
Feb 13, 2013

of ns45 safra benefits. claim your vouchers and/or free safra membership now

In celebration of the 45th anniversary of National Service (NS), MINDEF will be giving National Servicemen the opportunity to enjoy SAFRA Benefits with their families.

As a broad-based and inclusive initiative, all who have served NS or are serving NS will benefit from this. Every National Serviceman will receive $50 to $100 worth of SAFRA vouchers, which can be used to redeem lifestyle privileges.

In addition, National Servicemen who are currently serving Operationally Ready National Service (ORNS), or who have completed their ORNS training cycle in full, will also be offered a year's free SAFRA membership. We hope that more National Servicemen and their families will be able to enjoy the subsidised facilities and privileges offered by SAFRA.

National Servicemen will be eligible for these benefits based on their NS status as at 22 Oct 2012.

Read more (NS45 SAFRA Benefits)


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