
Sep 30, 2011

of fracking can make water flammable. girl lights contaminated tap water on fire (photo)

Photo Proof. Fracking Can Make Water Flammable: The photo below shows Sherry Vargson, of Granville Summit, PA, lighting her fracking-contaminated tap water.

Opponents of regulatory oversight of natural gas hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, like to claim that there’s never been a case of fracking contaminating groundwater. However, the Wall Street Journal reports that drillers using the fracking process are ruining people’s wells. “In May, Pennsylvania regulators fined Chesapeake Energy Corp. $900,000 for contaminating the water supplies of 16 homes in Bradford County, Pa., with methane, including the water well at the Vargson home.”
[via Shakesville]


  1. This proves the water is contaminated. Not that fracking is the cause or has anything to do with it.

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