Sep 29, 2012

of czech president václav klaus attacked by man with "airsoft" gun

A man armed with a replica pistol, similar to the ones used in "airsoft" gaming, fired shots at Czech President Vaclav Klaus at close range while he was visiting the town of Chrastava.

The attacker, dressed in camouflage attire, said that he was a 'communist sympathiser' before being brought away by the police.

Read more (Czech President Vaclav Klaus shot at with replica gun)

Watch Man shot Czech president Václav Klaus

Watch from another angle. (STŘELBA NA PREZIDENTA: Ochranka totálně selhala, říká bezpečnostní expert - SHOOTING THE PRESIDENT: Bodyguard totally failed, says security expert)

The man wasn't furious that President Vaclav Klaus stole a pen last year, but he was furious the government is deaf and blind to the concerns of ordinary people.

The interview with the attacker
Přijde vám to adekvátní střílet na prezidenta z makety?
Přijde mi to adekvátní, protože byť to někdo může nazvat extremismem, tak já považuji za extremismus to, že zdejší vláda vyhladověla celou třetinu národa, rozprodala národ a vůči nářku národa je v podstatě hluchá a slepá. Takže pokud nepomáhají pouhá slova, tak co pomůže?


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