said, hollie, like silhouette, then face appears, in, out, this is warning, said, hollie, this is not the website talkin, this is hollie talking, post, submarine, somby, said, hollie, hollie appears, hollie showed, Cleophus, thats Shawn, tyson, said, hollie, what does he want, let me pocket lucre said Cleophus Shawn Tyson, thats, him, pocketing, tithes, offerings, mooching, conning, telling people to donate, sacrifice, thats, shawn tyson showing cut off, never, saved, but pastoring, this is what I want, said, C. Shawn Tyson, hollie watchs shawn have sex with woman, shawn git outta here said krista tyson, you are uh witch, said krista tyson with dyed hair, and shawn tyson shakes yes, like thier mother ruth tyson, both, saith God, Jesus showed, Christ church apostolic, rubbed chin, close, said, Jesus, with lighted finger, when you see, said, hollie, lets git outta here, said, krista tyson, thats ruth tyson with red hair, at AENON BIBLE COLLEGE, shes, never, repented, but, in, high place, thats, president, sanford, looking, at, visions, thrust her out, saith the Lord, thats, sanford being put out, of AENON BIBLE COLLEGE, its cause, they, are, failing, to, attract, hollie appears, thats, alome, salarrie, said, hollie, you did not want me, said, hollie, its, uh, double blader, said, hollie, copter, thats, the, alome, saleem, said, hollie, sandy, wipes, lips, its, simb, she said, hollie bear, appears, im uh bear father, she said, thats, him, she, said, pointed, putin, with 3 ribs, and who are, they, hollie said, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hollie showed, 3 ribs, in, mouth, putin, hollie bear, appears, it was bruce ismay hollie said, speed he told edward smith, hit iceberg, sank, that, was, said, hollie, that, hollie said, indianapolis exploding, its from, im uh bear, said, hollie bear, hollie laughs, slaps, face, putin, appears, hollie bear, licks prophet, many nations explode, hollie shows, fleas appears, shakes, yes, i knewem, she said, bobby, this is website, post, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, no, with big hands, then, yes, from, behind, she, said, snapped fingers, clicked, heel, snapped, fingers, tada, showed, the, beast, im him said pontiff, this is website, post, said, hollie, hollie showed, titanic, do, she said, speed, this is not the website, talking, this is hollie talking, post, like white, hollie, record, the vision, said, hollie, submarine, she said, 3-30-2009-hey remus wright, let me record, said, hollie, points, at, dr. remus wright with dyed hair like his pastor cleophus, shawn tyson, said, hollie, they are witchs, she said, but, thats shawn tyson pocketing tithes, bobby, this is how you get lucre said hollie, prophesy, said, c. shawn tyson with dyed hair, hes, thats cleophus shawn tyson showing cut off, its because you were wierd, said shawn, tyson, attacks prophet ministry of dreams, o, said, mia wright, now she wants, but, speaks blasphemy, its wrong we never said remus wright, but, witchs, saith God, theres james e. tyson with dyed hair and his ruthy, shes aenon bible college, witch, said, Jesus, o said krista tyson with dyed hair, witch said hollie, all tysons, but, except john, said, hollie, hes, trying, will get thru, said, Jesus, but, needs, will get, thats shawn tyson becoming jelous cause, james, lavern tyson is brought in to, accept, said james tyson, thats Laverne Tyson, thinking about it, his New Beginning Ministries International is closing, said james lavern tyson, accept, said, Jesus, just let me think about it, said, lavern tyson, no, said, me the Lord, I told you to take Christ church apostolic when james tyson dies, he will give it to you, now here the word of the Lord, bob will come if you want to help, but, not, lead, pastor, but, pray, thats james lavern tyson shaking, i will, he said, let it close said james lavern tyson, thats New Beginning, Ministries International, it will not cover, thats lavern tyson shaking, no, but, accepts, I can see said blind daughter tyson, its after the witch, said, hollie, james tyson dies, you got your wish said Jesus, james