
Oct 13, 2013

of cyclist breaks all traffic rules, stops traffic near vivocity

A video of a cyclist in Singapore riding hazardously have sparked a debate online. The video was uploaded by Alex Tae.
In-car video was taken on 8 October, approximately 7pm. Happened at the traffic junction turning into Vivocity Carpark.

Cyclist first beats the red light at a traffic junction. He then road hogs on the right-most lane of a busy road during peak hours, without any intention to turn right. Cyclist rides unpredictably on the dotted road line, moving left and right on the line and suddenly cuts into lane of vehicle at 0:48, causing me to jam my brakes and honk. The only honk was made at this point of time. The rest of the video speaks for itself.

Cyclist apprently breaks 3 traffic rules in this video:
1. Beating the red light (0:16)
2. Travelling on right-most lane without any intention to turn right (throughout video)
3. Stopping in the middle of the road twice, asking for a fight. (0:53 and 1:56)

Watch Cyclist breaks all traffic rules, stops traffic near Vivocity

Video of cyclist in Singapore sparks debate online
[GVGT] kuai lan ang moh cyclist blocks road and challenge driver to fight

1 comment:

  1. Alex Tae you are an annoying whimpy coward.


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