
Dec 6, 2009

of miley cyrus reveals new 'just breathe' tattoo on ribcage

Former 'Hanna Montana' star Miley Cyrus reveals new 'Just Breathe' tattoo on ribcage: Miley Cyrus shows of her new tattoo scrawled in black just underneath her left breast.
The 17-year-old's skimpy, hot pink bikini couldn't take the attention away from her new "Just Breathe" tattoo scrawled in black just underneath her left breast, clearly visible in several images taken by paparazzi.

Cyrus debuted her fresh ink on Thursday while chatting poolside with friends at a Miami, Fla. hotel, according to the Daily Mail. She was reportedly seen motioning to the tattoo while being photographed.

Cyrus' agent didn't confirm to the British publication whether the tattoo was real or temporary, but one devoted fan suggested in her blog that the tween's ink is a tribute to Vanessa, a 9-year-old girl with cystic fibrosis. It is said that Cyrus bonded with Vanessa after meeting her at a Los Angeles hospital before she passed away in 2007.


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