wanted her, as a toy, thats ruth tyson smiling, with red hair, witchtress, said, Jesus, but bob loves, thats young man showing james lavern tyson visions, record, the vision, said, hollie, what was that, she, said, its, pope, she said, theres hu, hintao, tear up, thats, them, signing, its uh peace treaty, hollie said, 666, appears, that, said, hollie, nuclear fires in russia, china, I showed, she said, that, said, hollie, pope riding, black horse, russia exploded, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, that, word, showed ministry of dreams she said, has over 500,000 visions and dreams, that, hollie, said, on, internet, hollie, showed, its, record, that, said, hollie, is born, that, hollie said, put, antichrist, she said, its cause im the beast, pope said, with seven heads and ten horns, that hollie said, mexico pops out of lighted head, yeah, ill, give me, said president of mexico, Felipe De Jesus CALDERON Hinojosa, hollie showed, no way, Jesus in president Hinojosas name, hollie looks at Jesus, come on, said, Jesus, he stole, they all do, said, person, signs, give gimme arsenal, said, medvedev, alright, said, putin, its cause im sworn in, said, dmitry medvedev, alright, said, vladimir, said, medvedev, come on, leaves, with, intentions of killing him, thats, why vlad is still there, he has nuclear arsenal, its cause medvedev wants, war, said, medvedev, thats, henry, gruver, laughing, its fulfilled, he said, said, hollie, two russian, subs approach mexico, that, hollie, said, subs fire missiles, its akula agin, said, hollie, thats, captain, hollie, in, his, its ohio class, said, hollie and Jesus, fires, missiles, thats, russia exploding, thats cleophus shawn tyson, what made me speak blasphemy said shawn tyson, he, wrote, said krista tyson, guess who knows, she said, alright said elder c. shawn tyson, hes, thrust him out, said, Jesus, thats shawn tyson showing cut off, its lava for me said cleophus shawn tyson, what made you see, said, hollie, when you see, made me tremble said cleophus, shawn, tyson, what made me, said, shawn tyson, I shouldve closed my mouth, its cause you were ministry of dreams and I wanted to abase, he said, thats, missiles striking, venezuela, thats, lula, signing, yeah ill, give me, said, lula, just put it right there said raul castrol, hes like, said, hollie, the mexican president, do away with, said mexican president, the u.s.a., showed, hollie, that, hollie said, lula, pops out of lighted head, that, said, hollie, tore up, shook, yes, then, no, big hands, that, she said, moved foot, that, she said, snapped fingers, clicked, fingers, again, again, right there, said, hollie, its, hollie, submarine, yeah, she, said, fired, missiles, its, akula, agin, hollie, said, and look who it struck, hollie, said, many, nations, exploded, hollie showed, france, said, hollie, exploded, italy, boom, two nuclear explosions, great britain, exploded, yeah alright said prime minister gordon brown, he dont want it said hollie, hes, thats, him showing cut off, its for him pointed gordon brown, to late said hollie, and he saw, said, casey, cleophus, shawn, tyson appear, kna, he said, but, cant, get thru said shawn tyson, shakes, sees, made me tremble, wants to call police, but, true, knows, its cause its my word said hollie, thats shawn tyson looking, something made me preach, he said, knows, God, does, not, tell, him, he falsely, prophesys, in my name, thats people from Christ church apostolic looking at it, get out of here said shawn tyson, hes, rich, said hollie, thou fool, said, Jesus, its, shawn shows pocket full, millions, preaching the gospel, he, was, smarter then most, saith the LOrd, he got lost christians to pay him to preach to them, there goes australia, u.s.a., bill clinton presses nuclear button, world shakes, thats, russia exploding, and up rose the beast, said, hollie, its, pope, pontiff, she said, he knows, she said, it made me tremble, said, pope, lets go to russia, he tells vatican, yeah, o.k., they do, this is warning, said, hollie, russia, explodes, its from nuclear n.a.t.o., said, hollie, thats many