
Apr 15, 2009

of singapore will be badly hit by july 22 tsunami (hoax email)

S'pore will be badly hit by July 22 tsunami: Email circulating predicts another tsunami on 22 July.

Extracted from the email,
Hello there. I just wanted 2 let you know that please stay away from the beaches all around in the month of July. There is a prediction that there will be another tsunami hitting on July 22nd. It is also when there will be sun eclipse. Predicted that it is going 2 be really bad and countries like Malaysia (Sabah & Sarawak), Singapore, Maldives, Australia, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Philippines are going 2 be badly hit. Please try and stay away from the beaches in July. Better 2 be safe than sorry. Please pass the word around. Please also pray for all beings.

Read further here at Snopes, which says
However, earthquakes are not caused by gravitational pull, so set your mind at ease about the possibility of an eclipse's prompting the ground to shake.
Also at Channelnews Asia which says the email is a hoax. Professor Kerry Sieh, director, Earth Observatory of Singapore, said,
In the last 110 years or so, there have been about 85 really big earthquakes – 8 (on the Richter magnitude scale) or greater. And only two of those occurred on the same day as an eclipse. And even those were a partial eclipse, not a total eclipse. They happened in a different place from where the eclipse happened.


  1. When the gravitational force of the sun and moon are both pulling on a plate that has not had series of recent earth quakes, the extra pull is all that is needed to "pop the seam" and cause a major quake.
    A solar eclipse means that the moon is blocking the sun. The moon has enough gravitational pull to cause the tides an other natural phenomena on earth. The sun has enough gravitational pull to keep the earth in orbit. The theory is that during a solar eclipse, the moon has the Sun's added pull on the earth's tectonic plates. When the Sun and Moon are together on one side of the planet, they pull together and lift up the earth's tectonic plate, just beneath the eclipse. This causes the plate to shift upward, and then an earth quake when the lifted plate gets the little extra push (lift) it needed to move over its neighboring plate.

    The model earth and moon would respond to real game physics for gravity to simulate an orbit. The dts mesh plates would also respond to the gravitational pull of the sun and moon. In the TGEA simulation, the sun could simply be be a fixed gravitational spot

    The tidal forces are also stronger when the sun and moon are inline. The thought is that the liquid hot magma beneath the tectonic plates must also follow a similar principle. The earth rotates beneath the moon faster than the moon orbits the earth. So in theory a few hours before / after the eclipse you could have some shifting in the tidal magma beneath the tectonic plate. The whole day of July 22 2009 will be interesting. The earth will rotate in the summer so that the northern hemisphere is facing the sun. The moon will cross over 3 distinct tectonic plates known for earth quakes on that day.

  2. A new assessment of how earthquakes along the nearby Manila trench could radiate tsunami waves across the South China Sea.They found that all coastal regions, stretching north from Macao and Hong Kong to beyond shantou a city of 1.2 million people where the tropic of Cancer crosses the chinese coast - have about a chance of being struck by a tsumani

    The subduction megathrust under the Manila Trench has been accumulating strain over a period of 440 years or more, and could be the source for a giant earthquake of Mw not, vert, similar 9. We present a plausible earthquake rupture model constructed from seismic and geodetic data, together with hydrodynamic simulations of the potential tsunami with COMCOT (COrnell Multi-grid COupled Tsunami model). Results indicate that this megathrust poses a risk of devastating tsunami for the Philippines, southern China, Vietnam and other population centers bordering the South China Sea.

    Manila trench is only about 100 km away from Taiwan, therefore one shall punctuate the importance of thorough study on all possible tsunami scenarios for hazard mitigation. Based on the faults parameters issued by USGS and the seismic record from Global CMT, this study creates a hypothetical earthquake tsunami scenario caused by seismic motion at Manila trench. The magnitude of the earthquake is 9.35 (Mw), the total length is 990 km, and the maximum initial free-surface height is 9.3 m. The initial displacement profile is provided in this paper. An open source code, COMCOT, is adopted to perform the simulation of the tsunami propagation, runup, and inundation around Taiwan. Nested grid system and moving boundary technique are adopted to study runup and inundation.

    The result shows that the maximum wave height is 11 m in southern Taiwan. Serious flooding is observed in the southwest coast of Taiwan. Tsunami inundation is able to reach 8.5 km inlandward. Due to the refraction effect, 8 m wave height is noted in the northeast coast of Taiwan.

  3. Dr Sieh, a Geology professor at the California Institute of Technology, knows Indonesia’s earthquake zone like the back of his hand …

    .. and he did in fact predict the first earthquake that hit parts of Indonesia on Boxing Day. Now he predicts another Tsunami will hit, and this will be the grandaddy of them all!

    From his 14 satellite research station, high in the mountain tops of the humid Indonesian jungle, Dr Sieh now predicts the next Tsunami will hit, and the precise location is:

    * right opposite the city of Padang in Indonesia
    * inhabitants: 1 million people!

