Natural way of events to unfold. Singaporeans fleece foreign labor out of money living in cheap accommodation and renting out 1-10 condos. Time to face the music. NS is another joke. Wash my tank baby....Protecting your country is never a joke, I admit. I would protect both mine depending on location. But making NS a political issue is wrong. Entire approach here is wrong. Comparing to Russian NS you have 5 star hotel here. "serve" for 5 days and see maid for another 2. Its a parody. Too hot, cant' fight. Too cold can't fight. Want real army - pay for professionals....I am in because I have higher skills than any local here. And it is right to attract my talent I think. AU, Canada, US think this way too. Attracting and retaining talent is important. As you know, 50% Singaporeans don't pay income tax. Why so ?
Read more (Ex Vice President in Barclays Capital Victor Vassiltsov sparked an online uproar)

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