missiles, she said, coming from, france, subs, britain, theres ohio class, showering thermo, nukes, on moscow, theres, australia, sending missiles, theres 3 from italy, boom, said, hollie, russia, exploded, there pope riding black horse, into, moscow, theres cleophus, shawn tyson, looking, at, prophecy said shawn tyson, its cut off, he said, but, not from, ministry of dreams sang gene simmons, of, KISS, they are, dying, old, but, still, world shakes, up, rises, the beast, hollie said, this is not the website talkin, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, its, simb man, she said, appears, that, was, tear up, and restore again said, hollie, rip, hollie snapped, fingers, its, simb man, like, light wave, hes, looks, smiles, from behind, said, hollie, clicked heels, snapped fingers, danced, hands, front, tada, hollie, showed, eat, hollie, showed, record, that, was, hollie, with, captain, smith, hes, at fault, speed said titanic actor captain edward smith, ismay, said, smith, you, you gonna make me said, captain, smith, yes shakes bruce ismay, its over, retire, bob, said, hollie, showed, titanic, I, saw, the, scene unfold, said, Jesus, built, by, thomas andrews, they, did not, think, thats Jesus laughing, if it would have hit iceberg straight on, would have totalled the front hundred feet, bent, but, still, would, have, floated, for, about, 3 hours, paris, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear fireball in paris, thats, eiffel tower melting, thats captain smith, its my fault, he said, its, bruce ismay, he said, speed, I wanted my job said captain edward smith, they would have fired anyway, its, the olympic, he crashed, said, hollie, hit ship, that was dr. jeremy taylor in the fire for stealing ministry of dreams, diana hughey appears with rev. jeremy taylor d.min in fire, theres all the thieves of ministry of dreams with jon sawyer, I spoke it, said, Jesus, created, they stole, ph.d. jeremy taylor u.u. an oradianed unitarian minister wanted to strip prophets salvation, now theres kathyrn taylor in fire for taking the name ministry of dreams, theres tristy taylor appearing in lava, no, said, tristy taylor m.a., theres gina rose halpern, rev. amy brucker, jim garrison, susan and richard rosen, all, in, lake of fire, hollie showed, record, its cause of you said hollie showed, yeah I got it said m.a. jeremy taylor d.min, hollie shows MINISTRY OF DREAMS, its, spoken, she said, right there, Jesus appears, call it, he said, miNIstry of dreams, does, doctor jeremy taylor runs to remove, thats, russians subs all around america, then you will said Jesus, thats rev. jeremy taylor u.u. looking, something made me look at it said reverend jeremy taylor phd, and I showed, you, that, she, said, pope appears, hes the beast, hollie said, with seven heads and ten horns, said, Jesus, nuclear war, said, Jesus, thats, hollie, showing iraq, gaza, two nuclear explosions, bush grunts, both, appear, we, wanted, they, looked at each, oil contracts, thats both president george bushs in fire with thier wives, and, children, one laughs, thats them all looking at visions with children dying in iraq, submarine, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, its, akula, agin, she said, fired, missiles, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, this is not hollie talkin, this is titanic talking, appears, post, hollie, thats alome, salime, said, hollie, sandy, wipes, lips, its simb, she said, israel, said, Jesus, hollie points, nuclear fireball, help me said old woman, smiling, then, sad, hollie dream laughs, bob, high in air, in, between, like, window, frames, standing on edges, of window wood frames, bob calls police, from, its cell phone, said, hollie, for help, then bob pulls out windows, breaks, they drop below, people there, bob many hundred feet up, bob hides, once inside, police, come inside, find, bob hides in like partial desk, they comment, I wonder where he is, why, man in, hollie dream laughs, back off that shit, he said, and let me give uh dream sang randy travis, hollie dream laughs, it was, she said, night