
Sep 25, 2009

of pregnant woman pregnant again. woman conceives while she is pregnant

Pregnant Woman Pregnant Again - Woman Conceives While She IS Pregnant: Todd and Julia Grovenburg conceived their second baby, son Hudson, a full two-and-a-half weeks after their first conceived, daughter Jillian.
When Arkansas couple Todd and Julia Grovenburg discovered they were pregnant, they were ecstatic, but when they discovered they were pregnant with a second child just 2 weeks later - they were confused.

Julia Grovengurn's babies have become somewhat of a medical mystery after Julia fell pregnant with one fetus - and discovered she had conceived again just two-and-a-half weeks later with another child.

Arkansas doctors were surprised at the rare occurrence, but no one was more surprised than the expectant parents!

According to doctors, it is believed that Todd and Julia Grovenburg conceived their second baby, son Hudson, a full two-and-a-half weeks after their first conceived, daughter Jillian.


  1. God Bless Her I hope she is happy with two instead of one..

  2. Wow, this is definitely a rare occurrence. I've looked on many different nurse websites looking for information. I wonder how often the second baby survives? I wish them the best.

  3. TOOO scary for me

  4. What, I wonder, is the second baby supposed to do when the first decides "it's time to go"?

  5. maybe she have double uterus..but anyway, wish her and her babies a good health..hope that her babies are healthy..
    btw, if you want to be fashionable while pregnant, find maternity wear in Singapore..


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