Mar 19, 2011

of chinese man hires gang to smash up lamborghini after garage fails to fix fault

Like a Lamb-orghini to the slaughter. Man hires gang to smash up £500,000 car after garage fails to fix fault:Watch the video below.

It's not the most conventional of solutions to a persistent fault with your £500,000 super car, but one Chinese businessman decided enough was enough.

He ordered a group of men to smash up his Lamborghini using sledgehammers after the dealership failed to fix a recurring problem.

He became so frustrated with the service he received that he decided to show his anger in the most extreme fashion.

He hired a group of men from China's eastern Shandong province, gave them sledgehammer and let them get on with smashing up the Italian sports car.
Watch the video here: 3.15 Lamborghini - just die


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  2. Lisaptmz - November 16, 2012 5:24 PM Overeating is one of the primary reasons behind Obesity. Also, indulging in food high with calories is the reason. A person with Obesity must seek an effective Treatment of Obesity as soon as possible from a hospital. phentermine dosage max phentermine no prescription mastercard Physical activities and weight gain have an inverse relationship; lesser the physical activity more will be the weight gain and vice versa. In this period of virtual gaming and television, children are hardly to be seen on the playground. Even educational institutes cut down on physical education classes to accommodate extra classroom study sessions in their busy schedule. Playing electronic games and watching television have become a favorite pass time activities for children, this extra rest is very harmful as the excess calories lead to weight gain, eventually leading to obesity. It is recommended to restrict the children from watching the television for more than 2 hours a day, and include some physical activity in their life at least for an hour everyday.


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