
Aug 8, 2009

of guy wants to tattoo 220 national flags all over his body

Man to get tattoos of every national flag on his body: Guiness Rishi wants to enter the Guinness Book of World Records by tatooing the flags of all the countries in the world on his body inclusing his private parts. Mr Rishi already has tattoos of the Canada, Union Jack, India, USA, Cyprus and the Indian Congress Party flags on his forehead.

Mr Rishi, 67, is planning to cover himself in 220 different banners in his quest to become a walking global flag-pole. Already sporting six tattoos, Canada, Union Jack, India, USA, Cyprus and the Indian Congress Party, on his face, Guinness, who changed his name in honour of the famous record book, believes that he will complete his challenge in three years. He plans to cover his head and face with the most important one-inch flags before inking from his neck down in alphabetical order.
Mr Rishi said,
I will get eight tattoos done on bony areas such as my face each month and up to 16 on fleshy areas such as my stomach. I am tattooing my entire body including my private parts, but I am not sure which flag I will be sticking there. In the first phase, I believe that I can put 60 tattoos on my head and then we will start working on my body. People consider me an extraordinary person, not an ordinary person. People who have no money wish to do something in their lives, so the poor people try to break records by their strength or their will.
I sincerely hope Mr Rishi should re-consider tattooing flags on and around his private parts and bum bum.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what flags will be on his butt and private parts :-p



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