
Sep 12, 2009

of come on, let's be caleb roy's friend!!

Be Caleb Roy’s friend!: Caleb Roy wants more guy friends because his girlfriend says he has too many girl friends in his facebook.

Photo of Caleb Roy taken via his Facebook

Caleb Roy wrote on Craiglist,
I need some dude's. Dude's with internet access. I don't care if you're straight, gay, bi, young, old, fat, thin, I don't care. If you have a penis, I need you for a favor.

Here’s the deal: My girlfriend makes a fuss about how I’ve got more girl friends than I have guy friends. It is juvenile and stupid and it’s… basically it’s about Facebook. Having lightly checked she’s right, Whoop-dee-do. I have about 3:2 ratio girl to guy friends on facebook. (HOLY CRAP! BAD PERSON!). She worries about this. She thinks I need more guy friends. And I’ve asked her if she thinks I need more guy friends or if she just wants me to have less friends that are girls so that she doesn’t feel threatened all the time.

“I just think you could use more guy friends.”

Which is stupid. I have 400 million guy friends. The fact that I have 600 million girl friends is what’s getting her. Has nothing to do with how many guys, obviously, it has everything to do with how many girls.

She begs to differ though, so here’s what we’re going to do. You’re going to add me as a friend on facebook.

That’s me. Add me, and at least once a week for… what a month? Please make a comment on my wall about how awesome it is to be a guy and be friends. That’s it.

Example: “Whatssup Caleb! Just being my guy self here! Great to be your friend man!”

This chick monitors my facebook like hell on wheels because she’s paranoid as they get. I just want to even the ratio out, even if it’s meaningless, so that she can get off my back about it. I don’t even hardly talk to half those people anyway.

So hey, add me, like I said I really don’t care who you are, I’ll approve you. And I’ll tell you that you’re awesome too. And maybe… together we can win this war.
Add Caleb Roy as your friend on Facebook.

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