Dec 11, 2010

of miley cyrus caught taking bong hits of salvia

Miley Cyrus Caught Taking Bong Hits of Salvia. 'Is It Me Tripping?': TMZ released a video of Miley Cyrus smoking a bong filled with a natural herb called salvia. Salvia, which when smoked has psychedelic qualities, is currently legal in California. The video was taken days after Miley turned 18. The video was reported to be shot by one of Miley's friends.
It's been a year peppered with scandal for Miley Cyrus. She did a bit of underage drinking and, of course, there's been a near constant uproar over her provocative choices in stage attire. Now comes a fresh scandal, and this one involves a big old bong.

According to the report, the video was shot by one of Miley's friends and it is very possible that someone stole or copied the video from that person's camera.

The video begins with Cyrus taking a hit from the large bong as the song 'Comedown' by '90s rock band Bush plays in the background. After a few moments, she comes up for air and immediately begins to feel the effects of the drug. Soon, she's seeing things that aren't there, including her ex-boyfriend Liam Hemsworth.
In the video, the Hannah Montana star was heard saying,
Oh, I'm not gonna lose it now ... I'm going. Having a little bit of a bad trip! Is that a f**king Liam lookalike or what the hell is that? Is that my boyfriend? Is that my boyfriend? Oh my God, he looks so much like Liam! Is it me tripping? Is it me tripping?

Billy Ray Cyrus has expressed his disappointment. He tweeted,
Sorry guys. I had no idea. Just saw this stuff for the first time myself. Im so sad. There is much beyond my control right now.

1 comment:

  1. This is what young people do they try stuff, pretty sure 60% of her fan parent tried something when they where here age


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