
Dec 15, 2011

of bomb hoax in malaysia golden screen cinemas

Golden Screen Cinemas in Malaysia received a call tipping on a possibility of a bomb threat yesterday. Announcement was made on its Facebook (and 171 people liked that post - see screenshot below).

Police swept through the cinemas and found nothing.

GSC posted the bomb threat on Facebook.
Dear GSC Patrons,

This is to advise that GSC was informed by the Pavilion Mall Management that they have received a call tipping on a possibility of a bomb threat in the cinema halls. The police has arrived at the scene for a standard bomb sweeping protocol which is still now ongoing to safeguard the safety of the patrons. We are sorry for the inconvenience and all affected GSC patrons will be refunded for the abrupt halt for their respective movie screenings. We will keep you posted on further developments,

And hald an hour later announced that it was a hoax.
Hi folks,its was only a bomb hoax in gsc pavilion kl. The police has swept thru all the halls and found no bomb. The movie screenings will now resume in GSC Pavilion KL. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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