
Sep 1, 2012

of i'm a eurasian girl, and i date everyone lah

This is Samantha's version to "I'm an Asian Woman and I Refuse to Ever Date an Asian Man"
I’m a Eurasian girl. I date everyone. Yep, I’m one of those that date lots and lots of (mostly, but not always) guys: sometimes, I have love affairs with rose-vanilla tea. (It’s awesome.) I date brown guys. Red guys. And purple ones too. I even dated a rainbow-coloured guy once (he had a pony named Stalin, how the hell could I resist?). Why? It’s simple: I’m Eurasian - Kristang. My race is a mix of many, many different races; I don’t even know the full list of ethnicities which are part of my big ancestral party.

Read more (I’m a Eurasian Girl, And I Date Everyone Lah)


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