A clip that went viral on Monday, Sept. 5, appears to depict the rapper performing his newest track "Let's Be Real," featuring the controversial lyrics: "F*** the FBI and f*** all the Army troops." While the video certainly looks and sounds like Soulja Boy, the Military Times notes that the song and accompanying clip have yet to be mentioned on any of his several social networking sites. Between YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, Soulja Boy is an avid user of social media, even mentioning each of them in the song.Watch the video here.
Sep 6, 2011
of soulja boy tell 'em 'let's be real' video sparks controversy on the internet (video)
Soulja Boy Tell 'Em 'Let's Be Real' Video Sparks Controversy on the Internet (Video): "The rapper is under fire after his latest clip went viral, in which he appears to deliver the line 'F*** the Troops.'"
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