vision, this is o, said, hollie, warning, Brian Lane is cut off, u.p.c.i. pastor Brian Lane never saved, but preaches, hollie showed, record, and I showed, you, that, she said, stamped, hit stick, explosion, hollie shows submarine, im uh submarine, sub, said, this is website, post, said, hollie, and, hollie, licked prophet, that, was, the, main ministering spirit, hollie, showing, record, putin, said Brian l. Lane, shows, come on, but, we are under attack said cecil tingley, thats u.s.a. exploding, and, its pastor, said, hollie, Brian Lane looking, I made ya look, said, Jesus, appeared, said, hollie, thats, trembling, brian, l., lane, lets get police said mrs. lane, knaw, said Brian Lane, knows, its cause hes uh witch, said, Jesus, call them witchs to their faces, its the lanes of liberty tabernacle upci, both, cut off saith God, 3-31-2009-hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, said, hollie, put back, rip, more kings appeared, hollie said, shut up, its new world order, tap dancing, said, hollie, its, theres hu, hollie said, im the beast, said, pontiff, its with seven heads, and ten horns, and who are they, said, hollie, hu is, false prophet, appears over, thats, pope and hu, both beasts, planning, hey if you take the land, said, boris yeltsin, its right here, said, hu hintao, king of the south, thats, missile from china, taiwan, exploded, thats, washington state, use, terrorists, said, hu hintao, thats little war going on in washington state, thats, captain hollie, surfacing, in three ohio class subs, its magog, said, hollie, showered china with thermo nukes said hollie, and hollie stands by explosions, looks afraid, looks, laughs, he made me do it, she said, hugs Jesus, theres president of mexico coming out of lighted head, he has Jesus in his name, no way, said, hollie, thats lula, chavez, both, coming out of lighted heads, yeah, Ill, if you give me, said, raul castrol, signs, thats, russian subs approaching mexico, cuba, nicaragua, exploded, thats nicaraguan president signing, coming out of lighted head, he signs with medvedev, leaves, thats missiles, its, akula, agin, said, hollie, thats, hollie, tap dancing, kim jong comes out of lighted head, thats kim jong pressing nuclear button, thats, russia, china, south korea exploding, let me rule, the world, said, putin, its, over, said, medvedev, presses nuclear button, north korea exploded, thats, hollie, watches, missile from u.s.a. sub, striking north korea, thats medvedev pressing nuclear button, thats subs, all around, u.s.a., thats fighter jet dropping nuclear bombs, thats, american jets going up, attacking, russian jet explodes, many missiles, fired, u.s.a. wins, but, destroyed, thats, hollie, from high in air, watching nuclear explosions all over, america, thats russia, bear rises, strikes nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, thats britain and france exploding, firing back, captain hollie, in, british and french submarines, shower russia with missiles, world shakes, thats, massive explosion, and thats the pope riding black horse, italy, exploded, thats australia exploding, pontiff goes to russia, speaks lies, they give kingdom, its no way, said hu hintao, thats, nuclear explosions, drive them out said pontiff, in russia, china, hollie, shows, thats, hegoat smiting ram, putin, hu, come out of horns, and, pope in the middle, hes grecia said holle, leave me alone, said, hollie, its, mia, wright, appearing, with blond hair, shes, dark, said, hollie, but, pastors, like, her, friend, hollie, said, remus, wright, bobby, said, kenneth haney, thats, him, thats, ken, haney, pointing, at brian, l., lane, in, o so you, switches suits, said, hollie, brian, lane, wearing dark suit, in fire, looking stunned, but laughs, shakes, yes, in, fire, wife appears next to, who is, putting these on said pastor, brian, lane, thats prophet posting, brian, l., lane, is cut off, its, the, words, said, hollie, Jesus, whispers to bob, attack, brian, l., lane, you made me speak blasphemy, said, shawn, tyson, thats, cleophus, shawn, tyson, making prophet, mused, commanding, in, the, name