
Sep 14, 2009

of kanye west disses taylor swift at mtv vma 2009. beyonce lets taylor swift give her acceptance speech

Kanye West's VMA Outburst for Beyonce: Kanye West jumps on stage during the MTV VMA after Taylor Swift wins Best Female Video instead of Beyonce. He took the microphone from Taylor and said,
Well Taylor, I'm really happy for you. I'm gonna let you finish. But Beyonce has one of the best videos of all time.
The whole crowd booed after Kanye made those remarks. That left Taylor stunned speechless.

[photo via Horiwood]

Watch the video of Kanye West jumping onto stage below.

Beyonce was extremely sweet. When she went on stage to receive Video of the Year award, she lets Taylor Swift give her acceptance speech. Watch the video below.

Pink tweets the following on her Twitter:
Kanye west is the biggest piece of shit on earth. Quote me. My heart goes out to taylor swift. She is a sweet and talented girl and deserved her moment. She should know we all love her. Beyonce is a classy lady.I feel for her, too.Its not her fault at all, and her and taylor did their thing. And douche bag got kicked out. HA
Kanye subsequently responded to the Taylor Swift incident on his blog. Kanye said in his apology,
I'm so sorry to Taylor Swift and her fans and her mom. I spoke to her mother right after and she said the same thing my mother would've said. She is very talented! I like the lyrics about being a cheerleader and she's in the bleachers! I'm in the wrong for going on stage and taking away from her moment! Beyonce's video was the best of this decade!!! I'm sorry to my fans if I let you guys down!!! I'm sorry to my friends at MTV.

I will apologize to Taylor 2mrw (tomorrow). Welcome to the real world!!! Everybody wanna boo me but I'm a fan of real pop culture! No disrespect but we watchin' (watching) the show at the crib right now cause...well you know!!! I'm still happy for Taylor!!! Booyaa. You are very very talented. I gave my award to Outkast when they deserved it over me. That's what it is! I'm not crazy yall (y'all), I'm just real. Sorry for that! I really feel bad for Taylor and I'm sincerely sorry!!! Much respect!!!"
Kanye has always something that ends up at YouTube. Remember his meltdown 2 years back.

On another note, Daddy Kremix has made a parody of the incident. Check out this video (the parody kicks in at the 3 minute mark).


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  2. basically, kanye was really rude. dats apologize is not enough.


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