
Oct 22, 2013

of this magical pair of underwear can filter out your fart's smell

Here's technology we can all get behind for our occasionally smelly behinds. Shreddies is a pair of underwear that promises to filter out farts. Seriously, it's supposed kill your fart's smell and be able to neutralize odors up to 200 times the stinky strength of the average fart. So even if you have a particularly foul brand of flatulence, Shreddies can let you fart wherever you want without feeling like you've dropped a bomb. Freedom farts.

Shreddies flatulence filtering underwear features a ‘Zorflex’ activated carbon back panel that absorbs all flatulence odours. Due to its highly porous nature, the odour vapours become trapped and neutralised by the cloth, which is then reactivated by simply washing the garment.

Read more (This Magical Pair of Underwear Can Filter Out Your Fart's Smell)

New line of underwear filters out farts


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