of Jesus, that, was, said, elder c., shawn, tyson, but later, bob, says, Holy Ghost feels like body your perfect size coming in, shawn, tyson, trembles, it made me afraid, said hair dyer cleophus, shawn, tyson, hey, lets git the, said shawn, tyson, but, it was rude, said shawn, its on, video tape, shawn tyson speaking blasphemy against the HOly Ghost, it was the devil inside of you said shawn tyson, hes blasphemes the Holy Ghost, he, commands, rebukes, it, said, Jesus, in front, of his crowd, thousands, most heard, heres what they thought in heart, thats shawn tyson messing with the wrong dude, Christ church apostolic is closing said krista tyson, thats james edison tyson being given envelope with a check for over eight thousand dollars from a.b.s.a. collections, shawn tyson calls for sacrificial, its offering, said, shawn, thats, james tyson pocketing a.b.s.a. sacrificial offering, thats them warning james tyson, its him again, Jesus whispers, all p.a.w. is cut off, he said, none saved, but like shawn tyson just did, pockets lucre, now hear the word of the LOrd, said, Jesus, appeared, showed, hollie, Christ church apostolic, dont tithe there, pay them, make it so the tysons can pocket, live free like james tyson does, thats, james e. tyson being place in marion county jail, pastors Christ temple, thats g.t. haywood, shaking no, thats james e. tyson pocketing money, when all offerings go owner of Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies, hes witch, never saved, but, loosing money, its, cause, his friend, pointed, Jesus, now pastoring, bob, protects, that, said, hollie, that o black chariot, red on other side, pulled by angry horses, hollie, gets, on, theres black and red horses, pulling chariot, of eight kings, that rise against america, babylon is fallen says man, hollie shows, no way, it was, Gods angel, thats, hu hintao, dressed like warrior, and pontiff, lets rule, he, said, lula, chavez, castrol, thats, putin, pope comes out of his, mexico, nicaragua, kim jong, there you have it, said, hollie, theres, popes face in horn, its, uh, ruling, party, said, hollie, thats putin, medvedev coming out, its, duma, said, hollie, clapped, there you have it, hollie, said, hollie lowered on rope, you did not want me, and, cleophus shawn tyson ministries appears, devil warned you said Jesus, thats shawn tyson, if you come to Christ church apostolic ill put you out, shawn tyson wants prophet cast out of all pentecostal assemblies of the world churches, its cause, of him, I spoke blasphemy, said cleophus, shawn tyson, with dyed hair, theres my submarine, said, hollie, now look, she said, sub had eyes, hollie shows ministry of dreams, he, spoke, it, she said, call it Ministry Of Dreams, thats rev. jeremy taylor from starr king school for the ministry teaching Jesus stealing from christian, thats dr. rebecca ann parker demoted said Jesus, like reverend, rev. amy brucker, cause they, helped, dr. jeremy taylor to thier own destruction, now look, said, hollie, submarine, appears, with eyes, captain hollie, in, fired, missiles, hollie, showed, record, no, way, with, big hands, shook, yes, brian l. lane appears, name and brian lane, hes not saved, worried, trembling, bob, is, with, brian, lane, and, gets withstood, by reverend brian lane, sees, visions, on net, bob, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, and, I showed you that, she said, pope, she said, taiwan, said, Jesus, and he saw, pointed, casey, taiwan, explode, thats, captain, hollie, all around magog, which is china, she said, with nuclear armed, ohio class subs, shower, missiles on china, exploded, hollie, appears, that, was, she, said, submarine sound, prowling, thats, captain hollie, in, its akula, agin, she said, bobby, this is website, post, said, hollie, its, hollie, showed, simb man, this is what the website said, post said hollie, thats, hollie, driving titanic, your a looser because you trusted me, I will make you loose your salvation to mock you, bob I dont care about you and I want you to know it, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record,