
Feb 28, 2013

of ex vice president in barclays capital victor vassiltsov sparked an online uproar

An ex Vice President in Barclays Capital, Victor Vassiltsov, has sparked an uproar after he commented that NS is a joke.

Natural way of events to unfold. Singaporeans fleece foreign labor out of money living in cheap accommodation and renting out 1-10 condos. Time to face the music. NS is another joke. Wash my tank baby....Protecting your country is never a joke, I admit. I would protect both mine depending on location. But making NS a political issue is wrong. Entire approach here is wrong. Comparing to Russian NS you have 5 star hotel here. "serve" for 5 days and see maid for another 2. Its a parody. Too hot, cant' fight. Too cold can't fight. Want real army - pay for professionals....I am in because I have higher skills than any local here. And it is right to attract my talent I think. AU, Canada, US think this way too. Attracting and retaining talent is important. As you know, 50% Singaporeans don't pay income tax. Why so ?

Read more (Ex Vice President in Barclays Capital Victor Vassiltsov sparked an online uproar)


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