    Repeat: All he cannot pinpoint is when … could be in months, or the next decade.

    The city of Padang is base for Australian surfers who go there to surf the waves of the Menwawais … where some of the best surfing breaks in the world may be found.
    Geographically, the city of Padang would have difficulty dealing with a high tide, the devastation caused by the grandaddy of Tsunamis is incomprehensible.

    analysis of coral growth patterns along the Mentawi patch suggests that the 2007 quake may have been just the first episode in an "earthquake supercycle," or set of large quakes that have occurred in the region roughly every 200 years for the past seven centuries. Sections of the Earth's crust called tectonic plates are likely to rupture again under the Mentawi patch within several decades, possibly generating a magnitude 8.8 temblor, according to research published in this week's Science.

    "If previous cycles are a reliable guide, we can expect one or more very large west Sumatran earthquakes...within the next two decades," co-author Kerry Sieh, a professor at the California Institute of Technology's Tectonics Observatory, said at a press conference, according to Reuters.

    Were such a quake to cause another tsunami, it could equal or exceed the damage of the 2004 disaster in the country's Aceh province

  4. Indian scientists recently found a scientific method of predicting earthquakes quite accurately. The great quake of Sumatra along Andaman fault line on December 26th, could have been predicted if the world would have taken these scientists seriously.

    If this theory is true, we are in for many mega earthquakes soon. When two or more planets, moon and earth and sun come in one line, these mega earthquakes happen. The sun influences the rotation of earth. Now imagine you are in a train or bus. If all on a sudden the driver pushes the brake, you tend to move forward in a jerk. Exactly same thing happens when two or more planets line up with earth and pulls from the other side. The tectonic pressures built up get released in specific points of epicenter.

    In this case Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Earth, Sun came in one line and the scientists predicted on the dot the earthquake. Unfortunately the world did not take then seriously enough.
    This study aims to establish the occurrence of earthquake precursors like fore shocks and change in ground water level with respect to planetary configurations. When two or more than two planets, Sun and Moon are aligned more or less in line (0o or 180o) with the Earth, then the Earth would be caught in the middle of a huge gravity struggle between the Sun and the planets. The gravitational stresses would change the speed of the Earth in its orbit. When the speed of rotation of the earth changes the tectonic plate motion also gets affected, just as people collide with each other when the bus driver suddenly applies the brakes. The total angular momentum of planets involving in earthquake triggering mechanism can be calculated and the total force acting at the epicenter in the opposite direction to the rotation of the earth can also be determined.

    At the epicenter, the speed of rotation of the earth can be calculated with the help of available software. So the planetary forces acting in the opposite direction to the rotation of earth act as a triggering mechanism for the accumulated stress at faults and plate boundaries, to be released abruptly. This does not, however, mean that earthquakes will occur at all edges of the plate boundaries. In order to trigger an earthquake in one particular place, two conditions should be satisfied. They are a) distance of epicenter from the planet position and b) Direction of force acting at the possible epicenter. From the analysis of “Most significant earthquakes” over past 100 years, it is inferred that the latitude, longitude and magnitude of the tremor is related to the distance from the planet and direction of planetary forces acting at any particular point. So the planetary positions can be used to predict the earthquakes in long term prospect and then by correlating the planetary positions and their forces with geology of that area, earthquakes can be predicted with fair accuracy with regard to latitude, longitude and magnitude at least a month before.

  5. I am not saying that this is not a hoax, what surprises me is the sites that claim this is hoax(including the one you listed) is just assuming, it is one.
    They give silly reasons, like it is riddled with spelling mistakes and "as far as we can remember"(is definitely not scientific proof)there has never been an earthquake during an eclipse or some bull theories like that.
    Isn't there any kind of geological or seismologic institute monitoring that region, who can verify(or debunk) this email.
    I decided to comment on your site because here I find someone has posted that an earthquake CAN occur due to an eclipse.
    Don't you think you are jumping in too fast to "debunk" this email.
    I can say 90% that this might be a hoax.
    I always search the net when I see emails like this and I then send an email back to the sender informing him and urging him to kill the hoax email.
    This time I cannot do this, cause I am really not sure.
    All the websites that debunk this are not looking at it scientifically at all.
    Only assuming stuff and you could say they are "judging" this email not on the content of the scientific accuracy of it, but rather by the way it is written and their own biased and demented memory.

  6. Anonymous06 May, 2009

    singapore to get hit by tsunami like real.. singapore wont ever get hit by natural disaters..from what i know

  7. it is always better be cautious than sorry.. and its not so wrong just to be aware.. should it really happen, the effects won't be of such catastrophic and as doctors always advise.. prevention better than cure.. beans not baken by advice anyway!

    Gratitude to anybody who care for others are always be remembered as good samaritans. hoax or no hoax.. stay alert on 22nd July '09.. and thats all it takes.


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