
Apr 13, 2009

of singapore girl offers nude photos of herself in exchange for virtual gifts

She offered nude pictures for virtual pet gifts: Ling Er, an 18-year-old Singaporean, has set up a Facebook group to get netizens to give her virtual items for her character in the popular game Pet Society on the networking site. In return, senders of the best five gifts would get a set of nude pictures of her. They have to do so by 1May.
The name of her group: My birthday suit contest.

To date, some 133 users have signed up as members of the group.

The game, which can be played by Facebook members who download it, allows them to create and play with a virtual pet, buy it items, and pit its 'skills' against those of others.

The object of the game is to acquire as many points as possible.

These points allow players to acquire more virtual items for their pets' homes.

On her Facebook group, Ling Er has appealed to netizens to give her their most valuable Pet Society gifts possible.
The teen wrote on the site,
I will send you guys pics of me in my birthday suit that I was born with.
The name of her group: My birthday suit contest.
In an e-mail reply to The New Paper, Ling Er said she started playing Pet Society just over two weeks ago, and that she plays the game daily, but for less than an hour each time. She declined to reveal her real name. The teen said she had started the Facebook group 'just for fun'.

'Also, I like the thrill and I want more gifts (for my pet),' she added.

Asked if she sensed any danger in sending her nude pictures to total strangers, she replied: 'In this day and age, it is easier to find pictures of this nature online than news updates from around the world.'

And will they really be her own pictures? Well, all we know is that she has already put up some that are supposed to be preview pictures. She claimed that other local women had taken and distributed nude pictures of themselves online with little consequence.

'They're still doing fine,' she insisted.
Read more
- Asian Teen Offers Nude Pictures Of Herself In Exchange For Virtual Items
- I like the thrill... It's just for fun


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