
Apr 12, 2009

of shocking moment. polar bear attacks woman in berlin zoo (photos and video)

Shocking moment polar bear attacks woman who climbed into zoo enclosure: A woman leapt into the polar bear enclosure at Berlin Zoo and was bitten several times on her arms and legs. Photos and video of the attack below.

This is the terrifying moment a woman was attacked by a polar bear after jumping into its zoo enclosure. The 32-year-old leapt over bars at Berlin Zoo during the bears' feeding time yesterday. Despite six zookeepers' efforts to distract the four predators kept in the enclosure, the woman was bitten several times on her arms and legs. The brave keepers eventually managed to push the bear away and pull the woman to safety. She was bitten by one of the four older polar bears in the enclosure and not by the famous Knut, who took Germany by storm as a cub after he was hand-raised by a keeper.

It is not known why the woman pulled the dangerous stunt but she initially appeared to be elated as she swam towards a bear in the enclosure.
Watch the video below ("Woman jumps into polar-bear pool in Berlin")

Click image to watch the video

1 comment:

  1. She must be nuts! what the hell she was upto being so near to the animals.
    Lesson to learn don't get free with the wild animals


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