
Sep 11, 2010

of citibank’s advice to women

Citibank’s Advice to Women: The photo below was taken by someone who was at Citibank attending an interview.
While interviewing at Citibank, my friend stole something from the office. He doesn’t know why he did it. He just did. When he showed what he filched to friends, some were outraged at Citi, others just found it strange and funny...Citi had these cards lying on every desk in the HR department, a department dominated by women in many firms.

"Citi had these cards lying on every desk in the HR department, a department dominated by women in many firms."

The card reads,
1. Women tend to speak softly - you are not heard.
2. Women groom in public - it emphasizes your femininity, deemphasizes your capability
3. Women sit demurely - the power position when seated at a table is forearms resting on a table and resting forward
4. Speak last in meetings - early speakers are seen as more assertive and knowledgeable than late speakers.
5. Women ask permission - children are taught to ask permission. Men don't ask permission, they inform.
6. Apologize - women apologize for the smallest error which erodes your self-confidence. Men tend to move into problem solving mode.
7. Women tend to smile inappropriately when delivering a message, therefore you are not getting taken seriously
8. Play fair - women tend to be more naive. A women might assume the rules have to obeyed whereas a man will figure out a way to stretch the rules and not be punished.
9. Being invisible - women tend to operate behind the scenes and end up handing credit over to the competitor.
10. Offer a limp handshake - one good pump and a concise greeting combined with solid eye contact will do the trick.


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